Monday, May 28, 2007

How Democrat PERVERSION puts America at risk

How Democrat PERVERSION puts America at risk
Current mood: discontent
Category: Life

Date: Mar 17, 2007 6:21 PM

How Democrat PERVERSION puts America at risk

Muslims look at America and the socialist-Marxist world as a modern day Sodom and Gomorrah – the biblical city that God destroyed because of its gross corruption, prostitution, vulgarity, drunkenness, gambling, alcoholism, drugs, sex offenders, same-sex marriage, and sinfully sick orgies, hedonism, greed, avarice and Godlessness.

Sounds much like the rise and fall of the Roman Empire, which lasted some 500 years, more than twice the age of our United States Republic. Are we trapped in the same perverted culture as the Roman Empire? Each year it seems to look more and more like the rapid meltdown of the Roman Era.

Liberalism worships at the altar of Marxism. Karl Marx believed in a classless, godless society committed to the redistribution of income – punishing success and rewarding failure.

So much for the "American Dream."

Leading the Marxist charge in America is the Far Left: Howard Dean, Democrat Party Chairman; Al Gore, the liberal loser of the 2000 Presidential election; John Kerry, the liberal looser in the 2004 Presidential election; Ted Kennedy, the hypocritical drunken senator from Massachusetts who was never charged with the drowning death of Mary Jo Kopecne, a Kennedy political activist from Caldwell, NJ – and, always, the totally corrupt and dysfunctional pathological liars, "Slick Willy" and his failed feminist wife, Hillary Rodham, the classic ugly "Mama & Papa" of Liberalism.

They and their ilk are the enemies of America. How they became the controllers of the once credible Democrat party is beyond comprehension. The last great Democrat American Presidents were Harry Truman in the 1950s and John F. Kennedy in the 1960s.

Truman and JFK would be considered "conservative" by today's liberal Democrat standards. Truman ended World War II and Kennedy cut taxes and launched an economic boon across America.

The Democrat party's leadership today is clueless when it comes to winning wars, or lifting the economy to new heights. Their motto is: "Tax & Spend" to grow the government bureaucracies. America's taxpayers need less government, not more stifling, wasteful government.

Liberals love name-calling, comparing President Bush to "Hitler," and calling the Islamic terrorists "freedom fighters."

We can only thank God that Gore and Kerry are not leading the global war on terror. They would have turned it over to the corrupt United Nations to decide what to do with the global terrorists, the same United Nations that got caught in a $60 billion oil-to-food scandal that benefited only the pockets of UN officials and mass murderer-torturer Saddam Hussein, as well as the socialist countries of France, Germany and Russia.

The United Nations should be kicked out of America and the Gore-Kerry-ACLU gang should follow this communist organization to, say, Paris, Berlin, or Moscow, their true allies.

They should all be on trial, under our U.S. Constitution, as "traitors" undermining our national security, our military, our morals, values and religious freedoms. America doesn't want or need these Marxist misfits.

American voters and taxpayers can help George Bush win the global war on terror by convincing the electorate to vote against every liberal Democrat in Congress and keep the Presidency in the conservative column.

Unless you want to see this terrorist war go on for another hundred years, you must vote out the liberals – and America's culture will rid itself of this cancerous liberalism.

I want my grandchildren to grow up in a culture of respect and responsibility, the kind of environment I grew up in the 1980s and '90s.

Those days are long gone because of the Cultural-Sexual Revolution of the 1960s, led by the liberal Baby Boomers and their leader of this "Lost Generation" – Slick Willie Clinton.

I hope you enjoyed my final "spitting out all my thoughts" about todays democrats which we call the far left socialists. It took me about 2 weeks to perfect my article and finally, I have released it to you guys!

9:36 PM - 4 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Could not have said it better. So now what? How do we deal with a political party whos game has been division of any and every group in the country. Democratic fear is I believe that these moronic groups ( aclu, teachers union, afl-cio and all the way down to neighborhood groups will realize they all want the same thing and it is NOT what the democrats are shoving down there throats.

Posted by USA RANGER B1 on Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 10:03 PM
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kris, mexican-minuteman

Like the article

Posted by kris, mexican-minuteman on Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 11:22 PM
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Nevada Lights

You know what I think guys? I think the Democrat head is all but twisted around from its evil body.

I was thinking today about everything that's going on and my opinions of the Left compared to my own behaviors. I feel I am just as guilty at tearing the legs out from America as the Left because I am not taking action to try to find some collaboration with the centralist Left. Many of them are willing to at least find some social ground - which is really all we need together. Whether the Right and the Left disagree on global warming or taxes or wales is irrelevant at this point.

I'm up here calling names instead of trying to talk civil and educate and gain the support of my fellow Americans. Thats the wrong way to any solutions.

I feel I have said what needed to be said and now everyone knows where I stand on the subject. America should follow the same process.

If this Country is going to survive everything that is going on in the world today - nuclear threats and potentials for attack, we have to stop attacking each other in America and try to get along even if we disagree about politics.

Things like trash can be cleaned up, water can be purified, we can make things better to keep our air clean. If we lose our Country - that's it- all is lost!

I think if efforts aren't offered to try to get everyone on board the results will be terrible for this Country.

You know, liberals have been trying to grasp what's going on but I think many of them just don't know the truth. They can't imagine in their minds the reality of the threat. I honestly don't believe that they are too stupid to get the facts, I think it's fear of being tagged a political whack job (what they tend to call us) that is keeping the majority of space between Conservatives and Libs these days.

The United States should publicly announce the threats that we face, I think they would see a complete change in what's going on in this Country. And I'm not talking about President Bush telling us about the threats - I mean to actually show the terrorists speaking for themselves. Bush has biases attached to him and the People won't listen. Someone great in history said "The truth is never difficult to grasp" or something like that. Let the People see and decide for themselves.

I mean, what are we afraid of?? Obviously, from the videos we see - other countries are airing staged "talks" - telling lies, showing hateful cartoons, propagating hatred not just on Americans but Jews, Europeans, anyone who does not conform to their Nazi lifestyle.

If OUR Country showed the terrorist haterz in their true form, I think 97 percent of this Country would band together. I say 97 percent because the percentage of people who hate this Country yet live here would leave. Public opinion could reach such levels that the influence would purge them.

Probably the reason America doesn't show the facts publicly is that they worry that Americans might become too passionate and war amongst themselves. I disagree. I think it would bring us together against our common enemies and possibly influence a new level of social moral in America.

So my answer to your question of what should we do - Be clear on where this Country stands on the threats we face - show the facts to the People for them to see for themselves and let them decide without pressure - encourage an environment for education and participation against the enemies.

The chance of our Government doing such a thing is nil because both parties would refuse to stop fighting over us and risk losing power. If the public came together on anything it would devastating for politics. However, to view such a collaboration as threatening would be foolish because the result would be a greater understanding of the big picture and progress on all fronts after the unification of American ideas.

I would be willing to give up my immediate gripes to try to get along with people I wouldn't ordinarily work with for the good of America.


Posted by Nevada Lights on Sunday, March 18, 2007 at 1:40 AM
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Posted by DRAGON RIDER on Sunday, March 18, 2007 at 7:15 AM
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