Friday, June 15, 2007

The Cost of Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, YOU Gotta Read This Guys Blog!

The Cost of Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants (Click to subscribe to his blog!)

The senate has finished debating weather or not to give amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants without any concern with the fiscal consequences.

As I mentioned on an earlier blog, a certain study says that illegals cost the government $10.4 billion a year and that amnesty would triple it to about $29 billion.

The Boston Globe reports that George W. Bush had the portion on the amnesty bill which would require legalized illegals to pay back taxes removed. So this means that the deficit will go up for tax payers if this bill goes through. But the illegals will still have to pay $5,000 to apply for a green card. But this fee isn't supposed to make up for the taxes not paid.

This means that the estimated $45 billion net cost of illegal immigrants to tax payers, as estimated by the Federation for American Immigration Reform would not be as low. It would go up to $70 billion, at the very least, because the taxes that illegals pay to the local, state, and federal governments would no longer go to offsetting the cost. Not to mention the extra $10 billion of indirect costs.

The new amnesty bill is no better.

The Heritage Foundation has just released a new study that says that the new bill would cost U.S. tax payers at least $2.6 trillion in total over long time costs.

This report takes into account that not all of the 10 million adults given amnesty would reach retirement age to be eligible for their new entitlements. Based on mortality rates, it estimated that 8.5 million persons would reach the necessary age of 67 and reap retirement benefits. --- Each of them would probably live for another 18 years, average. The net cost to tax payers would be $17,000 per elderly individual per year. --- So the final cost would be $306,000 per elderly person for the rest of his life. Multiplying this by the 8.5 million legalized illegals is $2.6 trillion.

Fox News just reported that this bill failed on June 7, 2007. However, Harry Reid insisted that the bill wouldn’t be dead for a year.

The Washington Post reported that George W. Bush urged the senate Republicans to resurrect the bill. However, they insisted that Bush do more to secure the border. Republican Alabama senator, Jeff Sessions said that they are off the bill and should stay off for a while. --- Fortunately, Bush failed to win any allies.

Based on the affect of amnesty to taxpayers, as estimated by the Heritage Foundation and Bush’s insistence that an amnesty be passed, I think it is time to call the President’s credentials as a tax cutter into question.

It should also be mentioned that the study from the Heritage Foundation uses conservative estimates of the illegal immigration population. Some estimates say that the illegal population is actually higher. --- A Bear Stearns report estimates that there are 20 million illegal immigrants. If this estimate is right then the cost of amnesty would actually be much higher than estimated.

I guess Bush isn't interested in tax breaks.

Click here to subscribe to this young mans blog!

ID Theft Gone Wild - Easy Forgeries - Easy Illegal Immigration

If it hadn't been for the distinctive suede coat, there would have been no chase through the streets of San Francisco, no heroine and, in all likelihood, no justice. But when Karen Lodrick turned away from ordering her latte at the Starbucks at Church and Market streets, there it was, slung over the arm of the woman behind her.

It was, Lodrick thought, a "beaucoup expensive" light-brown suede coat with faux fur trim at the collar, cuffs and down the middle.

The only other time Lodrick, a 41-year-old creative consultant, had seen that particular coat was on a security camera photo that her bank, Wells Fargo, showed her of the woman who had stolen her identity. The photo was taken as the thief was looting Lodrick's checking account.

Now, here was the coat again. This woman -- a big woman, about 5 feet 10, maybe 150 pounds -- had to be the person who had put her through six months of hell and cost her $30,000 in lost business as she tried to untangle the never-ending mess with banks and credit agencies.

According to Javelin Strategy and Research, a Pleasanton firm that conducts an annual identity fraud survey, there were 8.4 million victims of identity fraud in 2006. But both a spokesman from Javelin and an agent who tracks identity theft for the Federal Trade Commission said they had never heard a story like Lodrick's. One irony, and there were many -- for instance, the woman posing as Karen Lodrick also had ordered a latte -- was that Lodrick was waiting at Starbucks on the morning of April 24 for the bank next door to open so she could pick up "her" driver's license. The bank had called to say it had been left there, but Lodrick had never been in that branch.

Lodrick's heart was pounding. Despite the expensive coat, the Prada bag, the glitter-frame Gucci glasses, there was something not right about the impostor she would later learn was named Maria Nelson.

"She had bad teeth and looked like she hadn't bathed," the onetime standup comic recalled recently. "I thought, 'You're buying Prada on my dime. Go get your teeth fixed.' "

When Nelson got up to leave, Lodrick, who is 5 feet 2 and 110 pounds but comes from what she calls "a fighting family," made an instant decision. First she called 911. Then she followed Nelson down Market Street.

The foot chase was on.

Nelson turned up Buchanan Street in front of the new San Francisco Mint with Lodrick after her. Lodrick felt an almost otherwordly calm and was entirely focused on not losing sight of this person who had made her feel so unsafe. Meanwhile, she was giving the 911 operator a play-by-play on her cell phone.

But as Lodrick turned the corner at the crest of the hill, Nelson was nowhere to be seen. Her heart sank -- until she spotted her skulking in the door well of the Hermann Apartments. They made eye contact, and Nelson fled. Lodrick went after her, glad that she had decided to wear sandals and not the heels she had almost put on.

She didn't really know what she would do if she caught Nelson. "She was a big girl," Lodrick recalled. She told the 911 operator she felt a little scared. The operator said: "If you in any way feel threatened, do not continue the pursuit."

Lodrick told the operator: "No, I'm OK."

Back on Market Street, Nelson hailed a cab. Lodrick ran up to the cabbie: "I have 911 on the line," she told him. "Please don't drive away. I think she's stealing my identity." The driver lifted his hands off the steering wheel in a gesture that said he would stay put. Nelson jumped out of the cab.

"Stop following me," she beseeched Lodrick. "You're scaring me."

"I'm scared, too," Lodrick answered. "Let's just wait for the police, and we can straighten this out."

"I can't," Nelson said. "I'm on probation."

Indeed, court records show that Nelson was on probation for one of eight previous fraud convictions and also had been convicted of theft. Later, the San Francisco police detective who worked the case, Bruce Fairbairn, said Nelson's statement about probation, relayed to the 911 operator by Lodrick, was a key to extracting a guilty plea.

Nelson took off again. In front of West Coast Growers, she dropped a wallet into an abandoned shopping cart. Lodrick, still after her, picked up the wallet -- also Prada -- and found an entire set of identification, including credit cards, a Social Security card and a debit card all in the name of Karen Lodrick. Later, when she returned to the bank that had been her original destination that morning and took possession of the lost driver's license, it was a perfect forgery -- with a hologram and a California seal -- and it had Lodrick's name but Nelson's photo and physical characteristics.

"You can buy the technology (to add marks and holograms) on your computer from companies that have legitimate government contracts and then make a lot of money selling the technology to people they must know are not legitimate," Fairbairn said. "Millions and millions of dollars." The black market, he said, is "a growth industry."

On they went, pursuer and pursued. Onto and off of a bus, onto Franklin Street, up Page Street, around a corner. But as Lodrick turned into the 200 block of Fell Street, she again lost sight of Nelson. A terrible sense of failure overcame her. She ran frantically through a darkened Walgreens parking garage and saw no one, all the time begging the 911 operator to hurry and get her a cop before it was too late.

When Officer Rickey Terrell arrived a moment later -- about 45 minutes after the chase began -- he, too, searched the Walgreens garage. He found Nelson crouched behind a car smoking a cigarette in front of an emergency exit.

A relieved Lodrick laughed out loud, surprising herself. "You idiot," she said to Nelson. "You should have run."

Then she was sick to her stomach.

In November 2006, her postal carrier told Lodrick that master keys to the neighborhood's mailboxes had been stolen. Soon afterward, Wells Fargo informed her that there was suspicious activity in her accounts.

Using the stolen keys, Lodrick believes, Nelson made off with an unsolicited mailing from the bank. Lodrick said it contained two debit/credit cards she had not requested and, worse, a statement for a certificate of deposit that included her Social Security number. Personal identification numbers for the cards were in a separate envelope.

It took only three days for Nelson to raid the accounts for about $9,000 through withdrawals and purchases, bank records show.

Dealing with the consequences of somebody pretending to be her and ringing up purchases of computers, jewelry, clothing, groceries, cigarettes and liquor took a day or two of Lodrick's time every week. There were the credit card companies to hassle with and credit agencies and banks, especially her own bank.

Lodrick calculates that as a self-employed consultant, she lost $30,000 in unearned income between November and Nelson's apprehension in late April. Wells Fargo eventually restored to her accounts all the money Nelson had withdrawn.

But Lodrick, an optimist by nature who normally has a quick and spontaneous laugh, said "the bank was horrible. I felt they thought I was comical. I kept dealing with different people. Three different times they told me I'd have to come in and ID the (security camera) photo, that I hadn't done it."

And there were nightmares. She said she dreamt she was in jail and woke up in a panic. It was clear Nelson had targeted her: Lodrick changed bank accounts and identification numbers, only to find that Nelson had again broken into her mail and stolen the new information and was still after her accounts.

The woman knew where she lived -- Lodrick felt unsafe. What Lodrick didn't know is that they were neighbors, living only three blocks apart.

In the end, that photo of Nelson in her distinctive coat was her undoing. On June 6, she pleaded guilty to one felony count of using another person's identification fraudulently. She was sentenced by Superior Court Judge Harold Kahn to the 44 days she had already served in county jail and three years' probation.

Nelson also was ordered to make restitution in an amount to be determined by the court and to stay away from Lodrick. Those were the terms of a plea bargain negotiated by Assistant District Attorney Reve Bautista with Nelson's public defender, Christopher Hite.

Lodrick, who made a statement at sentencing, was dissatisfied. "I can't believe it," she said. "I went through six months of hell, and she's going to get probation? She was on probation when she victimized me. Obviously, probation's not helping."

Nor did Nelson, 31, appear to be remorseful. When she entered the courtroom in her orange jail jumpsuit and saw Lodrick, she smirked and waved at her. Judge Kahn chastised her for her attitude.

Over the protest of her attorney, the judge also insisted that Nelson undergo psychological counseling in addition to the drug and substance abuse counseling that were part of the plea bargain. Nelson was delivered to the Yolo County sheriff on another outstanding fraud-related warrant after she was sentenced in San Francisco.

One unexpected outcome of having her identity stolen is that Lodrick was invited to become a San Francisco cop by Fairbairn, the inspector who handled the case.

"She's quite the detective," he said. "I was so impressed by her courage, her dogged determination and her savvy that I took her down to recruitment. She has the best natural instincts for a cop I've seen in years."

Lodrick's experience did give her an appetite for fighting crime. But in the end, she decided, "I just don't have the stomach for it."

This article appeared on page A - 1 of the San Francisco Chronicle

Deal gives immigration bill new life - Bush is a fucker

President Bush speaks at the National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast on Friday in Washington about hopes for his revived immigration bill.

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The morning after Senate leaders had revived his immigration reform bill, which a week ago appeared stalled, President Bush spoke to the Latino group Esperanza -- "hope" in Spanish.

"I continue to work closely with members of both parties to get past our differences and pass a bill I can sign this year," the president said at Esperanza's annual National Hispanic Prayer Breakfast.

"At this breakfast we set aside our politics and come together in prayer," Bush said. "Each day our nation fails to act, our problem only grows worse."

There are an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in the United States, most of them from Mexico.

The contentious immigration bill stalled in the Senate last week, preventing many senators from offering amendments. Thursday night's agreement would allow about 20 amendments to be considered -- half from each party.

Debate could begin late next week after the Senate finishes work on an energy bill.

Democrats and Republicans hope to keep details of the amendments from the public until the debate begins, a Republican senator said.

No negotiating among lawmakers was expected this weekend but staff members might confer, the senator said.

A tentative agreement was reached Thursday evening after a full day of negotiations in an office near the Senate floor. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nevada, and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Kentucky, and key architects of the bill then met to reach final agreement on the details.

Reid had pulled the bill from the floor last week after most Republicans balked at cutting off further amendments and moving toward a vote. The Democratic leader said he was willing to revive the bill if it was clear there was enough Republican support to move the bill forward.

Thursday's breakthrough came just hours after Bush threw his support behind an amendment -- sponsored by Republican Sens. Jon Kyl of Arizona and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina -- that would provide an additional $4.4 billion for border security and work site immigration enforcement. The amendment is a bid to answer concerns from some GOP critics that the security aspects of the bill weren't tough enough.

"We're going to show the American people that the promises in this bill will be kept," Bush said.

Bush had made a rare trip to Capitol Hill on Tuesday after returning from the G8 summit in Germany to do a little arm-twisting of GOP senators who opposed the bill.

Republicans said Bush's renewed push made a difference.

Two of the legislation's architects -- Sen. Edward Kennedy, D-Massachusetts and Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Florida, spoke after Bush at the Esperanza breakfast.

"This is about hope and opportunity and progress," Kennedy told the group. "Those are the elements which are the essence of what this country's about. This country isn't just described by geography. This country is defined by its values."

Kennedy praised his Senate colleague, Martinez.

"On this issue, he's been courageous over a long period of time. ... We have to come together to find common ground. The idea of failure is not an option," Kennedy said. As chairman of the Judiciary Committee's Immigration Subcommittee, Kennedy has been the Senate's leading negotiator with the White House on the issue.

Martinez added: "The next week is going to be critical, because there are going to be forces that are going to want to see this bill derailed. We've made great progress. We're at the cusp. We've almost got it out of the Senate, and then it will have to go to the House. The battle is long and the battle is hard."

In addition to beefing up border security and increasing the number of Border Patrol agents, the immigration measure would create a guest worker program, which would allow migrant workers from other countries to work temporarily in the Untied States.

The most controversial aspect of the bill is the creation of a pathway to legalization and eventual citizenship for the estimated 12 million illegal immigrants already in the country, an idea which critics dismiss as "amnesty."

But Bush, speaking Thursday to the Associated Builders and Contractors -- a group whose members rely on immigrant labor -- insisted once again that the bill's pathway to legalization is not amnesty.

"Amnesty is forgiveness with no penalty for people who have broken our laws to get here," he said. "This bill requires illegal workers to pay a fine to register with the government, to undergo background checks, to pay their back taxes, to hold down a steady job and to learn English in a set period of time."

Bush also said some opponents of the bill seem to "believe that we could just kick (illegal immigrants) out of the country."

"That's just totally impractical. It won't work," Bush said.

Aspirations VS Realities

US: New polls reveal mass opposition to Democrats and Republicans

New opinion polls released this week show mounting discontent within the American population over the war in Iraq and the policies of both political parties. They reflect deep and bitter opposition to the Bush administration, but also reveal that just six months after the Democrats took control of Congress, masses of Americans who voted Democratic to express their opposition to the Iraq war are disillusioned and angry over the Democrats’ cowardice and complicity with Bush.

According to an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll released on Wednesday, Bush’s overall approval rating stands at an all-time low of 29 percent. Over 66 percent disapprove of his job performance. From April of this year Bush’s approval rating dropped 6 percentage points, an extraordinary fall in such a short period of time, particularly given the president’s already low numbers.

However, the continued collapse of support for the Bush administration has not translated into a corresponding rise in support for the Democrats. In fact, approval for the Democratic-controlled Congress stands at only 23 percent, below even that for Bush and down sharply from only a few months ago.

In early 2007, following the midterm elections, approval for Congress jumped to 31 percent from its pre-election low of 16 percent. Over the past two months, however, support for Congress has fallen a full 8 percentage points.

The fall in support for the Democrats reflects more than anything else anger over the passage of the $100 billion war-funding bill in May.

Another recent poll, conducted by the Los Angeles Times and Bloomberg earlier this week, registered similar results. It found that 63 percent of the population believes that the new Democratic-controlled Congress is governing in a “business as usual” manner—that is, doing nothing to change the course of US government policy.

The Democratic speaker of the House of Representatives, Nancy Pelosi, has an approval rating of only 36 percent, while 58 percent of self-described “liberal Democrats”—those most likely to oppose the war in Iraq—disapprove of Congress, up 15 percentage points from January.

On Iraq, the poll found that 68 percent of the population now favors the complete withdrawal of US troops within one year or less, with 25 percent favoring “immediate withdrawal,” up from 19 percent in January. These views, held by the overwhelming majority of the population, are nowhere expressed in the political establishment.

At the same time, 54 percent of those surveyed in the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll said the situation in Iraq has gotten worse in recent months, during the period of the “surge,” while only 10 percent said it has gotten better. A New York Times/CBS News poll last month found opposition to the Iraq war at record highs, with six in ten saying that the US should never have gone into Iraq.

The NBC/Wall Street Journal poll also found that only 19 percent of those surveyed—less than one in five—said that the country is “headed in the right direction,” while 68 percent said it was “off on the wrong track.”

Besides mass opposition to the Iraq war, these polls reflect mounting anger over the growing concentration of wealth at the top, and the increasingly difficult economic situation facing working people. Rising gas and food prices, the collapse of the housing market, job cuts, attacks on health benefits and pensions, wage stagnation have all contributed to widespread anxiety and disillusionment within the American population.

The percentage of people who believe the country is headed in the right direction has declined steadily over the past several months, from 29 percent last October, to 28 percent in January, 25 percent in March, and 22 percent in April.

These figures provide a snapshot of a political system in deep crisis. Beneath the ossified and unrepresentative political and media establishment in the US is a population seething with anger and discontent.

Commenting on the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll findings Wednesday evening, NBC News anchor Brian Williams said they indicate a “volatile period in modern American history,” in which the mood of the population has turned “decidedly grim and downright angry.” NBC Washington Bureau Chief Tim Russert remarked that the polls showed “it’s churning out there.”

These comments reflect nervousness within the ruling elite that growing opposition could produce a social explosion, with the public finding new channels for expressing its views and interests beyond the confines of the two-party system.

There is a profound disconnect between the majority of the population, increasingly politicized by the war in Iraq and the social crisis, and the political establishment. Underlying the chasm between official politics and the sentiments of masses of people are longer-term trends, in particular, the extraordinary growth of social inequality. The political establishment is dominated by the interests of a tiny oligarchy.

If an article has been reprinted in full, The Intelligence Daily has either secured permission to publish it or the original news source has allowed other websites to publish its material under fair use.

Americans Unready to Revolt, Despite Revolting Conditions

by Joel S. Hirschhorn

The latest NBC/Wall Street Journal national poll results vividly show a population incredibly dissatisfied with their nation’s political system. In other countries in other times such a depressing level of confidence in government would send a signal to those running the government that a major upheaval is imminent. But not here in the USA. Why?

First, here are the highlights of the poll that surveyed 1,008 adults from June 8-11, with a margin of error of plus-minus 3.1 percentage points.

A whopping 68 percent think the country is on the wrong track. Just 19 percent believe the country is headed in the right direction - the lowest number on that question in nearly 15 years. And most of those with the positive view are probably in the Upper Class.

Bush’s approval rating is at just 29 percent, his lowest mark ever in the survey. Only 62 percent of Republicans approve, versus 32 percent who disapprove. Take Republicans out of the picture and a fifth or less of Americans have a positive view of Bush.

Even worse, only 23 percent approve of the job that Congress is doing. So much for that wonderful new Democratic control of Congress. Bipartisan incompetence is alive and well.

On the economic front, nearly twice as many people think the U.S. is more hurt than helped by the global economy (48 to 25 percent). Globalization does not spread wealth; it channels it to the wealthy, making billionaires out of millionaires.

I have long asserted that Americans live in a delusional democracy with delusional prosperity and these and loads of other data support this view. There is a super wealthy and politically powerful Upper Class that is literally raping the nation. Meanwhile, the huge Lower Class continues to lose economic ground while their elected representatives sell them out to benefit the Upper Class. Yet no rational person thinks that a large fraction of the population is ready to rise up in revolt against the evil status quo political-economic system that so clearly is not serving the interests of the overwhelming majority of Americans. Why not?

For a nation that was built on a revolt against oppressive governance by the British, something has been lost from our political DNA. We apparently no longer have the gene for political rebellion. It has been bred out of most of us. And those of us that urge a Second American Revolution are seen as fringe, nutty subversives.

Part of the genius of our contemporary ruling class elites is that they have engineering a state of political and economic oppression that paradoxically is still embraced by the Lower Class. The rational way to understand this is that ordinary, oppressed Americans are in a deep psychological state of self-delusion. Despite all the empirical, objective evidence of a failed government, they fail to see rebellion opportunities. Many still believe they live in the world’s best democracy. But across all elections considerably less than half the citizens even bother to vote anymore. Yet, as the new NBC/Journal poll results show, people are cognitively aware of just how awful the political-economic system is. Yet they are not feeling enough pain to seriously consider rebellion. And it is visceral pain that must drive people to the daring act of rebellion.

Why is there insufficient pain for revolution? This is a deadly serious issue. What is historically unique about America is that even the most oppressed and unfairly treated people are distracted by affordable materialism, entertainment, sports, gambling, and myriad other aspects of our frivolous, self-absorbed culture. Even failed school and health care systems do not drive people, paying enormous sums to fill up their SUVs, to rebellion. So, Americans are aware of their oppression, but the power elites have successfully drugged them with a plethora of pleasure-producing distractions sufficient to keep them under control. We are free to bitch, but too weak to revolt. The Internet has provided a release valve for some pent up anger and frustration. But it too has mostly become another source of distraction, rather than an effective tool for rebellion.

Though these new poll statistics make news, those in control of the political-economic system are not afraid that the population is on the verge of retaking their constitutionally guaranteed sovereign power and take back their nation. Thousands of people like me keep writing books and articles and creating protest groups and events. Those in power just find new, ingenious ways to keep the population distracted – if not through pleasure, then certainly through fear of terrorism. Growing economic insecurity also contributes to self-paralysis, as do never-ending political lies.

What a system.

Even as the population has growing awareness of the dire condition of their nation, the move by the politically powerful on the right and left continues to seek a new immigration law that will solidify the selling out of America. Business interests want more of those fleeing Mexico and other nations to keep wages low. Instead of Mexicans rising up in rebellion against their oppressive government and economic system they escape to the USA. But Americans have no such viable escape solution. Though global warming will certainly make Canada increasingly attractive.

So what do Americans have – other than a terribly bleak future? Where is hope in our dismal world?

In a bizarre twist of history that further illustrates just how impotent Americans have become, virtually all citizens are either unaware of or unreceptive to the ultimate escape route that the Framers of our Constitution gave us. They anticipated that Americans could become quite dissatisfied with the federal government. They feared that the political system could become incredibly corrupted by moneyed interests. They were right.

So here we sit over 200 years after our nation was created unwilling to use what is explicitly given to us in Article V of the Constitution – the option to have a convention outside the control of Congress, the President and the Supreme Court to make proposals for constitutional amendments. Do we really believe in the rule of law? If so, then we should understand that the supreme law of the land – what is in our Constitution – is the ultimate way to obtain the deep political and government reforms to restore true democracy and economic fairness to our society.

Make no mistake: an Article V convention has been stubbornly opposed by virtually all groups with political and economic power. This is most evidenced by the blatant refusal of Congress to obey the Constitution and give us an Article V convention, even though the single explicit requirement for a convention has been met. This fact alone should tell rational people that they are being screwed and oppressed. The rule of law is trumped by the rule of delusion. Our lawmakers are lawbreakers.

Come learn more about the effort to get an Article V convention at and become a member. Do not keep witnessing the unraveling of American society, voting for lesser evil candidates, and believing the propaganda that putting different Democrats or Republicans in office will actually improve things for most of us. Choose peaceful rebellion by using what our Constitution gives us. Fight self-delusion.

[Joel S. Hirschhorn is the author of Delusional Democracy (; and a founder of Friends of the Article V Convention (]

Post It Notes from Hell - Part II

This is my MySpace tradition. I get a lot of funny emails from people, some of them very amusing, some are just rude and stupid. I started collecting a few but I haven't shared them in a while. Here are some of them;

"i am highly delighted to send u this mail,how is life touching u up there?hope cool by the grace of ur almighty God everything is cool there.the reason behind this mail is that,i have seen ur profile and i will like to be ur friend.bye the way i am Mike ,male from Ghana west africa, 23 years of age singlei am God fearing young man .i am a teacher in the Ghana education service. in case u want to chat me at yahoo mesenger ,plz this is my ID XXXXXXX.bye and take care."

"nice to meet cherry :)
(when did my name become cherry??)
thanks for app. friends list
i hope see you later is my msn name
have a nice weekend :)"

how are you el mopuntassir from morocco i have 27 years single i m a comptable looking for a good relationship if you want to chat me these my msn or
xxxxxx my yahoo id
i wait you there


do u want sex?


pls me with you how, have a chat it tell Msn or Skyp there on you

(I have no idea what this email is all about...)






On_me, be pleased, you, recognize, for, *Mail, address, give see My address


hi ...thx for your accept
i want to be your friend if u want me
i want talk about all life
if u want me
write me pls


my mail address jdAdd, relative, two,


my name is yalin my yahoo msn and i now in online in yahoo ...can you add me in yahoo msn ...i waiting you in yahoo msn ...


i like you honey
i want chat you
give me your msn adress
please baby



(AW, guys can be so sweet and cute sometimes!)

your many beautiful.. and sexy

you to mature and sexy to have good needlessly...
l love you...



you awfully dish
I am sorry. ý am acute english search me !


You and I ~ Not So Important to Uncle Sam. We are Old News !!!

If you have half a brain, you are aware that the U.S. Government - George Bush and career politicians are slowly committing National suicide for us by defying all logic and all Will of the People. It's called "immigration reform". This isn't about "immigration" - this is about criminals who broke the laws of this Country, it's about "ILLEGAL" immigration, and George Bitch's New World Order agenda!!

The more we call, fax, yell, petition - the more angry we get, the more these politicians seem to snub their noses at us. Well, that's because you and I are last years bling. If George Bush and his career politicians succeed in passing this bill they can snuggle with the illegal immigrants who currently reside in the United States and then future family members each of them will sponsor.
Citizen votes will be a thing of the past. These politicians are thinking they won't feel the wrath of the People because they are dulling our votes by flooding the Country with "new citizens".

You and I are not so easily manipulated. You and I do not vote based on menial things like welfare, food stamps and free medical care. We vote on what makes good sense for our businesses, our jobs, our trades. We vote on items that force politicians to jump through hoops and stand before us and say things like "No new taxes!" Pppfff!!! HAH, HAH!!!

Why should todays career politicians CARE about what you and I want?? They are systematically replacing our votes with uneducated, needy new comers who don't know what the hell is going on because they can't even speak the language!

We spend LESS on caring for the handicapped in this Country than we spend on translations of millions of documents to cater to criminals.

We spend LESS on our retired citizens (period!) than we spend for medical care ALONE for criminals.

We spend LESS for foster care children, orphaned children than we spend for criminals.

We reward the ones who do work hard and invest in their own education and who find a place in society by REPLACING THEM with uneducated, low wage, ungrateful illegal immigrants.

I petition that individual States start class-action lawsuits on behalf of their Residents against the Government for having their Right to Vote stripped away through a clear intent force to compromise what we already know to be voter fraud across the Nation. Through illegal immigration malpractice, the U.S. Government has compromised our way of life, our safety, our Right to Vote and our futures. The U.S. Government has also altered it's function from upstanding valor and honor (guess we better lose the Eagle mascot) to something like the mafia - aiding and abetting criminals - secret deals, defiance of established laws, monopolizing land and money, murders, buddy systems, cliques, decisions NOT in the best interest of the People, bullying, embezzlement through taxes and fees......the list goes on! I read once that the reason the Government went after mobsters is because they hate competition! So true!!

I have never truly hated a President until George Bush. I have mutated from hard-ass Conservative Republican Constitutionalist - to doubter of ALL career politicians - to outright hater of this rogue Government that we have in this Country! I am ready to toss my political party out the window, never again to show them my support.

The thing is, I'm a John Birch Society ( follower and they HATE George W. Bush!!! They have been fully aware to the Bush "New World Order" Agenda for YEARS!! You really want to know what's going on in this Country?? Join the John Birch Society!

The John Birch Society has been anti-Iraq War - anti- U.N. - anti-gun control - anti-illegal immigration - anti- New World Order and very anti- Bush! I feel foolish that I ever doubted this group of people who taught me that Pearl Harbor was also a set up.

My boyfriend who is born Iranian said to me yesterday (in broken English) - "If George Bush do this, he make this Country shit! No jobs, no education. Right now, I am proud American Citizen, I go brag, but if he do this, I be ashamed, no longer proud U.S. Citizen. This Country will turn to shit like Iraq."

The hardest part about all of this is that I have to agree with the stupid hippies out there - their whole thing was true about George Bush..........they are right! George Bush DOES suck!!!

He truly has turned out to be worst President ever!
