Monday, May 28, 2007

You Decide What's Right & Wrong - Tell Me What You Think

You Decide What's Right & Wrong - Tell Me What You Think
Current mood: angry
Category: Life

Could you let me know what you think about my Conservative position and FrankOdelics Liberal position on this topic?

If you could post your comments on my blog about this so everyone else can share in your thoughts - that would be great.

Thanks everyone.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: frankOdelic
Date: Mar 16, 2007 12:00 PM

Ok... my comment was about the last sentence of that article. The article itself... I read it, and I simply think whoever made the bold observation is fond of sweeping generalizations and is jumping to conclusions.

The guy has experience with the Muslim religion. I'm sure he understands the Muslim people better than any other candidate. Most Muslims are good people, it's the radical Muslims we've got a problem with. You can't lump them all into one pot. He's probably best able to come up with a real solution to the problem.

Bush's policies are simply fanning the flames of discontent in the Muslim world... studies show an increase in terrorist behavior since Bush took over. He's fuckin' up, big time.

It's almost funny how we both assume the other side is corrupt and ill intentioned... we're probably both wrong in some sense... sure the truth falls somewhere closer to the middle.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Nevada Lights
Date: Mar 16, 2007 9:24 AM

Well I had no doubt that you would be excited that this fucking whack Muslim being in the race. You would sell your fucking sole just to keep a Conservative from doing something.

You know why? Because in [your] mind, that helps you confirm that you were right about the whacked out shit that you support.

At least most Conservatives hold themselves to some type of moral requirement, unlike your side, like Bill Clinton who does whatever - pay offs from communist Chinese - affairs - people dying - trashing the White House.....

I'm starting to hate you because I see that you are part of the cancer in this Country.

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: frankOdelic
Date: Mar 16, 2007 2:38 AM

There's no chance a conservative is getting into office in 2008... just give it up, honey. No Repub candidate has the "perceived" moral fortitude to get a large percentage of the "low information" evangelical vote. That's the only thing that saved Bush's ass the last two elections.

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Nevada Lights
Date: Mar 16, 2007 1:53 AM


I was reading the newspaper today and I began reading this op-ed by Nicholas Kristof of The Treason Times aka The New York Times.He was talking about Barrack O'bama's qualifications for the presidency, yadda,yadda when lo and behold I came across this little gem:

"I was a little Jakarta street kid," he said in a wide-ranging interview in his office. He once got in trouble for making faces in Qur'an study classes in his elementary school, but a president is less likely to stereotype Muslims as fanatics -- and more likely to be aware of their nationalism -- if he once studied the Qur'an with them."

Whoa! Back up. Did I just here that right?

Did that Muslim apologist just tell me that if Barrack Obama ever becomes president of this country, he is going to be a Qur'an toting terrorist sympathizer?

I don't know about you, but I find that statement and that idea extremely disturbing.

Kristof goes on to say "Our biggest mistake since World War II has been a lack of sensitivity to other people's nationalism, from Vietnam to Iraq. Perhaps as a result of his background, Obama has been unusually sensitive to such issues and to the need to project respect rather than arrogance.

Whoa! What! It was arrogance that started this war? Oh, because I could have sworn that the war was started because a couple of muslim fanatics hijacked a couple of our planes and flew them right into the World Trade Center towers. A typical BS statement from a member of the "Blame America First" crowd. This guy is probably a card carrying member of the ACLU.

Then he states "So how would an Obama administration differ from the Bill Clinton presidency in foreign policy? One way,he said,would be a much greater emphasis on promoting education (probably so our kids don't get stuck in Iraq), health care, and development in Africa and other poor regions--not just for humanitarian reasons,but also with an eye to national security.

Hold it!!!

I just can't go on anymore. You mean to tell me that we have a psychopath in Iran, an equally dangerous psychopath in North Korea, an anti-American oil baron in Venezuela who is friends with said psychopath in Iran, a lunatic idiot in Russia, an anti-American idiot in France (those wimps aren't a threat anyway), a quirky China, Al quada, Hezbollah, and other terrorist organizations gunning for us and you are going to place national security last?

I don't know about you but I am really troubled over this article and Obamas answers.

I really hope for our safety and the well being and future of this country, that we get a conservative president in office.

By: Brian Who Has No URL But Plays Guitar (Friend of Nevada Lights)

12:15 AM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Baboon Rising

I think Frank has a point about the Republicans believe it or not. Unless we find a conservative like Ronald Reagan or someone with the fortitude to fight for what they believe in and an stand up for conservative values, we are in the tank. Scandals like Mark Foley and others don't help our cause. And, of course the media will blow them out of proportion or lump liberal repblicans with the conservative cause, which is transcends political parties. The liberals and the Democratic party really have no moral compass to speak of, other than to repute Republicans.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Friday, March 16, 2007 at 12:25 PM
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Nevada Lights

Comment on the subject by a reader, not me:

"Oh, I understand that he will be catering to the fringe muslim groups but in my opinion it will only be marginally moreso than Hillary or fagboy Edwards. All of the D party must be card carrying ACLU members. Their goal is to persecute Christians while letting ANY AND ALL other religions(BTW, athieism is also a religion) do/have whatever they want. Therefore they must all be decimated before the might republican jugernaut. ?

Posted by Nevada Lights on Sunday, March 18, 2007 at 3:23 AM
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