The Cost of Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants, YOU Gotta Read This Guys Blog!
The senate has finished debating weather or not to give amnesty to 12 million illegal immigrants without any concern with the fiscal consequences.
As I mentioned on an earlier blog, a certain study says that illegals cost the government $10.4 billion a year and that amnesty would triple it to about $29 billion.
The Boston Globe reports that George W. Bush had the portion on the amnesty bill which would require legalized illegals to pay back taxes removed. So this means that the deficit will go up for tax payers if this bill goes through. But the illegals will still have to pay $5,000 to apply for a green card. But this fee isn't supposed to make up for the taxes not paid.
This means that the estimated $45 billion net cost of illegal immigrants to tax payers, as estimated by the Federation for American Immigration Reform would not be as low. It would go up to $70 billion, at the very least, because the taxes that illegals pay to the local, state, and federal governments would no longer go to offsetting the cost. Not to mention the extra $10 billion of indirect costs.
The new amnesty bill is no better.
The Heritage Foundation has just released a new study that says that the new bill would cost U.S. tax payers at least $2.6 trillion in total over long time costs.
This report takes into account that not all of the 10 million adults given amnesty would reach retirement age to be eligible for their new entitlements. Based on mortality rates, it estimated that 8.5 million persons would reach the necessary age of 67 and reap retirement benefits. --- Each of them would probably live for another 18 years, average. The net cost to tax payers would be $17,000 per elderly individual per year. --- So the final cost would be $306,000 per elderly person for the rest of his life. Multiplying this by the 8.5 million legalized illegals is $2.6 trillion.
Fox News just reported that this bill failed on June 7, 2007. However, Harry Reid insisted that the bill wouldn’t be dead for a year.
The Washington Post reported that George W. Bush urged the senate Republicans to resurrect the bill. However, they insisted that Bush do more to secure the border. Republican Alabama senator, Jeff Sessions said that they are off the bill and should stay off for a while. --- Fortunately, Bush failed to win any allies.
Based on the affect of amnesty to taxpayers, as estimated by the Heritage Foundation and Bush’s insistence that an amnesty be passed, I think it is time to call the President’s credentials as a tax cutter into question.
It should also be mentioned that the study from the Heritage Foundation uses conservative estimates of the illegal immigration population. Some estimates say that the illegal population is actually higher. --- A Bear Stearns report estimates that there are 20 million illegal immigrants. If this estimate is right then the cost of amnesty would actually be much higher than estimated.
I guess Bush isn't interested in tax breaks.
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