Monday, May 28, 2007

Religion, Human Emotion and American Compassion

It seems that Americans have another weakness which is the inability to see others without compassion, regardless of what is inflicted against Americans by such people. Obviously 9/11 did not teach us anything. Can we stop looking at others in awe?

I believe Americans have lost their religion and therefor view others as having some superior reasons for doing what they do - always justifying any actions by our attackers.

The liberal movement seems to be skeptic of not just some information but ALL information. How can such an establishment embrace politics, religion, tactic, strategy, or look to an enemy without compassion and sympathy??

I often wondered if liberalism wasn't injected into American society by our enemies. It makes no sense otherwise when one considers the use of our own Government Laws, religions and values against America herself - more often so from inside our borders.

Would liberal thinkers be surprised to find they had unknowingly been recruited to promote an enemies agenda by fighting against American values?

You'll notice that religious influence has great power over the people in other societies as it feeds emotional needs much the same as liberalism does in America. In the following videos notice that the main idea is vengeance, war and hatred - all presented in religious prayer - the singers voices turning to cries to gain those emotions that will provoke action from viewers.

Radical Islamists believe using violence to spread their version of Islam is justified in the Quran. Americans are not waging a religious crusade against Islam, but the Islamists are certainly waging a religious crusade against the west. It is ironic that Muslims throughout the world declare the war on terrorism as a "war on Islam", while the jihadists whom they sympathize with make no secret at all about fighting the disbelievers until any other religion on earth is erased.

If you must support anything - you should choose to support your own.

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