Thursday, June 7, 2007

Senate Begins Real Push on Habeas Corpus

Senate Begins Real Push on Habeas Corpus
Ari Melber

Today the Senate Judiciary Committee passed an important bill to restore habeas corpus, the sacrosanct Constitutional right to challenge government detention in court, by a vote of eleven to eight.

Habeas corpus was revoked by last year's Military Commissions Act, which has been assailed as unconstitutional and un-American by leaders across the political spectrum. Today's habeas bill was backed by the Judiciary Committee's Democratic Chairman, Patrick Leahy, and its Republican Ranking Member, Arlen Specter. "The drive to restore this fundamental right has come from both sides of the aisle," said Sharon Bradford, an attorney at the bipartisan Constitution Project, in response to today's vote. "Restoring America's commitment to the rule of law is not a partisan cause; it is a patriotic one," she added.

Today's vote means the habeas bill can now be brought to the Senate floor at any time. One source with knowledge of the legislative plan said Majority Leader Harry Reid has committed to bringing the bill to a vote within the month.

Some Democrats are pushing Reid to go further, advocating more comprehensive human rights protections and a repeal of the entire Military Commissions Act. Senator Chris Dodd, the most aggressive defender of the Constitution in the presidential race, is pushing legislation that would not only restore habeas, but also ban the use of evidence obtained through torture and recommit the U.S. to the Geneva Conventions. "We must recognize that our security is enhanced by upholding our nation's historic legal principles as we vigorously pursue terrorists," he said in a statement today. Dodd is giving a major address about his proposal at the Cardozo School of Law Commencement exercises in New York on Thursday, part of a larger effort to prioritize Constitutional rights on the national agenda – and in the presidential campaign. The Dodd Campaign has gathered over 10,000 "citizen cosponsors" for his bill, the Restoring the Constitution Act, while using YouTube, blog and netroots outreach to rally more support.

Obama, Clinton and Biden, the other Senators in the presidential race, have cosponsored the habeas legislation but not Dodd's bill, which currently has eleven cosponsors. The legislation faces an uphill battle in the Armed Services Committee, a much less hospitable venue for Constitutional rights than the Judiciary Committee. But there is one influential Armed Services member who opposed the Military Commissions Act and could jump start the effort to restore Constitutional rights: Hillary Clinton.

LOL - England Contaminates Physics Teaching

I am a physics teacher. Or, at least I used to be. My subject is still called physics. My pupils will sit an exam and earn a GCSE in physics, but that exam doesn’t cover anything I recognize as physics. Over the past year the UK Department for Education and the AQA board changed the subject. They took the physics out of physics and replaced it with… something else, something nebulous and ill defined. I worry about this change. I worry about my pupils, I worry about the state of science education in this country, and I worry about the future physics teachers — if there will be any.

I graduated from a prestigious university with a degree in physics and pursued a lucrative career in economics which I eventually abandoned to teach. Economics and business, though vastly easier than my subject, and more financially rewarding, bored me. I went into teaching to return to the world of science and to, in what extent I could, convey to pupils why one would love a subject so difficult.

For a time I did. For a time, I was happy.

But this past academic year things changed. The Department for Education and the AQA board brought in a new syllabus for the sciences. One which greatly increased the teaching of `how science works.’ While my colleagues expressed scepticism, I was hopeful. After all, most pupils will not follow science at a higher level, so we should at least impart them with a sense of what it can tell us about our universe.

That did not happen

The result is a fiasco that will destroy physics in England.

The thing that attracts pupils to physics is its precision. Here, at last, is a discipline that gives real answers that apply to the physical world. But that precision is now gone. Calculations — the very soul of physics — are absent from the new GCSE. Physics is a subject unpolluted by a torrent of malleable words, but now everything must be described in words.

In this course, pupils debate topics like global warming and nuclear power. Debate drives science, but pupils do not learn meaningful information about the topics they debate. Scientific argument is based on quantifiable evidence. The person with the better evidence, not the better rhetoric or talking points, wins. But my pupils now discuss the benefits and drawbacks of nuclear power plants, without any real understanding of how they work or what radiation is.

I want to teach my subject, to pass on my love of physics to those few who would appreciate it. But I can’t. There is nothing to love in the new course. I see no reason that anyone taking this new GCSE would want to pursue the subject. This is the death of physics.

Specific Complaints:

My complaints about the new syllabus fall into four categories: the vague, the stupid, the political, and the non-science.

The Vague:

The specification provided by the AQA (available at their website) is vaguely worded. Every section starts with either phrase ‘to evaluate the possible hazards and uses of…’ or ‘to compare the advantages and disadvantages of…’ without listing exactly what hazards, uses, advantages or disadvantages the board actually requires pupils to learn. The amount of knowledge on any given topic, such as the electromagnetic spectrum, could fill an entire year at the university level. But no guidance is given to teachers and, as a result, the exam blindsides pupils with questions like:

Suggest why he [a dark skinned person] can sunbathe with less risk of getting skin cancer than a fair skinned person.

To get the mark, pupils must answer:

  • More UV absorbed by dark skin (more melanin)
  • Less UV penetrates deep to damage living cells / tissue

Nowhere does the specification mention the words sunscreen or melanin. It doesn’t say pupils need to know the difference between surface dead skin and deeper living tissue. There is no reason any physics teacher would cover such material, or why any pupil should expect to be tested on it.

The Stupid:

On topics that are covered by the specification, the exam board has answers that indicate a lack of knowledge on the writer’s part. One questions asks `why would radio stations broadcast digital signals rather than analogue signals?’ An acceptable answer is:

  • Can be processed by computer / ipod [sic]

Aside from the stupidity of the answer, (iPods, at the time of this writing, don’t have radio turners and computers can process analogue signals) writing the mark scheme in this way is thoughtless, as teachers can only give marks that exactly match its language. So does the pupil get the mark if they mention any other mp3 player? Technically, no. Wikipedia currently lists 63 different players. Is it safe to assume that the examiner will be familiar with all of them? Doubtful.

If the question is not poorly worded, or not covered in the specification, it will be insultingly easy. The first question on a sample paper started:

A newspaper article has the heading: ‘Are mobiles putting our children at risk?’ A recent report said that children under the age of nine should not use mobile phones…

The first question on the paper was:

Below which age is it recommended that children use a mobile phone in emergencies only?

This is the kind of reading comprehension question I would expect in a primary school English lesson, not a secondary school GCSE.

The Political:

The number of questions that relate to global warming is appalling. I do not deny that pupils should know about the topic, nor do I deny its importance. However, it should not be the main focus of every topic. The pupils (and their teachers) are growing apathetic from overexposure.

A paper question asked: `Why must we develop renewable energy sources.’ This is a political question. Worse yet, a political statement. I’m not saying I disagree with it, just that it has no place on a physics GCSE paper.

Pupils are taught to poke holes in scientific experiments, to constantly find what is wrong. However, never are the pupils given ways to determine when an experiment is reliable, to know when an experiment yields information about the world that we can trust. This encourages the belief that all quantitative data is unreliable and untrustworthy. Some of my pupils, after a year of the course, have gone from scientifically minded individuals to thinking, “It’s not possible to know anything, so why bother?” Combining distrust of scientific evidence with debates won on style and presentation alone is an unnerving trend that will lead society astray.

The Non-scientific:

Lastly, I present the final question on the January physics exam in its entirety:

Electricity can also be generated using renewable energy sources. Look at this information from a newspaper report.

  • The energy from burning bio-fuels, such a woodchip and straw, can be used to generate electricity.
  • Plants for bio-fuels use up carbon dioxide as they grow.
  • Farmers get grants to grow plants for bio-fuels.
  • Electricity generated from bio-fuels can be sold at a higher price than electricity generated from burning fossil fuels.
  • Growing plants for bio-fuels offers new opportunities for rural communities. Suggest why, apart from the declining reserves of fossil fuels, power companies should use more bio-fuels and less fossil fuels to generate electricity.

The only marks that a pupil can get are for saying:

  • Overall add no carbon dioxide to the environment
  • Power companies make more profit
  • Opportunity to grew new type of crop (growing plants in swamps)
  • More Jobs

None of this material is in the specification, nor can a pupil reliably deduce the answers from the given information. Physics isn’t a pedestrian subject about power companies and increasing their profits, or jobs in a rural community, it’s is about far grander and broader ideas.


My pupils complained that the exam did not test the material they were given to study, and they are largely correct. The information tested was not in the specification given to the teachers, nor in the approved resources suggested by the AQA board. When I asked AQA about the issues with their exam they told me to write a letter of complaint, and this I have done. But, rather than mail it to AQA to sit ignored on a desk, I am making it public in the hope that more attention can be brought to this problem.

There is a teacher shortage in this country, but if a physicist asked my advice on becoming a teacher, I would have to say: don’t. Don’t unless you want to watch a subject you love dismantled.

I am a young and once-enthusiastic physics teacher. I despair at what I am forced to teach. I have potentially thirty years of lessons to give, but I didn’t sign up for this — and the business world still calls. There I won’t have to endure the pain of trying to animate a crippled subject. The rigorous of physics been torn down and replaced with impotent science media studies.

I beg of the government and the AQA board, please, give me back my subject and let me do my job.


Wellington Grey

Grass Roots Anti-Illegal HUB - A GREAT PLACE TO START!!!


Contact: Gregor Wakefield
The CDC Journal
PO Box 601376
Sacramento, CA 95860-1376
Phone: 916-553-6202

Earlier this month, American Citizens First announced plans to help produce a new publication which would give a platform for all like-minded, anti-illegal alien groups to get important information into the hands of the public. The idea was to find a way of bringing all of our groups together in this battle, while at the same time allowing each group to maintain their individuality.
This platform is now here!
We have formed a “coalition” of groups to be named the Citizens Defense Coalition. We have hopes that all like minded groups will join us in forming this joint effort, which will give all groups the ability to communicate and work together on anti-illegal alien issues.
But this coalition is just the beginning!
We will begin distribution of “The CDC Journal” at the Sacramento , California location of the March for America on Saturday, June 16th when we pass out special March for America editions in an abbreviated format. It’s possible that we might have something done early enough to have issues in Washington , DC .
Our desire is to give each like-minded organization their own section within the publication for which they can use to publish articles or information related to their group. For example, Save Our State would have the ability to have a regular columnist writing for the newspaper and representing their group, and the column would appear each issue in their own section, bordered with their own logo and advertisement. Save Our State would have the ability to use their section as they please, limited of course by some basic guidelines.
We are currently putting the first issue together and intend it to be ready for distribution at the March for America on June 16th. This means that we are very short on time and must work quickly in finding groups interested in being included in this first issue. So here is what we are asking …
Any group wishing to be included should contact us immediately. To be included in the first issue, we must have the following information no later than June 10th! This is, at the very least, free advertising! Here is what we would need:
- A logo or banner advertisement, in digital form. With written permission, we can pull this off of your website, or you can email us a digital file.
- A well written article or brief on what your group is about. The first issue is going to be distributed to the average citizen at the March for America and many other rallies. These citizens will be those who might not understand exactly what we do and why we do it. This issue will serve as an introduction to our cause, and the reasons we’re fighting this battle.
- Contact information for your group, including a web address and anything else you want included.
You’re welcome to send more than this if you like, but we may not be able to print it all. The space will be determined by how many groups participate, and then we will divide it up based on space available … but every group submitting the minimum info will be included, providing your group is verified as a legitimate anti-illegal group and has been determined to be non-racist. We will not accept groups such as “White Pride” or “Arian Nation.”
Secondly, we ask that each group urge each of their members to subscribe. It will be through subscriptions and advertisements that will lead to our growth and success of both the newspaper, and the coalition.
Think about what this newspaper can do for our cause. All groups and all information will be available in one publication, which can be easily handed to ANYONE on the street who might ask what we’re about. Instead of handing out business cards, or single sheet fliers with a web address, we’ll have the ability to hand the most important current information, the most detailed statistics, and details on upcoming protests or events, directly into their hands.
We urge all individuals who are angered by our government’s refusal to enforce immigration laws to subscribe to the newspaper and help us to get this information out to other citizens who are not aware of the seriousness of this problem. Your subscription will ensure that you have the most important information delivered to your doorstep concerning ALL anti-illegal alien groups, and at the same time it will help us to provide this platform to those groups who are out there fighting for this country. We’re currently offering the ability to lock in an extremely low rate FOR LIFE, if you act now. Visit our subscription page to get more information.
Please act now as we only have nine more days until the March for America!

The CDC Journal
Box 601376
Sacramento, California 95860-1376

For information: or
Phone: 916-553-6202

SECRETS in the new AMNESTY bill & Z-VISA

Thursday, June 07, 2007

SECRETS You Must Know in the Amnesty Bill & Z-Visa
Category: Life

The Plight of the Poor in the United States of America - Year 2007

The following article mixed with some things that have happened in my own life recently have brought my attention to a serious act of discrimination of the worst kind, that occurs every day in this Country. It's the attack on the poor!

The poor are attacked everyday, many times a day and no one cares! I don't read ONE word about it on the internet, in any books and no one talks about it!

Here's what I have experienced:

1) If one has no money to pay their bill on time, one is punished with a late fee, thus raising the amount owed by the already poor individual.

2) If one is late but somehow manages to pay the late fee and the bill, the poor individual is again punished via a strike on his or her credit report. You already paid your debt by paying the late fee, right? Wrong!

3) One is then punished with higher interest rates. Higher interest rates mean higher debts, which mean higher payments and a higher likelihood of failed payment history or default on purchases which leads to more credit strikes.

4) With credit strikes in tow, the individual is again punished when making any further purchases by incurring an even higher interest rate and tarnished reputation, lessening future opportunities even more.

Can someone explain to me why it's ok to punish people again and again for having less?

I think about old people who live on fixed incomes who can't do anything more - how do they survive??

It seems if late fees are involved that should be the extent of the punishments. And I believe the credit industry has been allowed to overtake the entire United States. I bet if you look behind the credit agencies you will find Arabic oil, the same people who call us "consumptive" and an agenda to tear this Nation down by influencing things like immigration and globalization to better fund their interests.

The credit industry should not dictate how people interact with other businesses because of a relationship with a previous business. Who says business is always honest? They certainly aren't! They take action to boast self-worth, they inflate and exaggerate for their own self gain and they are just as crooked as some individuals.

I have said it before and I will say it again - some companies have outright tried to screw me out of my money and I refused to pay then and I refuse to pay now.

Again, I'm going to say that I bet credit and debt related causes of death are far higher than any smoking habits, drugs, murders, disease. What if it was proven that credit companies are killing people with their business practices?

I wonder if it would be taken serious or if people would let their greed override their thought processes.

U.S Citizens should not be discriminated against for being poor and should have the same opportunities as drug dealers, robbers, strippers, actors, Disney execs, politicians, ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.

It's discrimination against the poor and it's discrimination against U.S. Citizens - the credit industry uses YOUR information against you just as special interests use the U.S. Constitution against us. There is too much similarity to discard the process.

As I read somewhere before - the credit agency is modern say slavery of the people.


73% - See Rich-Poor Gap Increasing

Thu Jun 7, 12:00 AM ET

Nearly three-in-four Americans (73%) now agree with this statement: "Today it’s really true that the rich get richer while the poor get poorer"--an increase of eight percentage points since 2002 and the highest number in agreement since the early 1990s. The belief that "the rich just get richer" has increased significantly among people with relatively high annual incomes. Nearly two-thirds of those with household incomes of at least $75,000 (65%) agree that the richer are getting richer; in 2003, only about half of those in this income category (51%) shared this sentiment. More people with somewhat lower annual incomes – between $50,000 and $74,999 – also see the rich-poor gap growing (10-point increase). Large majorities of less wealthy Americans already believed that the rich-poor gap was widening, but this attitude has not gained support since 2003. Consequently, the difference in attitudes between those with high and low incomes has narrowed considerably since 2003.

'Big Bang' project put off to 2008 - Aw, that sucks.......

'Big Bang' project put off to 2008

POSTED: 11:18 a.m. EDT, June 6, 2007

GENEVA, Switzerland (Reuters) -- First tests in a scientific project aimed at solving mysteries of the universe and the "Big Bang" which created it have been put off from November to late April or early May next year, an official said on Wednesday.

James Gillies, spokesman for the CERN particle research center near Geneva, said the delay was due to a series of minor problems with some elements in the vast array of equipment.

"We now intend to make the tests, which will allow the technicians to drive the machine, in late April or early May and then to go into full start up as planned by next summer," Gillies said.

The project at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research which straddles the Swiss and French border, involves smashing particles together at high speed in a channel around an oval-shaped 17 mile underground tunnel.

Researchers on the project, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), say this will recreate in miniature the conditions which existed nanoseconds after the Big Bang some 15 billion years ago and should allow them to see what happened next.

CERN says the experiment will also probe for knowledge about "dark matter" -- the invisible mass of energy that is believed to make up 96 percent of the universe.

Let me point out my idea on this -- This is lame!! Particle Colliders are so 1990's. You people are still chasing Albert Einstein theories - magnetics, vibration and particles. We are beyond all that!

What you guys SHOULD be looking for is residue - RESIDUE - from the Energy Transfer process - from that you will find the source. Particle accelerators will show reactions but not far enough to see more than what we already know. You will have fragments of nothing. Stop trying to reverse-engineer the Creation of the Universe. You will not SEE the reaction itself because this material cannot exist in our form. You will have to look for the residue, which I believe will only occur by injecting a very high energy field into existing matter. I believe this would be the only way we could see the reaction now because there appears to be no power sources great enough to react with benign matter, which is neither here, or there.

Go ahead, build your multi-billion dollar spinwheels. You are only delaying your own progress by thinking so small. You have to let go of Albert's theories because he wasn't right about everything. E=Mc2 wasn't totally correct. Only correct in one stage of matter, one level of existence.

There is one more motion totally being overlooked. It is unaffected by gravity, by mass and houses no vibration. I don't currently have a word for it so I will go back to an old analogy - the snowflake on the snowbank. You think you are looking at the particle until the particle reaches like particles and blends and you realize you never saw it, you only saw it's shadow - much like quantum wave particles. I don't think we have realized that we have been looking at "shadows". The true particle mass is benign and only it's residue will tell of it's existence. A "shadow" is not the residue.

The residue - ok, let's first discuss the trivial parameters of what I have come to realize as the "space" required for space. For instance, the "space" inside of a particle exceeds the space which we inhabit because "space" is not what we know as "room" or "area" and it is not the place in which galaxies exist. It is energy. Energy cannot be manipulated, only directed. It is the only form of consistent existence of anything. It is the ultimate, the end. This is saying that energy is not TRULY condensed, as Albert stated.

We believe it is because of suspected higher ratios housed within particles but this is only a more pure form. We are not. WE are elementary, or rather - matter as we know it. Thats what makes life so amazing.

I'm going to throw something out here - hopefully I do not give too much away - so I will tell you that the residue will come to us in the form of a "shape".

I don't know how it will be perceived - whether it will be considered particle or reaction but I can tell you - it is neither. It is merely a state change.

It will be found through building a feedback reactor, not a particle manipulator. Let go of what you know because there is far more.

Here's the flaw and the most important variable - stop looking at energy in relation to matter - which is a limited perspective. Start looking at energy in relation to itself.


The LHC project, involving scientists from CERN's 26 member countries and many other nations in gathering and processing the data from many billions of particle collisions every day, has been in construction for 15 years.

It is expected to be in operation for another 15.

At the center of the experiment, which cost many billions of dollars to set up, are vast magnets in cathedral-size caverns around the tunnel some 300 feet underground.

Originally two weeks of relative low-speed testing of the circuit had been planned for November, just before CERN closes down its particle accelerators for four months to save costly energy during the winter.

But smaller magnets burst during pressure tests at the end of March, and unscheduled work resulting from that incident has meant there would not be sufficient time for the preliminary "driving" tests before the shutdown, Gillies said.

Small minded.

Copyright 2007 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

Some Great Photos

Speed Demon Photography

Posted Wednesday, 6 June 2007 by Sverre Sjøthun in Photography, Entertainment
In the last leg of our photo contest, we’ve received some truly amazing pictures among the well over 600 shots that passed the prequalification. With emotions ranging from pure adrenaline, blinding speed and motion blur to more subtle interpretations of this round's theme, the photographers have certainly put some serious effort into this. Perhaps no wonder when the first prize is the awesome Canon EOS 1Ds Mark II!?

Sprinting greyhound by EcoShow
Sprinting greyhound by EcoShow
Boy did this bitch get out on the wrong side of the bed this morning. This photo is so intense, so aggressive and fierce looking you can almost hear the snarling from the charging dog.

Going Down by Wilymon
Going Down by Wilymon
Does this photo even need a caption? No it doesn't. Clearly a fun day out for the whole family!

Rush by froztbitten
Rush by froztbitten
An amazing shot with amazing colors. It feels like I’m being sucked right into the tide, yet at the same time you get a great sense of calm looking at the photo.

Three Wheel Demon by Danish
Three Wheel Demon by Danish
This is the kind of ride that could end up on Pimp My Ride – I can see it clearly: spinning chrome rims, custom flame paint job, velour interior, Momo racing seats, and to top it off – low rider hydraulic suspension... (as if it isn’t close enough to the ground already)

Big Air by jannev
Big Air by jannev
I am soo tempted to Photoshop a speech bubble saying "ooooh shit man!"

Flying Free by vikasmal
Flying Free by vikasmal
This photo of a sixteenth century mosque really captures the beauty of time, architecture and nature. As one of the comments said, with another shot metered for the birds it could've made an amazing HDR composition.

Mud Blaster by torridence
Mud Blaster by torridence
This black and white shot is so vivid with its rough and crude style you can almost taste the mud and hear the engine roar.

Speedy burst water balloon by pajohnson
Speedy burst water balloon by pajohnson
Awesome and interesting shot of a water balloon being popped. I’ve never seen a planet blow up, but this is how I imagine it would look.

Rush Hour by asisanyal
Rush Hour by asisanyal
With that “booming” light coming out between the clouds, you almost get a feeling these camels are stampeding to get away from the Armageddon which has just opened for business in the distance.

Speedboats by estoril
Speedboats by estoril
Owning a 15 foot speedboat with 90hp, I am such a sucker for anything that’s fast and floats. There’s nothing that feels faster than racing at 60 knots with your head just a few feet above the water surface.

Mud run by cjbreil
Mud run by cjbreil
I have no idea about the story behind this image, but it definitely conveys speed, intensity and action at a very basic level. Studying the facial expression of the kids reveals emotions ranging from pure joy to extreme focus.

Mr Dragonfly by elson87
Mr Dragonfly by elson87
With a goofy smile and a hairdo like that, you’re bound to attract a lot of attention!

Photo by krim
*** by krim
Immensely powerful and thoroughly beautiful, you don’t have to be a horse-crazed teenage girl to fall in love with this fantabulous photo!

Shattered Glass by raniel
Shattered Glass by raniel
This photo perfectly freezes the moment between the breaking of the bulb and the tungsten filaments (thereby breaking the source of light), it’s a sort of limbo captured.

Fighting by Nunu
Fighting by Nunu
The splashing mud, the arching back of the man about to fall, and their intense (and quite similar) facial expressions makes for an intense photo with a good feeling of action.

Minimoto Madness by goosey
Minimoto Madness by goosey
Cookwashed motorbike? It must be Gulliver going for a ride on a borrowed bike in Lilliput. Did I hear someone say "size matters"?

Snap frozen by rbphoto
Snap frozen by rbphoto
When you get past saying “Wow…” you may start thinking about how in the world the photographer managed to make this photo. What do you have to do to get the combination of that looong arch of water coupled with the glass standing at an almost perfect 45 degree angle? I could imagine that the photographer just had someone throw heaps of water-filled drinking glasses across a table and hoping for one of them to hit just the right spot in the right way, but I suspect the truth is much more complex.

Tailgate by DProspero
Tailgate by DProspero
Yikes, you startled me!

Thief in the night by bgaras2001
Thief in the night by bgaras2001
Zorro the Delivery Guy?? I’m not quite sure what the idea behind this photo is as it looks like a cross between Superman, Zorro and Einstein rushing to serve a pie. Or maybe he’s charging someone with the fork? Perhaps this is what the eminent Albert Einstein meant when he coined the phrase "Imagination is more important than knowledge”.

Viagra Racing by Egarner
Viagra Racing by Egarner
Racing is a damn hard sport, and the drivers will no doubt face stiff competition from this driver...

Oregon State Police Hiring Ilegals???

Oregon State Police (hearts) Illegal Immigrants?

by Troy Nichols

Jose CortezAnyone who knows me knows that I’m a die hard San Francisco 49’ers fan. So I took notice today when the Associated Press reported that the Oregon State Police had selected Jose Cortez as one of their newest recruits.

Okay, in full disclosure, I don’t like Jose Cortez. As a place kicker, he’s a bum. He kicked for the 49’ers in 2002 and was terrible.

But when I read the headline regarding the OSP’s proud acquisition, something didn’t sit right. I knew something was wrong with Mr. Cortez given my knowledge of all things Niner. It became very clear later on in the article what was nagging me:

State police are looking for recruits with rich life experiences, good moral character, and the ability to work alone, sometimes under extreme pressure, Markee said.

Cortez fits that description. He survived El Salvador’s civil war, sneaked into the United States through Tijuana, Mexico, at age 15, and settled in a poor Southern California neighborhood thick with gangs.

So Cortez is a known law breaker. Granted, he’s been an upstanding citizen recently, kicking field goals, roofing in Corvallis, and most recently working as a dockworker. But I know a little something about the OSP’s high standards for its troopers (check out the bottom section about “good moral fitness”). Shouldn’t such a fundamental disregard for the rule of law disqualify him from service in the OSP?

Also, what will the hyper reactive radio talk show hosts like Lars Larson and Jeff Kropf say about their beloved OSP’s most recent recruit? Will their anger over illegal immigration cause them to criticize the one state agency that turns otherwise solid fiscal conservatives into big tax and spend liberals?

Should be interesting…

Harry gReid Gets Award from mexican government - CALL AND BITCH !!!

Last Thursday, May 31, 2007, Senate Majority Leader Harry gReid received an award from the Mexican government.

Sen. Harry gReid

See the press release - from Senator gReid's website - below.
Majority Leader gReid is attempting to stop the debate on the Senate Amnesty Bill SB-1348 - fresh on the heels of receiving a May 31st award from the Mexican government for his work in establishing a Mexican Consulate in Las Vegas.


PLEASE call Senate Majority Leader Harry gReid and let him know your stance on promoting Mexican Consulates on U.S. soil and your stance on SB 1348. VENT!
Sen. HARRY gREID: Contact Info
Toll Free Washington, DC Switchboard
* * *
Where Mexican Consulates are established, Mexican colonization commences.
Mexico awards Sen. Reid for his efforts in establishing a Mexican Consulate in Las Vegas in 2002. There are 47 Mexican Consulates in the United States - you can view the list here:
* * *
Reid Receives Award for Support of Mexican American Community

Thursday, May 31, 2007

Las Vegas, NV - U.S. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada received an award today from the Mexican Government, in recognition of his efforts to bring a Mexican consulate office to the area.

I recognize the important role and significance of having a Mexican Consulate office in Clark County," said Reid. "The Consul plays an important role in providing valuable information and services to the Mexican community. Before the Consulate opened, people in Clark County who sought Mexican consular services had to travel four hours to San Bernadino. I'm glad that I was able to help the Mexican Community fill that need."

"His [Reid's] support to Consul Berenice Rendón in opening the Mexican Consulate in Las Vegas was fundamental," said Consul Mariano Lemus Gas. "...The Mexican Consulate believes that Senator Harry gReid deserves recognition for his contribution to the opening of this office."

Reid and his staff worked closely with the Mexican Embassy to help bring the Consulate Office to Las Vegas. The Las Vegas Consulate Office, which officially opened in February 2002, was the 47th to open in the United States. In 2005, Consul Mariano Lemus Gas was assigned to the Las Vegas office.

The Consulate Office provides many services to the Mexican American Community including:

Information about requirements for traveling to Mexico Helping Mexican Nationals obtain consular identification cards Issuing Mexican Nationals passports Educating business people about travel and trade between the United States and Mexico Arranges for the return to Mexico of those who have died in the United States Helps with reunification of separated families Protects labor rights and helps recover back wages Promotes government programs such as education, health, and social development for those participating in the Institute for Mexicans Living Abroad

Reid is committed to fighting for the Hispanic communities in Nevada. Reid has voted to raise the minimum wage; he supports tough and fair immigration reform; and he is working to ensure that states don't run out of money for children's health programs.

During today's ceremony, Reid joined Consul Gas to present the Ohtli Award to Pricilla Rocha and Araceli Paredes for their efforts to strengthen the community.

U.S. Senator Harry Reid of Nevada and Consul Mariano Lemus Gas present the Ohtli Award to Pricilla Rocha and Araceli Paredes.


Defend Your American HomeLand - Call And Stand Up for Yourself!

Action #1: Call your Senators first thing Thursday morning and say
"Where's The Fence?". The Senate is going to vote on Cloture
Thursday. We must flood these Senators with phone calls:

Your State Senators:

Sen. Ensign (202) 224-6244
Sen. Reid (202) 224-3542

Other Key Senators:

Sen. McConnell (202) 224-2541
Sen. Jon Kyl, AZ (202) 224-4521
Sen. John McCain, AZ (202) 224-2235
Sen. Saxby Chambliss, GA (202) 224-3521
Sen. Johnny Isakson, GA (202) 224-3643
Sen. Sam Brownback, KS (202) 224-6521
Sen. Pat Roberts, KS (202) 224-4774
Sen. Chad Cochran, MS (202) 224-5054
Sen. Trent Lott, MS (202) 224-6253
Sen. Richard Burr, NC (202) 224-3154
Sen. Elizabeth Dole, NC (202) 224-6342
Sen. John Warner, VA (202) 224-2023
Sen. Jim Webb, VA (202) 224-4024
Sen. John Cornyn, TX (202) 224-2934
Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, TX (202) 224-5922

Action#2: Send Faxes and help us expand these ads.

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Thank you for the stand you are taking!