Thursday, May 31, 2007

Who Do You Think Pays Your Salary??

If you started a company or if you HAVE started a company, I'm betting your main reason is to earn a better living. I'm betting you're not concerned with how many people you would get to hire.....


65% - Think Corporate Profits too High

Wed May 30, 1:00 AM ET

Fully 65% of Americans agree with the idea that, in general, corporations make too much profit; this view is now more widely shared -- and more strongly expressed -- than a few years ago. While 65% agree that corporations make too much profit, 30% completely agree with this statement, about the same number as in 2003 and the highest percentage expressing complete agreement with this statement in 20 years. Yet by a wide margin, the public continues to link the strength of the country with the success of business. More than seven-in-ten (72%) agree that "the strength of this country today is mostly based on the success of American business" -- an opinion that has changed very little over the past 20 years.

Mass deletion sparks LiveJournal revolt

Mass deletion sparks LiveJournal revolt

Users rebel after Six Apart deletes 500 groups, including ones devoted to literature, abuse recovery and Harry Potter fan fiction.
By Declan McCullagh
Staff Writer, CNET
Published: May 30, 2007, 3:47 PM PDT

Thousands of LiveJournal customers are rebelling against the company's recent decision to censor hundreds of sex-themed discussion groups, a broad swath that has led to the removal of literary critiques and fan-written fiction about Harry Potter.

LiveJournal, which is owned by San Francisco-based Six Apart, confirmed Wednesday that it deleted around 500 journals this week in hopes of better "protecting children." It said the deletion was prompted by activist groups, including one called Warriors for Innocence that claims to track sites promoting pedophilia, the sexual abuse of minors, and other illegal activities.

High Impact

What's new:

Thousands of users of blog-publishing service LiveJournal are up in arms over Six Apart's deletion of journals it says contain material that could be harmful to children.

Bottom line:

Legal experts say LiveJournal is clearly not liable for fictional stories and related discussions posted by its users. But despite customer outcry, Six Apart is standing firm in its position that the deleted journals violate company policy.

"We did a review of our policies related to how we review those sites, those journals, and came up with the fact that we actually did have a number of journals up that we didn't think met our policies and didn't think they were appropriate to have up," Barak Berkowitz, chairman and chief executive of Six Apart, said in a telephone interview. The site boasts about 13 million journals.

Some deleted LiveJournal communities went by names like childlove and little_children (a community permits multiple LiveJournal users to post entries, while an individual account is limited to one user). Others, however, broadly fall into the category of science fiction, fantasy or user-written "fandom" stories--and it is those that have sparked the outcry.

"As a queer, feminist writer who explores the darker aspects of human nature, many of my stories deal with incest, rape and child molestation," a LiveJournal member named "bitterfig" wrote. "As such, I belonged to and contributed to several of the communities which have been suspended and frankly I'm pretty offended. I don't like being lumped in with rapists and pedophiles and other 'monsters on the Web.'"

Practically any attempt to sort works of fiction into tidy piles of acceptable and unacceptable material, of course, is likely to invite controversy. Works by noted authors such as James Joyce, Henry Miller and William S. Burroughs have been lauded as masterpieces--and at other times prosecuted as obscene.

What has outraged the LiveJournal protesters is that the purging of discussions and accounts went far beyond what they say was necessary to target pedophilia. One post noted that two journals were deleted on the grounds that "they in some way encouraged illegal behavior" even though the accounts belonged to clearly labeled fictional characters in a role-playing game. Another deleted community was reportedly home to Spanish-language discussions of Vladimir Nabokov's famous novel Lolita.

"Our decision here was not based on pure legal issues. It was based on what community we want to build and what we think is appropriate within that community and what's not."
--Barak Berkowitz, chairman and CEO, Six Apart

Complicating matters is the fact that the science fiction and fantasy communities have long enjoyed amateur fiction about well-known characters--think Buffy the Vampire Slayer or pretty much anyone from the Star Trek universe. Some of those stories are parodies; others involve sex. A related genre includes "shota" or "shouta," which generally refers to depictions of romantic relationships between teenage boys or between an adult and an underage boy. (One user quipped: "Fandom is not about porn any more than the gay rights movement is about Teletubbies.")

One LiveJournal user named "omen-chan" acknowledged once being victimized by a pedophile, but nevertheless warned that the mass deletion went too far. "Pedophilia is disgusting, and I can understand deleting these," the post said. "However 'shouta' is simply fiction written about two underaged boys getting together, usually in a non-graphic way. There is absolutely nothing illegal in that. Fourteen-year-olds hook up together all the time. It's called high school."

One now-deleted group called "pornish_pixies" focused on fan-written fiction, frequently sexually explicit, about characters in the Harry Potter novels. "The distinction between fiction and non-fiction could not be made any clearer in a place like the Harry Potter fandom, and this oversteps the boundaries that the LiveJournal abuse team has," said a pornish_pixies member who identified herself as Maria in an e-mail. (A related group, "erotic_elves," has survived the purge.)

For its part, LiveJournal's abuse staff has defended pulling the plug on the communities by saying: "Material which can be interpreted as expressing interest in, soliciting or encouraging illegal activity places LiveJournal at considerable legal risk." That led one user, "femmequixotic," to reply: "I list 'gay marriage' among my interests--that is illegal in my state. With this wording my journal could be deleted, without warning, for the fact that I support equal rights of marriage for all."

Legal experts say LiveJournal is clearly not liable for fictional stories and related discussions posted by its users, thanks to a 1996 federal law immunizing Web-based discussion forums from lawsuits. "If the content is otherwise legal, then LiveJournal has no obligation to police its site or remove any legal content it finds," said Eric Goldman, who teaches at the Santa Clara University School of Law.

LiveJournal's terms of service ban "objectionable" content and say any account can be deleted "for any reason." But the company also claims to "provide users with as much freedom of speech as possible."

"Our decision here was not based on pure legal issues," countered Six Apart's Berkowitz. "It was based on what community we want to build and what we think is appropriate within that community and what's not. We have an awful broad range of discussions and topics and other things going on in LiveJournal, and we encourage other broad-ranging conversations on all sorts of topics. This was a specific case where we felt there was not a reason (for these journals to stay online)."

Berkowitz said the company would "obviously apologize" to anyone whose journal was deleted in error but added: "That's going to be a very small minority of the sites. I would be shocked if it's more than a dozen."

Some LiveJournal users have taken the abuse department's claim--that discussions of illegal activity must be deleted even if they're fictional--and tried to counter it with examples from literature. One post listed a slew of fictional works including Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet (Juliet is 13- or 14-years-old when married), Mary Shelley's Mathilde, Sophocles' Oedipus plays, and It by Stephen King.

Others have tried more creative forms of activism. A "pro-fandom" protest group set up this week already counts 4,468 members. Others are touting GreatestJournal, JournalFen, or InsaneJournal as less-censorial alternatives. A petition to LiveJournal management has appeared, as have groups calling for a online war against the people associated with the Warriors for Innocence group.

Warriors for Innocence did not respond to an e-mail request for comment on Wednesday. But a recent post on the group's Web site replies to the protests by taunting the activists: "Let the caterwauling and complaining continue; LJ has chosen to enforce rules that were already in place for all to see. 'I finally got held accountable, and it's all your fault' won't fly."

CNET's Anne Broache contributed to this report.

$22,000 HouseCats.....Why Didn't I Think of That??

Bio-engineered vagina's and now specially bred house pets.......what next?


Leave It to the Italians to Invent Designer Vaginas

I love the Italia but aren't those hot delicious men going just a little too far?


Designer vaginas grown in lab


Thursday, 31 May 2007

tissue culture
Researchers take a biopsy from where the vagina should be, and encourage its stem cells to grow into mucosal tissue in the lab. Then layers of this newly formed tissue are transplanted back into the woman to form a new vagina (Image: iStockphoto)
An Italian doctor has reconstructed vaginas for two women born with a rare congenital deformation, using their own cells to build vaginal tissue in the lab for the first time.

Professor Cinzia Marchese of University Sapienza in Rome says a 28-year-old woman who underwent the first such operation a year ago now has a healthy vagina.

"She has got married and is living a normal life," says Marchese, a professor of clinical pathology and biotechnology whose study is published in the journal Human Reproduction.

The second operation was on a 17-year-old girl. The researchers took cells by biopsy from where her vagina should be and say the cells should grow in the lab to provide mucosal tissue, from which to 'build' a new vagina.

Mucosal tissue is found inside the vagina, the mouth and elsewhere in the body and has important attributes distinct from ordinary skin.

The two women have a condition called Mayer-von Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome, or MRKHS for short, which affects an estimated one in 4000 to 5000 female infants.

Girls with the syndrome are born with no vagina. They often have a normal uterus, ovaries and external secondary sexual organs such as breasts, but cannot have sexual intercourse or give birth.

"Usually the syndrome is diagnosed when they are young and they try to have sexual intercourse for the first time and it hurts," says Marchese.

Women with MRKHS are often embarrassed to talk about it with their parents when they are young and often "live the rest of their lives with no normal sexual life, even though they are normal women with normal feelings", she says.

Alternative to surgery

So far, surgeons have been able to correct the condition by reconstructing a vagina out of grafted skin or from intestinal tissue. But the surgery is highly invasive, lengthy and painful. And it takes a long time to grow a normal mucosal wall.

Such women, if they have healthy ovaries, have been able to achieve pregnancy by artificial insemination but would then need a surrogate mother to carry the fertilised eggs and give birth.

But the Italian researchers take a different approach.

"What we do is to take a little biopsy of 0.5 centimetres from the place the vagina should be," Marchese says.

The researchers then used an enzyme to break down the tissue and let the immature cells, called stem cells, generate new, mucosal tissue on their own.

It takes about 15 days to get a thick enough layer to transplant into the patients, Marchese says.

Marchese studied using stem cells to build sheets of skin in vitro to provide skin grafts for burn victims at Harvard Medical School with the technique's pioneer Professor Howard Green.

"When I came back to Italy I modified this technique for mucosal vagina tissue," she says, adding that its success could be good news for women with cancer and other vaginal complaints.

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Mom Pays $1,300 for Daughters Tan so She'll Look Like Lindsey Lohan

UNEMPLOYMENT CHECK: This Video Contains All Of The Reasons Why Our Society Is Doomed

In the spirit of Lindsay Lohan Week here on the blog, let us take a closer look at the Dina Lohans of the world, the madmen and women who actually created these party monsters: Hollywood Parents. Luckily, E!’s new show Sunset Tan has given us a PERFECT specimen in this must-see video segment, which is just about the most horrifying and depressing indicment of our culture as I’ve ever seen. In fact, there is so much just completely wrong with this clip that we’ve included video footnotes that correspond to our “help us understand this” list below. Someday, historians are going to look back at this clip and regard it as the definitive explanation of the downfall of Western Civilization.

1. Um, does she attend The Little Hollywood Stripper Prepatory Academy?

2. Is a coat of fresh orange paint really how you want your daughter to “stand out”?

3. Dude, just so you know, you earn your living by tricking small children into making themselves look ridiculous for profit. Classy!

4. “Oooooh?” Lady, the answer you’re looking for is “Nooooo”.

5. Oh. My. God.

6. While he’s absolutely right about this being LA, that only makes this whole thing that much more depressing.

7. Despite all the poverty and starvation in the world, that woman actually just paid $1300 to help her school-aged daughter look like a random Hollywood crackwhore.

8. Scratch that, FORCED her school-aged daughter to look like a random Hollywood crackwhore.

9. Is it even possible for television or irony to get any better than this?

10. Well dear, you LOOK like an Oompa Loompa with a sunburn.

Facial recognition slipped into Google image search

Facial recognition slipped into Google image search

By Jacqui Cheng | Published: May 30, 2007 - 11:56AM CT

Google upped its stalker factor this week by adding face recognition abilities to its image search. While currently unofficial and unannounced, users can now search for images that only contain faces by appending a query string onto the end of a search URL. For example, a general image search for "Ars Technica" produces a variety of image results, but when appending "&imgtype=face" to the end of the URL, all new results contain photos of people.

The hidden feature was discovered by Google Blogoscoped, and there is currently no way to indicate that you only want to search for faces through the image search interface. However, both "&imgtype=face" and "&imgtype=news" trigger different search results than what is presented by default—the latter showing only images that are associated with news stories.

The technology appears to be the fruit of Google's 2006 acquisition of Neven Vision, a company that had developed techniques for facial recognition in photos. "Neven Vision comes to Google with deep technology and expertise around automatically extracting information from a photo. It could be as simple as detecting whether or not a photo contains a person, or, one day, as complex as recognizing people, places, and objects," wrote Picasa product manager Adrian Graham on the Official Google Blog last August.

Google is apparently taking that technology to heart by experimenting with facial recognition online. Even cooler (or creepier, as the case may be), one day Google's image search may be able to find faces of specific people based on image analysis/recognition alone instead of relying on the text associated with that image to identify the person in the photo. We can probably expect more search parameters to be added to the search in the future, too, such as different types of animals, different clothing items, and more. Until then, we're stuck experimenting with different search terms in hopes of discovering one that the public doesn't know about yet.

Proposals to execute pedophiles make headway in US

By far one of the best things I have read yet today - the idea that we finally begin to exterminate any Human animal that hurt our children. Being a Mother of a young daughter, I could easily say that I have devoted the last 20 years of my life to ensuring my daughter is safe. Her Father cheated on me, he was never involved with our Family and I have done it all on my own since nearly the day she was born. I have not dated much, I never went out and partied, I didn't have men over, I pretty much have dedicated my life to being Mom.

I primarily spend as much time as possible with my child because there truly is nothing better than enjoying the company of your children. Family should be the number one aspect in any persons life. It seems all too easy to drop the kids off at the daycare in hopes of earning more money to buy things you don't need at Wal-Mart (or Burlington Coat Factory for you big spenders).

All jokes aside, whether it's safe or not to utilize daycare is of opinion but I never left my daughter with anyone, except her Grandparents before the age of 9. I felt at 9 years old, we had enough of a communication that she could tell me if something wasn't OK. That's when I felt bold enough to leave her Dad. By far the best decision I could have ever made in my life!!

I'm not defending divorce because it took a lot of HELL to push me to that point but let me just say - never claim you are staying and living in misery for the kids because you are only convincing yourself. And you are putting your kids through hell. Staying in a relationship for the kids is a mistake and hurts the kids as bad as it does you.

To end this little rant I'm going to say that I think it's a very good idea to eliminate those who hurt any child out of society. It's the worst crime that could ever be committed and should be punishable by death. I can see no reason to allow a person who hurts a child to live and do it again.


Proposals to execute pedophiles make headway in US

by Fanny Carrier Mon May 28, 3:49 AM ET

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The idea of executing child rapists, even when there in no loss of life, is making headway in the United States.

The Louisiana Supreme Court last week upheld the death sentence for a pedophile, and the governor of Texas is soon to sign into law legislation to that effect.

In 1995, Louisiana was the first state to adopt legislation authorizing the death penalty for child rapists.

AFP/Getty Images/File Photo: Jessica Lunsford who convicted sex offender John Evander Couey admitted to kidnapping and killing.

Ten years later, the movement to make pedophilia punishable by death really picked up steam after nine-year-old Jessica Lunsford was raped and buried alive in Florida by a man with a prior conviction for sex crimes.

Various versions of the "Jessica Law" sprang up all over in the country, imposing in most cases a minimum 25 year jail sentence and the wearing of an ankle bracelet for life for raping a child aged 12 or younger.

But in some states, elected officials amended their versions of the "Jessica Law" by adding the possibility of condemning a pedophile to death.

They include Louisiana, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Georgia and Montana.

An overwhelming majority of lawmakers in Texas chose to join the list. Texas is responsible for a third of all executions carried out in the United States in the past 30 years and for two-thirds of those conducted so far this year.

The draft law is now on the desk of Texas Governor Rick Perry, who has promised to sign it.

The idea seems to go against the grain in the rest of the country, where the death penalty is losing ground because of grave judicial errors and botched executions.

Organizations defending the rights of crime victims have differing views on the proposals.

"We are very concerned that this may reduce reporting of sexual assault, since most child abuse is made by someone close to the child," said Karen Rugaard, a spokeswoman for the Texas Association Against Sexual Assault.

"It is already difficult to report about a father, an uncle, a family friend ... It will be worse when the child knows they can spend a very long time in jail or be sentenced to death," she said.

"We are worried that legislators did nothing to help prevent the violence," Rugaard added, expressing regret that the draft law does not call for any preventive measures.

Moreover, it is uncertain that executing non-murderers will comply with the US constitutional mandate barring "cruel and unusual" punishment.

The only man among more than 3,300 prisoners on death row who stands to lose his life under the new law is 42-year-old Patrick Kennedy, who was sentenced to death in Louisiana in 2003 for raping his companion's eight-year-old daughter.

In 1977, the US Supreme Court invalidated the death sentence of a rapist, arguing the punishment was disproportionate to the crime.

Later, evoking "evolving standards of decency," the court also rejected the death penalty for criminals who were minors or mentally retarded at the time they committed their crimes.

But on Tuesday, the Louisiana Supreme Court upheld the death penalty for Kennedy.

It argued that "given the appalling nature of the crime, the severity of the harm inflicted upon the victim, and the harm imposed on society, the death penalty is not an excessive penalty for the crime of rape when the victim is a child under the age of 12 years old."

The US Supreme Court could rule on the case next year.