Friday, June 15, 2007

You and I ~ Not So Important to Uncle Sam. We are Old News !!!

If you have half a brain, you are aware that the U.S. Government - George Bush and career politicians are slowly committing National suicide for us by defying all logic and all Will of the People. It's called "immigration reform". This isn't about "immigration" - this is about criminals who broke the laws of this Country, it's about "ILLEGAL" immigration, and George Bitch's New World Order agenda!!

The more we call, fax, yell, petition - the more angry we get, the more these politicians seem to snub their noses at us. Well, that's because you and I are last years bling. If George Bush and his career politicians succeed in passing this bill they can snuggle with the illegal immigrants who currently reside in the United States and then future family members each of them will sponsor.
Citizen votes will be a thing of the past. These politicians are thinking they won't feel the wrath of the People because they are dulling our votes by flooding the Country with "new citizens".

You and I are not so easily manipulated. You and I do not vote based on menial things like welfare, food stamps and free medical care. We vote on what makes good sense for our businesses, our jobs, our trades. We vote on items that force politicians to jump through hoops and stand before us and say things like "No new taxes!" Pppfff!!! HAH, HAH!!!

Why should todays career politicians CARE about what you and I want?? They are systematically replacing our votes with uneducated, needy new comers who don't know what the hell is going on because they can't even speak the language!

We spend LESS on caring for the handicapped in this Country than we spend on translations of millions of documents to cater to criminals.

We spend LESS on our retired citizens (period!) than we spend for medical care ALONE for criminals.

We spend LESS for foster care children, orphaned children than we spend for criminals.

We reward the ones who do work hard and invest in their own education and who find a place in society by REPLACING THEM with uneducated, low wage, ungrateful illegal immigrants.

I petition that individual States start class-action lawsuits on behalf of their Residents against the Government for having their Right to Vote stripped away through a clear intent force to compromise what we already know to be voter fraud across the Nation. Through illegal immigration malpractice, the U.S. Government has compromised our way of life, our safety, our Right to Vote and our futures. The U.S. Government has also altered it's function from upstanding valor and honor (guess we better lose the Eagle mascot) to something like the mafia - aiding and abetting criminals - secret deals, defiance of established laws, monopolizing land and money, murders, buddy systems, cliques, decisions NOT in the best interest of the People, bullying, embezzlement through taxes and fees......the list goes on! I read once that the reason the Government went after mobsters is because they hate competition! So true!!

I have never truly hated a President until George Bush. I have mutated from hard-ass Conservative Republican Constitutionalist - to doubter of ALL career politicians - to outright hater of this rogue Government that we have in this Country! I am ready to toss my political party out the window, never again to show them my support.

The thing is, I'm a John Birch Society ( follower and they HATE George W. Bush!!! They have been fully aware to the Bush "New World Order" Agenda for YEARS!! You really want to know what's going on in this Country?? Join the John Birch Society!

The John Birch Society has been anti-Iraq War - anti- U.N. - anti-gun control - anti-illegal immigration - anti- New World Order and very anti- Bush! I feel foolish that I ever doubted this group of people who taught me that Pearl Harbor was also a set up.

My boyfriend who is born Iranian said to me yesterday (in broken English) - "If George Bush do this, he make this Country shit! No jobs, no education. Right now, I am proud American Citizen, I go brag, but if he do this, I be ashamed, no longer proud U.S. Citizen. This Country will turn to shit like Iraq."

The hardest part about all of this is that I have to agree with the stupid hippies out there - their whole thing was true about George Bush..........they are right! George Bush DOES suck!!!

He truly has turned out to be worst President ever!


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