Monday, May 28, 2007

Mystery solved in Clinton '1984' attack video

Mystery solved in Clinton '1984' attack video
Current mood: annoyed
Category: Life

Mystery solved in Clinton '1984' attack video

A just-resigned employee at Internet consulting firm Blue State Digital -- a Washington, D.C., agency with ties to the Sen. Barack Obama campaign -- acknowledged he created the now-famous Vote Different viral attack video that started on YouTube. It takes aim at Sen. Hillary Clinton in support of rival Obama.

That's according to this San Francisco Chronicle story late last night. The Chronicle reports: "In a Huffington Post blog Wednesday titled 'Phil de Vellis, aka ParkRidge 47,' the creator calls himself 'a proud Democrat who supports Sen. Obama'. ... He insisted he did the work 'on a Sunday afternoon in my apartment using my personal equipment' and then uploaded it to and sent links around to other blogs."

"This ad was not the first citizen ad, and it will not be the last," he wrote. "The game has changed."
Posted at 02:53 AM/ET, March 22, 2007 in Politics, Technology | Permalink

6:21 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


I knew it had to be someone from his camp! BRAVO! I'm glad he did it!

Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Thursday, March 22, 2007 at 6:24 AM
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.