Monday, June 11, 2007

The True Political Attack on Iran in the 1970's

Let's talk about what REALLY happened to the relationship of The United States of America and Iran.

During the Presidency of Jimmy Carter, the relationship between the U.S.A. and Iran was good. Iran was a successful country in terms of wealth. It was on it's way to succeeding The United States - something that couldn't be tolerated by Jimmy Carter and our American Government.

The Shah of Iran became a target of the U.S. Government and we helped overthrow him through his own people. We openly and publicly disrespected him and his Rule, as you can see in the following videos.

Now, knowing what we know about the mainstream media in The United States of America, and how they distort facts to support their own agenda - pay attention to what the Shah says of his opinions of the media and what they do. Even in the 1960's he was fully aware of the truth!

Based on the Shah of Iran's relative answers of brutal honesty - I would say he was an honest man with dignity and pride. He was straight on his rules of engagement and political powers.
Judge for yourself.

The above site lists the following message: "This is for all my brothers and sisters. Our brave students. I love you more then life itself!! its time to show the world, neither arabs nor USA can rule over us. We demand our right. We demand freedom.

We dont want another puppet of USA.
We dont need another shah. We dont need this islamic republic.
If you stand in our way we will crush you. We fight for freedom.

Become one, unite and dont let the world spit at your pride. Days of kings and dictators are long gone."

"Iran ( land of aryans), land of the kings, land of zarathustra( zoroaster, zartosht), land of ahuramazda ( the only god) , land of 10.000 immortals, this land will strike back against evil islam the religion of a pedophile prophet, religion of arabs and camels, religion of khomeini and mad ahmadinejad."

The United States essentially helped oust a great leader and insert Ayatollah Khomeini - the first of Islamic leaders in Iran. It's claimed that he achieved his feats over a coupe against the Shah of Iran but the truth is he had the help of the United States Democrats who feared the power of Iran. Who did we give nukes to in Iran?? Look it up!

"Ruhollah Khomeini was a man who single handedly captivated the people of Iran, against the brutal Shah. Khomeini was named Time's Man of the Year in 1979 and also one of Time magazine's 100 most influential people of the 20th century."

"For this satan Khomeini, god to shia kafir, die at Hospital,



YAHASSANMADAD cant even Help him

This evil spirit will be now in Hell
because all of his great works
For example! Anal sex is allow in shiaism,(which is grave sin in Islam)
Men can allow to have sex with girl who under 7 year old, Killing innocent iranian,.... etc"

Now Iran is stuck with this uneducated idiot -->>

And the people of Iran suffer everyday.

The United States helped screw Iran up.

Iran was becoming too successful, the challenged the United States with a history to back them. We know how Democrats hate losing power.

Let's look at what life is like under Islamist Government:

The first great show of strength the United States can show is to remove ALL illegal immigrants from our soil and seal our borders.

The second great show of strength would be to rid the world of Islamic fucktards and recover our intelligent allies.

This movie describes western countries full support and collaboration with shah's regime in his nuclear program and also the reaction of western countries to Iranian nationalizing the oil industries in 50 years ago.
In the end part of this video Dr. Etemad, chief of Iran nuclear organisation before Islamic revolution in 1975, is being inteviewed on Iran nuclear program. He says we are negotiating with 10 countries for some nuclear cooperations and he mentions some of the agreements which has be done with France,West Germany, US. He says we even have bought 10% share of a nuke company in France and therefore we share 10% of the sell with that Company. He talks about an agreement with the famous American university, MIT, which results in paticipating 30 students per semester in a special program which had been designed for Iranian specific needs in their nuclear program. They had the same negotiation with other univeristies in US, UK and France.

The Debts of Islam - Repaying a False Prophet

"This story started in the Middle East when the Arabs, united by the prophet Muhammad, and inspired by a new religion Islam, set out to conquer the world... "

In this video an ex-muslim lady describes how Islam is bad and against any form of civilization. And she gets labelled heretic by those bastards.I hope she is still alive after being so brave.

Islam is NOT a religion of peace and tolerance.In fact it is quite the opposite.We are in danger.They are going to spread islam at the point of a sword.or a nuke.Those websites are proof of the barbarism of the quran.

One cannot even leave islam or risk being killed

More proof of the violence of that dangerous cult

A known British Mullah Mr. Anjum Chaudri describes the "Killing of Innocent" Non-Muslims civilians in the suicide bombing as "Legitimate".
For videos containing simialr views of world's #1 Muslim debator and most watched Scholar Dr. Zakir Naik & other popular Muslim scholars, please visit

A Muslim Scholar (Dr. Zakir Naik) known for his moderate and logical approach towards Islam declares that "Every Muslim Should be a terrorist. And that He is with Osama Bin Laden as far as he is terrorizing America". For further videos on this topic please visit (less) (Ex-Muslims exposing the truth) (al-Taqiyah) (chronological terrorist incidents)