Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Mexicans Boo Miss America for Speaking English in Mexico - Can You Fucking Believe It???
Smith was booed during her interview and several audience members chanted "Mexico! Mexico!" until she spoke in Spanish, saying "Buenas noches, Mexico. Muchas gracias!" which earned her applause. Mexico has a fierce rivalry with its northern neighbor. (Um, do you mean the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA???)
Also finishing in the top five were second runner-up Ly Jonaitis of Venezuela and third runner-up Honey Lee of Korea.
The winner travels the world for a year on behalf of charities and pageant sponsors.
The 15 finalists from a field of 77 contestants were announced early in Monday's show. They were picked last week during preliminary judging in the contest's swimsuit, evening gown and interview categories. Their names were not announced until Monday, allowing all 77 to be introduced to the television audience.
Contest met with protests
As soon as the final 15 had been selected, they immediately strutted across the stage in animal-print bikinis for the swimsuit competition. After the evening gown competition, five contestants were eliminated, and the judges chose the winner from the five remaining.
Missing from this year's contest was Miss Sweden, whose country is one of the few to win the crown three times. Isabel Lestapier Winqvist, 20, dropped out because many Swedes say the competition does not represent the modern woman.
Hours before the pageant began, dozens of protesters held a mock ceremony in downtown Mexico City that featured "Miss Marijuana," "Miss Sexual Health," "Miss Human Rights" and other candidates with obscenities written across their sashes. The group yelled "Neither ugly nor beautiful, should a woman be considered an object!" (LOL!!! Sounds like mexico is quite the political groupies now - complete with social agendas and everything.....sounds like socialism has invaded mexico!)
Pageant organizers say the Miss Universe contest carefully selects women who are intelligent, well-mannered and cultured.
1999 Miss Teen USA Vanessa Minnillo and "Extra" weekend correspondent Mario Lopez hosted the live, two-hour telecast, broadcast on NBC and Telemundo, expected to be viewed by more than 600 million people in more than 180 countries.
The celebrity judges included actor James Kyson Lee, model Lindsay Clubine, Dallas Cowboys quarterback Tony Romo, rocker Dave Navarro, Olympic figure skating champion Michelle Kwan, celebrity hairstylist Ken Paves, fashion designer Marc Bouwer, "Project Runway" judge and Elle magazine fashion director Nina Garcia and former Miss Universe Dayanara Torres.
The pageant was last held in Mexico City in 1993, when Torres was crowned.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
What a fucking joke to expect ANYONE to go to mexico and speak spanish when the Citizens of the United States are constantly demanded upon to have respect for others by spending their hard-earned tax dollars - billions of dollars per year, to be exact! - on the translations, printings, distributions, local translator services (who are paid more than average English speaking U.S. Citizens) and so much more just to "comfort" and aid the illegal immigrant mexican population into this Country! And this is how they repay us - by showing NO respect and making even more demands.......
Great things have been accomplished through the English language and while the rest of the world adopts it as a primary language - the United States insists on dumbing down it's people by neglecting it! Where is the logic in that?
Why is America insisting on giving itself away without demanding anything??
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
9:22 PM
Censorship in Morocco? It Could Happen in the U.S.A.
This is a perfect example of the dangers of State and Government controlled processes. This is why capitalism works - because it keeps the functions of the people within the mercy of the people and the people benefit from those successes or failures. RABAT, Morocco -- Moroccans unable to access the video-sharing Web site YouTube since last week expressed fears Tuesday that the government had stepped up its campaign to restrict independent media. Moroccan bloggers were surprised to discover they could no longer open YouTube on Friday and promptly launched online forums to speculate about whether the site had been censured. Najib Omrani, a spokesman for state-controlled Maroc Telecom, which supplies most Internet access in Morocco, blamed the problem on a technical glitch but could not explain its nature or why it affected only the YouTube site. Government spokesman Nabil Benabdallah said he could not comment on telecommunications issues. Some Internet users were skeptical that a technical problem was to blame, noting that the site went down after people posted videos critical of Morocco's treatment of the people of Western Sahara, a territory that Morocco took control of in 1975 after Spain, the colonial power, withdrew. "They've clearly blocked YouTube," said university student Abdelhakim Albarkani, sitting in a Rabat cyber cafe doing his economics homework. "I'm worried because YouTube allowed us to see things the state newspapers and television won't show." Several countries have blocked access to Youtube this year. The U.S. Defense Department said earlier this month it would begin blocking access "worldwide" to YouTube and other popular Web sites on its computers and networks, citing security concerns and technological limits. Thailand blocked the site last month because of a video clip deemed offensive to the country's revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej. In March, Turkey blocked YouTube for two days after a complaint that some videos insulted Turkey's founding father, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk. A Brazilian judge ordered a ban on Youtube in an attempt to stop steamy footage of supermodel Daniela Cicarelli from being viewed, but later reversed the decision. And in Australia, the state of Victoria banned the site from government schools. Internet use has flourished in Morocco since ADSL became available in 2004. Tech-savvy Moroccans have started blogs and Web sites, and the Internet is now the scene of lively debate on many topics off-limits to the country's mainstream media. Many bloggers say an upsurge of YouTube videos criticizing Morocco's rule in Western Sahara may have spooked government censors. A report this month by the New York-based Committee to Protect Journalists listed Morocco as one of 10 worst backsliders on press freedoms. In recent years, journalists have been sentenced to prison, heavily fined and sometimes driven into exile for broaching Western Sahara and other subjects. Moroccan telecommunications authorities have also blocked access to online mapping tool Google Earth for much of 2006 and sites promoting independence for Western Sahara. "The government should not interfere in free media," said Hicham, a member of a pro-democracy NGO who only gave his first name. "If Morocco is to be a practicing democracy, this sort of thing shouldn't happen." ___ Associated Press Writer Marco Oved in Paris contributed to this report.
Otherwise, any alternative venue places the people at the mercy of other Human Beings and therefor judged by their peers regardless of whether any true crime has been committed or not.
In previous blogs I wrote about the intense effort to remove God from the foundation of th United States and the implications of the removal of God from our Nation.
Before you go on thinking I'm trying to push some religious effort - let me just inform you that I am not religious in that I view ALL things as being alive (even rocks) since all elementary particles are alive with motion and therefor energy. God for me is the energy that creates all things.
However, even as a non-religious person, I see the values of having a God-based society. Without God there must be a replacement of Laws. Laws are limited because there is no higher enforcement than one's own moral compass. Laws are counter productive in everyday, general society because it's simply not in the Nature of any living animal to WANT to be caged. You might say - we need laws to avoid chaos and tragedy - no, those are rules. Rules are popular habits and MANY of the "laws" that we have today were simply formed out of popular habit and enacted into law by bored individuals who needed to boost their resume.
It is far more likely that a society will function on a more compatible level if left the responsibility to govern the self, rather than BE governed. Individual accountability is far more powerful than constant nagging about limitations. A free society is far more likely to do kind things for one another because such acts are rewarded upon the do-gooder, thus inspiring more good behavior to achieve the feeling of fulfillment again.
People do good things because they feel good and because they want to.
There should be laws regarding serious crimes and to maintain an overall collective among the people but our Founding Fathers knew that self-governance would develop a true Government among the People ad that's why we have the Constitution - to differentiate the United States from other Countries as a Nation of self-Governed People who own guns as individual nations with a Nation. Now we have HOA's - small, hypocritical groups which represent twisted, uncooperative, court laden bully systems that make little sense when truly examined. We have the U.S. Government trying to forsake the People by making rogue decisions with their own best interests at the helm.
Unless the People step up and defend themselves against this illegal immigration Bill, the U.N., the New World Order and local Government absorption of Rights, we will end up like Morocco not soon into the future.
Moroccans Fear Youtube Has Been Blocked
By JOHN THORNEThe Associated Press
Tuesday, May 29, 2007; 6:02 PM
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
3:54 PM
Labels: Bully Tactics, Censorship, Government Controls, Laws
A Challenge of Political Correctness
I wonder if any of you are offended by these terms???
I'm curious of the feedback on this. Do you feel bad about saying these words? Are you ashamed to read them??
Please note that I do not offend easily, I welcome free speech fully!. The only time I become offended is by attempts to manipulate me, labels of abuse directed towards me - such as "racist" because I am certainly NOT a racist - you are however entitled of your opinions of me but do not ASSERT your opinions on me. What you "think" of me and what I "am" may be two entirely different things.
Also, ignorance offends me. I expect you have some knowledge of the subject if you are to argue with me on any topic. Same holds true for me.
Otherwise, please leave whatever words your heart honestly desires. Nothing is accomplished through deceit, indirect talks and phony perceptions.
I am fascinated by the behaviors of people towards each other. I often times use words which are deemed inappropriate because I'm curious as to how people will react to how the words are presented, how they are used, who I am talking about and what the current even is in the environment of which the conversation is being held.
I painted a painting called "Subway Chatter" in which a Southern Bell type woman, a Pimp type man, and some others are talking on a subway and seemingly tolerating one another while coming from different backgrounds. Yet when we retreat to our homes, friends, respective environments that tolerance seems to change. It's that aspect that fascinates me - the "tribal" or "herd" agenda of all animals everywhere. I'm guilty of it myself!
What you view in your mind about what I write in my blogs may not be at all what I am viewing when I write them. And what I write may not at all be what you read.
The most personal reason I can apply to my own "tribal" agenda is survival of my tribe. I cannot discard the threats faced by my tribe regardless of how I look at whether perceived threats are viable or just in my head. Tribal threats for me, personally are often anything that threatens myself or those like me, which I often view my family and my fellow Americans as my tribe. I cannot recall a time when I considered another race, culture (outside of terrorists), people or sexual orientation as a threat to my tribe. Threats that are important to me are violations against the the U.S.A and the laws that MAKE this Nation the U.S.A, the idea of a United Nations Counsel (have we watched too much Star Wars?? The idea of a U.N is awful - what comes after the U.N.?? A revolt and displaced territories - new countries under new leaderships. - that will be the ultimate objective - coups! A blind person could see that, so why is the United States getting themselves into a plan for ultimate defeat?). I also feel the survival of my tribe is threatened by social and Government controls that hinder or stop the free progress of the Nation, which is my tribe.
My online participation is an expression of finding out about myself and others, about life, the politics of my Country and the survival of our tribe of People.
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
12:02 PM
How I'm Losing Republicanism and Finding Independence Through Betrayal
How I'm Losing Republicanism and Finding Independence Through Betrayal
Hello Bloggers of the world, this is my first blog outside of the MySpace box and I couldn't be happier. No ore tedious, on-going correcting of HTML code or CSS hassles and no more waiting 30 - 60 seconds to go to a pointless email stage.
Now let me get to the point here.....I'm a 36 year old woman, I'm a single Mom, I'm a Republican. Well, at least I used to be a Republican.......but I'm finding that my own party has come to join the Democrats and there truly is no representation of the good People of the United States of America.
I'm one of those good people.
My voice is all but gone in the White House and so are the voices of 99% of this Country. There are no politicians for the hard working Citizens who are taxed to death, who are hindered and bogged down by local and state Government. Those of us who have demands are ignored and punished for voicing our concerns.
I am told that I have the Right to Free Speech and it appears to be true because I see many, many others who say and do whatever they want, huge petitions in the streets, signs, banners, flags, vocal insults on opposing on-lookers, etc. My Country offers political asylum to non-citizens who might suffer punishment for having certain beliefs or actions. However, being a Citizen - I seem to be denied the Rights to Free Speech, especially being a Republican. Apparently anything I want makes me a racist, a Nazi, and whatever other "labels" you want to put on me to try to silence my side. I honestly don't care what people think of me because no one is perfect enough to judge me, no one can predict my motives or desires. No one in this Nation has any authority to decide any life decisions for me - otherwise would make you a commie! So stop trying to label people and trying to manipulate the information to get your way.
I am not a racist, I am not against immigration and I am not against people coming to the United States to have a better life. However, if we don't protect what we have, there will BE no better life in this Country! Not for immigrants, not for the people who live here!
More and more I feel myself falling away from the Republican Party because less and less I feel my wants and needs being defended by the Republican Party. I have been Republican since I remember thinking. No joke! I have known I was Republican since I was born.
Now I am thinking there is no difference between the Republicans or the Democrats. This is true of the career politicians in Washington. However down here on the ground, where the REAL Republicans live - there is a HUGE difference between Republicans & Democrats.
I have all but turned against President Bush - who is only concerned with his Fathers New World Order agenda to even see any facts.
We, the People are being sold out on this illegal immigration Bill and I'm outraged!!
We can't afford it financially, socially, politically or resourcefully!
The same groups that are defending this illegal immigrant amnesty Bill are the same ones who complain about pollution, water shortages, and whatever else they can complain about. So why demand that even more people stay here??? If we are in such a state of resource shortage - why open ourselves up to supporting even more people????
If this immigration Bill passes and George Bush sells us out as a Nation of voters - I am giving up the Republican Party and devoting myself to starting a new Independent Party - one that's FOR the People of the United States of America. We will be known as the Rhinos and we will sweep the floor of the White House of corrupt Republicans who collaborate against the American People.
We will be against illegal immigration, against a New World Order, against the U.N. and for tax breaks, we will develop instruction packages for every person born which will guide parents or guardians to function in opportunities Nationally and Globally - "suggestions" to provide a positive foundation and direction for life. People are born in this Country, they are not shown any direction or guidance - instead they are told what they CAN'T do! A negative and counter-productive arrangement. From there, people will have a better idea of what choices they can make in life. From birth to death. People do not think of things unless its brought to their attention and that's what we should be doing to help our society.
We will make suggestions for health care, employment opportunities, living locations - thereby marketing the good things of this Nation, generating new business, building hopes and dreams instead of killing them with universal laws of "regulation" that we have now.
Sometime I will write a blog on my views of laws and how they only apply to some and not others and the burdens laws are on overall progression. Laws should reluctantly implemented on the lives of people. Deep review should proceed any new laws!
Anyway, if the Republicans screw the People of the United States - they better look out for the Rhinos because we''ll take this Nation back for the PEOPLE!
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
10:15 AM
Bullet removed from head, 64 years later
Bullet removed from head, 64 years later
Current mood: apathetic
Category: Life
Bullet removed from head, 64 years later
From correspondents in Beijing
May 28, 2007 12:00
Article from: Reuters
A CHINESE woman's 64-year-old headache has ended after doctors removed a bullet that relatives said lodged in her skull when Japanese soldiers shot her during World War II.
Jin Guangying, now 77, lost consciousness after a Japanese patrol in Jiangsu province fired on her in 1943 as she went to meet her grandfather, a guerrilla fighter, the Beijing News reported today.
"When she came to, her head was wrapped in a bandage and she never realised there was a bullet lodged deep in her head," the paper said.
Later, she had regular headaches, would foam at the mouth and "talk nonsense ... like she had gone mad," the paper said.
Ms Jin's family had thought her symptoms were due to a tumour, the paper said, quoting Wang Zhengping, the woman's daughter.
"Because our family was poor, we were never able to have her taken for a thorough check-up," Ms Wang said.
A military expert in Nanjing, the Jiangsu capital, had identified the bullet as one used by Japanese soldiers at that time, the newspaper said.
Ms Jin's relatives plan to seek redress for her more than 60 years of suffering.
"As her children, we will soon go to Nanjing to consult with relevant experts as to how to seek compensation from the Japanese Government, and will definitely be seeking a public apology," the paper quoted Ms Wang as saying.
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
1:49 AM
Illegal Sells Pot to Elementary Students
Illegal Sells Pot to Elementary Students clock May 27, 2007 7:45 am US/Central 7:02 AM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment |
Nevada Lights |
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Nevada Lights |
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
1:49 AM
Google Programmer Blind
Google Programmer Blind and Crazy
Current mood: impressed
Category: Life
Actually, he's a super-Human....
By Charles Babcock
Google Programmer
Interview by Charles Babcock
Photograph by Wiley Spiller/Getty Images |
1 | In Transition "I have no idea exactly what I'll be doing for Google, but I know they already employ another blind programmer." Google uses Subversion to manage open source projects that it hosts on its site. Lundblad works in Google's Zurich facility." |
2 | Open Source Guru "My work on Subversion was really helpful. When you work for a private company, it's easy to just sit in a cave. You don't get feedback from other programmers because you're not allowed to show your code to anyone." |
3 | How He Does It "I was trained as a finger typist. I know from the feel of the keys if I've made a mistake typing. When looking at code, I prefer Braille." Lundblad uses a device that presents each line of code on the screen in Braille for him to read by touch. |
4 | First Contact "I was 13 years old in 1989 when I got my first computer. Then a few years later, the Internet came along. It was a revolution. I could search for whatever I wanted, instead of going to the library to see what books they had in Braille." |
5 | Hands On "I've spent much time improving performance in various parts of Subversion, especially the working copy library, the Subversion component that manages the user's copy of files." |
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
1:48 AM
Negligent Mother Told Off By Judge
Negligent Mother Told Off By Judge
Current mood: angry
Category: Life
Good on the Judge, I say! About time people stand up for what's fair and just!!
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
1:47 AM
Men in 30s earn less than fathers, income growth decelerates
Men in 30s earn less than fathers, income growth decelerates
Current mood: sad
Category: Life
Making less than dad did
Report reveals that American men in their 30s earn less than their fathers did, as family income growth decelerates.
NEW YORK (CNNMoney.com) -- American men in their 30s are earning less than their father's generation did, challenging a long-held belief that each generation will be better off than the one that preceded it, according to a new study published Friday.
The report, the first in an ongoing 18-month study on economic mobility in the United States, also revealed that the income growth of the median American household is declining.
The study was produced by a handful of politically diverse think tanks including the Pew Charitable Trusts, the American Enterprise Institute, the Brookings Institute, the Heritage Foundation and the Urban Institute. It looked at income levels of American men in their 30s, which can be a good indicator of lifetime income.Relying on Census Bureau figures, the study's authors found that after adjusting for inflation, men in their 30s in 2004 had a median income of about $35,000 per year, for a 12 percent drop compared with $40,000 per year for men in the same age group in 1974.
That stood in stark contrast to men in their 30s in 1994, who earned 5 percent more than their fathers did.
Similarly, American families, which experienced a 32 percent increase in income levels between 1964 and 1994, saw household income growth slow to 9 percent between 1974 and 2004, according to the report.
"There is clearly some story here that [U.S.] productivity gains are not trickling down to the median family," said John Morton, a co-author of the study and the managing director of economic policy initiatives at the Pew Charitable Trusts.
Even as male incomes have declined and household income growth has slowed, the nation's productivity has remained robust. While the two once kept pace with each other, U.S. productivity has quickly outpaced income growth since the mid-1970s, according to the report.
The study's authors, who plan to examine relative mobility, or the ability of Americans to move up or or down in social strata, said their report shows the canonical belief in an American meritocracy may be unraveling.
"The expectation that each generation will do better than their parents has become a fundamental part of what we call 'The American Dream,'" said Morton. "But this new analysis suggests this bedrock belief may be shifting under our feet."
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
1:45 AM
Stunning High Res Photo of San Francisco After 1906 Earthquk
Stunning High Res Photo of San Francisco After 1906 Earthquk
Current mood: enthralled
Category: Life
Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
1:43 AM
Soft Drinks Blocking DNA Function?? Yikes!
Soft Drinks Blocking DNA Function?? Yikes!
Current mood: cold
Category: Life
Caution: Some soft drinks may seriously harm your health
Expert links additive to cell damage
By Martin Hickman, Consumer Affairs Correspondent
Published: 27 May 2007
A new health scare erupted over soft drinks last night amid evidence they may cause serious cell damage. Research from a British university suggests a common preservative found in drinks such as Fanta and Pepsi Max has the ability to switch off vital parts of DNA.
The problem - more usually associated with ageing and alcohol abuse - can eventually lead to cirrhosis of the liver and degenerative diseases such as Parkinson's.
The findings could have serious consequences for the hundreds of millions of people worldwide who consume fizzy drinks. They will also intensify the controversy about food additives, which have been linked to hyperactivity in children.
Concerns centre on the safety of E211, known as sodium benzoate, a preservative used for decades by the £74bn global carbonated drinks industry. Sodium benzoate derives from benzoic acid. It occurs naturally in berries, but is used in large quantities to prevent mould in soft drinks such as Sprite, Oasis and Dr Pepper. It is also added to pickles and sauces.
Sodium benzoate has already been the subject of concern about cancer because when mixed with the additive vitamin C in soft drinks, it causes benzene, a carcinogenic substance. A Food Standards Agency survey of benzene in drinks last year found high levels in four brands which were removed from sale.
Now, an expert in ageing at Sheffield University, who has been working on sodium benzoate since publishing a research paper in 1999, has decided to speak out about another danger. Professor Peter Piper (hahah, this just keeps getting better!), a professor of molecular biology and biotechnology, tested the impact of sodium benzoate on living yeast cells in his laboratory. What he found alarmed him: the benzoate was damaging an important area of DNA in the "power station" of cells known as the mitochondria.
He told The Independent on Sunday: "These chemicals have the ability to cause severe damage to DNA in the mitochondria to the point that they totally inactivate it: they knock it out altogether.
"The mitochondria consumes the oxygen to give you energy and if you damage it - as happens in a number if diseased states - then the cell starts to malfunction very seriously. And there is a whole array of diseases that are now being tied to damage to this DNA - Parkinson's and quite a lot of neuro-degenerative diseases, but above all the whole process of ageing." Sounds like new super hero material for Marvel Comics
The Food Standards Agency (FSA) backs the use of sodium benzoate in the UK and it has been approved by the European Union but last night, MPs called for it to investigate urgently.
Norman Baker, the Liberal Democrat (AHHAHAHAH!!!)chair of Parliament's all-party environment group said: "Many additives are relatively new and their long-term impact cannot be certain. This preservative clearly needs to be investigated further by the FSA."
A review of sodium benzoate by the World Health Organisation in 2000 concluded that it was safe, but it noted that the available science supporting its safety was "limited".
Professor Piper, whose work has been funded by a government research council, said tests conducted by the US Food and Drug Administration were out of date.
"The food industry will say these compounds have been tested and they are complete safe," he said. "By the criteria of modern safety testing, the safety tests were inadequate. Like all things, safety testing moves forward and you can conduct a much more rigorous safety test than you could 50 years ago."
He advised parents to think carefully about buying drinks with preservatives until the quantities in products were proved safe by new tests. "My concern is for children who are drinking large amounts," he said. Fuck that - I'm not drinking any more soda. I can see where this makes sense.
5:36 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment
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Posted by
The Spewing of Fish
1:42 AM