Monday, May 28, 2007

The Twisted Ideas of Inconsistent Thinking

The Twisted Ideas of Inconsistent Thinking
Current mood: awake
Category: Life

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: frankOdelic
Date: Mar 22, 2007 1:49 AM

I don't think a specific tolerance teaching of homosexuality is right, but a general tolerance lesson is a great idea. Kids should be taught not to hate or prejudge a particular group because of their race, gender, sexual preference, etc.

BTW... if you're intolerant of homosexuals, yes... you are a bigot.

A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from their own.

...and no, I'm not gay. If you want my dick inside you to prove it, let me know and I'll give you my address.

Here is my view of homosexuality. If being born straight makes me a bigot than there's nothing I can do about that!

One of my personalities likes science. Science tells me that any act that compromises the survival of the species is an anomaly and is not normal.

Not normal can be murder, suicide, neglect, limitation of brain activity , limitation of physical ability - any number of things can contradict survival of the species. Anyone who thinks they are a bigot by distinguishing normal from abnormal never had an analytical mind in the first place. I will not fail to consider the facts for what they are and compromise my ability to think for social reasons.

I refuse to think murder is normal, that blindness is normal, that
drug use is normal, that a mother neglecting her child is normal.

ANY act that compromises the survival of the species is abnormal! Therefor I consider homosexuality abnormal. Homosexuality is not designed into the species, it's an anomaly. No species is designed to function towards it's own peril unless something is wrong.

I'm not saying homosexuals are murders. I'm not saying people shouldn't be gay. I'm not saying homosexuals should be treated any better or worse than anyone else. I'm saying homosexuality is not a normal function of the design of Human Beings. That's just a fact!

I have homosexual friends - I appreciate their different perspectives on things - I don't think less of them because they are gay (although some of them are pretty weird LOL!) and I don't care who is gay. I think it's good that there is variety in people because we wouldn't learn from ourselves - I don't even want to think about what life would be without variety of all things!

However - homosexuality should NOT be taught in schools! No promotion of homosexuality of any sort should be in the school system. There are some things that people must find out for themselves as they grow to be individuals. I have been Dominant my whole adult life but I didn't know until a few years ago. I had to decide what worked for me, as an individual.

The schools stepping in and "massaging" people's lives is not OK. Personal preference, personal likes and dislikes are just that - personal!! It's not the job of any school system to "teach" individuality!!

As far as understanding to homosexuality - it's not for everyone! Not everyone approves of it, not everyone accepts it. You are just going to have to understand that you are not going to force what you do on everyone. If you try, you are only going to make them hate you more! You want to preach understanding? Try setting the example!

I think it's offensive that I am a Dominate to some people and I risk losing respect of my peers by disclosing my preferences. No one that knows me personally would EVER guess these things about me. I'm certainly not ashamed of who I am or what I like! I don't try to hide it - I don't try to pretend for the sake of others - but I don't shove it down anyones throat either! And thankfully my school wasn't giving Dominatrix classes back in high school! Could you imagine??

What seems disgusting at 16 might be appealing at 20 and what seems like a good idea at 20 might seem horrible at 30. People finding themselves is all part of growing up. It's part of building character!

There are far more important things that the schools should be teaching! I completely disagree with homosexuality being promoted in the school system!

If it makes you feel better to call me a bigot go right ahead - but aren't YOU a bigot for calling me a bigot???


3:04 AM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Baboon Rising

Well said!

Posted by Baboon Rising on Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 4:25 AM
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Thank you Baboon, I thought I made my point quite well.

Posted by frankOdelic on Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 10:54 AM
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Nevada Lights

You filthy hippie degenerate.....

Posted by Nevada Lights on Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 6:20 PM
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