Monday, May 28, 2007

Illegal in fatal crash had previous alcohol charges

Illegal in fatal crash had previous alcohol charges
Current mood: irate
Category: Life

Illegal in fatal crash had previous alcohol charges

Following fatal DUI accident, police and immigration officials contemplate communications issues

March 5, 2007

There are new developments in a 10 On Your Side investigation.

An illegal immigrant is charged with killing two Virginia Beach teenagers in a drunk driving crash despite previous alcohol-related charges.

Now, many are asking the same question: How was Alfredo Ramos free, even though he had those prior convictions?

There seems to be a crack in the system.
Crack my ass!!! I think politicians are SMOKing crack and need these illegals to deliver! WHAT is going on???????? Illegals kill our children left and right - I lived up in Carson City Nevada and 5 years ago there was NO crime - like 1% - the mexicans moved in and vehicles stolen, spray paint shitting up the town - rapes - gang shoot outs - drugs - and everyone complained but the politicians just wish it into the cornfield. My business partner is mexican and SHE hates it!! So what the hell? These girls getting killed and the director and his kid - all a very MINIMAL number of the people who die from the thousands and thousands of illegals who drink and drive. If I had a nickle for every wetback I saw in California driving shit-faced, I would have a million dollars! This is BULLSHIT!!!!!!!

Many local police officers will tell you they feel like their hands are tied, for several different reasons, and that this is an issue the citizens should bring to their representatives in Congress.

When Alfredo Ramos- an illegal immigrant - allegedly drove drunk and crashed into a car in Virginia Beach killing two teenage girls --he had already been convicted of being drunk in public in Virginia Beach and chesapeake, and dui in chesapeake, never received any jail time.

Chesapeake Police say they never contacted immigration officials after his arrests in their city, even though they knew he has no social security number, no license, nothing but an illegal ID.
If he was a white dude, he would have been hung up by his balls and made an example out of, he would be announced on the nightly news as the biggest bastard in all of America - he would have gotten the "George Bush Treatment" - but since he's a wetback - YAY!!! Let him go and pretend it never happened. I mean, they ALL do it, right??? This director and the kid and the two teenage girls dying just remind me of the guy who rode his bike everyday up in Carson City and a wetback hit him and killed him. Guess what - the mexican drove away with a bloody broken windshield and no one ever found him - to MY knowledge, anyway. So the guy died doing what he enjoyed because of some animal who shouldn't even BE in this fucking Country anyway!!!! I wish people would stop being so gotdamned afraid of reality - illegal is illegal Mr. & Mrs. Politician !! ILLEGAL IS ILLEGAL!!!!!

Their spokesperson, Christy Golden, says part of the problem is getting ICE agents to respond and react when police do call. She says the Chesapeake Police Department is now looking into creating a new policy regarding illegal immigrants. And she said quote "we all need to step up to the plate."

Beach Police say even though Ramos was also previously charged with an alcohol related misdemeanor in their city, State law tells local police they can only contact ICE if they are arresting a suspected illegal immigrant on a felony, like rape or murder, or if they're invovled in gang activity, or have been deported before.Well then police should ONLY respond to AMERICANS who only are being arrested for a felony rape, murder or whatever! I was arrested for raising my DAUGHTER!!!! Yeah, the State of California arrested me years ago for being a Mother and I had to FIGHT to get my only child back - the child that I raised her whole life while her Dad did coke and wasted all of our money. Who sat in our living room and shot her toys with a cross-bow pistol. Who sat on my chest and choked me. You know what MY bail was??? $250 THOUSAND dollars - CASH ONLY!!!!

That's Ok, I'm writing a book about it and will make a perfect example out of them. The State of California would rather go after Mom's instead of murders, rapists, drunk drivers, drug dealers.....thats California mindset - someone told me the "hillbilly's" that migrated to California back in the 1800's actually raised the average IQ of the State of California. HAHAH!!!!!!

In fact, Virginia Beach Police say they will not even ask a suspected illegal immigrant about their status.

"It could be possibly a violation of their civil rights to ask if they are an illegal alien or not," spokesperson Jimmy Barnes told us. LOL!!!! SAYS WHO?????? The corrupt - foreign run ACLU?????

We also contacted ICE in Washington, DC about the accusations from many local police officers who say ICE rarely resonds to their calls.

"I'm hearing it from officers in different cities, all saying the same thing. We have been resonding. I don't know what they are saying. It's a mandate for our agency," said their spokesperson.

Virginia Beach Police also point out that illegally crossing U.S. borders is a civil violation, not a criminal one.

Ramos is being held on no bond in Virginia Beach right now.

And if he is convicted, he would serve his entire sentence before ICE would become involved.

This story does nothing but confirm that I am absolutely correct to be pissed off enough to wish for a nuke bomb to hit ever Federal Building in America. YAY!! I'm tired of innocent Americans suffering and dying because of fucked up politics in this corrupt place!!!

I have decided to change my name again from Samantha to - !Mingo


1:05 PM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment


Political Correctness...umm sucks ey? This nation is being unraveled from within, and outside of its borders, while we either don't get it, care, or are willing to idly sit by. Yesterday, one of my co-workers said that "neglecting to fight back, is just the same as helping the enemy." But, the enemy "he" was referring to was drug and alcohol addiction/abuse. In this case (along with others, with oj being the most infamous case of reversed discimination, injustice), this country is turning in on itself. I just posted a blog this morning, titled "I Am Truly Grateful," concerning the death of outrage of Americans, concerning ingratitude. This shit is like a cancer. Liberalism IS a mental disorder, like Michael Savage's book points out, and the injustice system is being infested with radical leftests, many from your town (as is Savage). But, they're e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e. None of this shit surprises me anymore. All I can say is keep it locked, and loaded... and protect yours!

Posted by Sir PATRIOT 2U on Friday, April 06, 2007 at 3:00 PM
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Nevada Lights

Couldnt agree with you more, my friend! I saw on a website "Silence is Consent" and that is absolutely true!!

We ALL have to do our part! I lived in Carson City Nevada for over 6 years and as a single parent with a low credit score (because I don't buy anything) I could not buy a home. Yet a mexican family moved into the house in front of us, many of the houses that were affordable to most people were owned by mexicans. And that was IN town!! The most expensive areas. How do they do that with 4 kids??

There are absolute LAWS in place in this Country to keep Americans down!!


Posted by Nevada Lights on Friday, April 06, 2007 at 3:05 PM
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