Thursday, June 7, 2007

'Big Bang' project put off to 2008 - Aw, that sucks.......

'Big Bang' project put off to 2008

POSTED: 11:18 a.m. EDT, June 6, 2007

GENEVA, Switzerland (Reuters) -- First tests in a scientific project aimed at solving mysteries of the universe and the "Big Bang" which created it have been put off from November to late April or early May next year, an official said on Wednesday.

James Gillies, spokesman for the CERN particle research center near Geneva, said the delay was due to a series of minor problems with some elements in the vast array of equipment.

"We now intend to make the tests, which will allow the technicians to drive the machine, in late April or early May and then to go into full start up as planned by next summer," Gillies said.

The project at CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research which straddles the Swiss and French border, involves smashing particles together at high speed in a channel around an oval-shaped 17 mile underground tunnel.

Researchers on the project, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), say this will recreate in miniature the conditions which existed nanoseconds after the Big Bang some 15 billion years ago and should allow them to see what happened next.

CERN says the experiment will also probe for knowledge about "dark matter" -- the invisible mass of energy that is believed to make up 96 percent of the universe.

Let me point out my idea on this -- This is lame!! Particle Colliders are so 1990's. You people are still chasing Albert Einstein theories - magnetics, vibration and particles. We are beyond all that!

What you guys SHOULD be looking for is residue - RESIDUE - from the Energy Transfer process - from that you will find the source. Particle accelerators will show reactions but not far enough to see more than what we already know. You will have fragments of nothing. Stop trying to reverse-engineer the Creation of the Universe. You will not SEE the reaction itself because this material cannot exist in our form. You will have to look for the residue, which I believe will only occur by injecting a very high energy field into existing matter. I believe this would be the only way we could see the reaction now because there appears to be no power sources great enough to react with benign matter, which is neither here, or there.

Go ahead, build your multi-billion dollar spinwheels. You are only delaying your own progress by thinking so small. You have to let go of Albert's theories because he wasn't right about everything. E=Mc2 wasn't totally correct. Only correct in one stage of matter, one level of existence.

There is one more motion totally being overlooked. It is unaffected by gravity, by mass and houses no vibration. I don't currently have a word for it so I will go back to an old analogy - the snowflake on the snowbank. You think you are looking at the particle until the particle reaches like particles and blends and you realize you never saw it, you only saw it's shadow - much like quantum wave particles. I don't think we have realized that we have been looking at "shadows". The true particle mass is benign and only it's residue will tell of it's existence. A "shadow" is not the residue.

The residue - ok, let's first discuss the trivial parameters of what I have come to realize as the "space" required for space. For instance, the "space" inside of a particle exceeds the space which we inhabit because "space" is not what we know as "room" or "area" and it is not the place in which galaxies exist. It is energy. Energy cannot be manipulated, only directed. It is the only form of consistent existence of anything. It is the ultimate, the end. This is saying that energy is not TRULY condensed, as Albert stated.

We believe it is because of suspected higher ratios housed within particles but this is only a more pure form. We are not. WE are elementary, or rather - matter as we know it. Thats what makes life so amazing.

I'm going to throw something out here - hopefully I do not give too much away - so I will tell you that the residue will come to us in the form of a "shape".

I don't know how it will be perceived - whether it will be considered particle or reaction but I can tell you - it is neither. It is merely a state change.

It will be found through building a feedback reactor, not a particle manipulator. Let go of what you know because there is far more.

Here's the flaw and the most important variable - stop looking at energy in relation to matter - which is a limited perspective. Start looking at energy in relation to itself.


The LHC project, involving scientists from CERN's 26 member countries and many other nations in gathering and processing the data from many billions of particle collisions every day, has been in construction for 15 years.

It is expected to be in operation for another 15.

At the center of the experiment, which cost many billions of dollars to set up, are vast magnets in cathedral-size caverns around the tunnel some 300 feet underground.

Originally two weeks of relative low-speed testing of the circuit had been planned for November, just before CERN closes down its particle accelerators for four months to save costly energy during the winter.

But smaller magnets burst during pressure tests at the end of March, and unscheduled work resulting from that incident has meant there would not be sufficient time for the preliminary "driving" tests before the shutdown, Gillies said.

Small minded.

Copyright 2007 Reuters. All rights reserved.This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.

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