Monday, May 28, 2007

Noticed Liberal-Left Defends What They Deny For America

Noticed Liberal-Left Defends What They Deny For America
Current mood: angry
Category: Life

I have noticed that the very people who want to kill us often refer to "Religious Law" which they funnel into the minds of their people.

The liberals support the organizations that want to remove God from American Government but yet they sympathize with muslims, etc., who operate according to the combination of religion and government.

So if they see these Islamic / Muslim organizations as having more merit than American Government - why do the kook fringe NOT embrace having a religious government in America??

It's a double standard on their views.

And liberals cry the old claim that Americans are brain washed or "American idiots". Mind-numb robots, they say.....

Often Islamic/Muslim television has nothing BUT news and government propaganda available. At least in America, we can go on the internet and look at any site we want anywhere in the world! If we want to know something - there is nothing to stop you from finding out the facts for yourself....

So how can they be open-minded to societies that harbor hatred, and govern their people through only making certian information available????

Liberals are inconsistent in thought, direction and respect for what they have in this Country.


Dear Liberals,

I have noticed that you have yet to make one comment on the mine at Algores ranch that polluted the air and water, and tore up the land. That Algore made $500,000 off the deal but didn't bother to even show concern over the situation at the time.

Instead you would rather waste your time looking for ways to defend Obama's muslim beliefs.

Nor have you commented on any of the radical videos I sent.

In your mind you hate yourself and you think America is to blame for everything!! You won't stop until you have proven how awful America and her People are!

You are a fucking hypocrite in a bad way! And when YOUR RELATIVES wake up and are forced to cook, clean, give up their dreams of being doctors, business owners, etc., because our Country was conquered by extremists - they can thank you for letting them down!

You who stands weak, afraid to defend yourself and your own actions - afraid to take pride in what you have or who you are - afraid to demand better for your family and your Fellow Americans.


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