Monday, May 28, 2007

Why I Want to Be President of the United States of America

Why I Want to Be President of the United States of America

By Samantha

Dear Fellow Americans,
I would like to introduce myself as a Patriot Leader since I am certainly not a politician. I'm here because I want change in my homeland for myself and my fellow Americans. Please work with me and other Americans to open the eyes of those around us. I hope to encourage and promote the reality that we, as American People DO have options and the decisions are certainly up to us if we only take the lead!

My reasoning behind running for President via MySpace is to bring attention to the plight of this Country due to the consistent neglect and failure by politicians to face the problems of the day. Who are politicians to lead us anyway? What superiority do they have over typical, everyday Americans? The only thing that I can think to distinguish them is that they have come up through the ranks and therefor know the ins and outs of how to screw Joe Public.

I'm fed up, as everything that's happening today seems to reflect that you are fed up too, so let's make a change! Let's take the lead and take America back and give Her to the American People! I'm asking for true rebellion of the People against "traditional" politics.

Americans are being butchered, skinned and de-veined - stripped of American culture, American values and the American lifestyle!

Politicians constantly gloat about what they've done for us when we in fact we do everything for ourselves. Politicians only have the ability to direct our money, but we are the ones who make it happen, we pay for it! Politicians don't even ask us anymore, they insist or bypass the Peoples' vote all together.

Politics have been defined over the last 50 years as:

1. The advancement of international law superseding American law
2. American tax dollars squandered on preferential treatment of some Americans while neglecting others
3. American tax dollars squandered on the agendas of friends and families of only a select few organizations of American society
4. American tax dollars squandered trying to buy favoritism with the world
5. Social experiments such as mass immigration to try to diversify America - also at the cost of American tax payers

Americans are innovators, inventors, conceptual thinkers. We have generated so much success in this Country that we can afford to send billions and billions of dollars to foreign countries to help them have a better life. And we've done so for almost a hundred years.

All the while politicians say we're morally weak, while allowing and even helping criminals invade us from within. We're encouraged to trade our technology and send our work overseas at the sake of losing that technology and yet more American jobs. Not to mention the flooding of the American marketplace with sub-standard products of which have little value to American life.

Let's recover the true meaning of politics which is the governance of this Country and the individual States that follow behind Her, which make us The United States of America.

Are we taking America back to the 18th century? Hey, if that's what it takes to make change! For too long we have searched out these "pretty politicians" who cant see past themselves to know what America needs or wants, nor do they care. Politicians who have agendas long before they ever step foot into any office.

I don't believe International Relations are brought about or maintained by being phony, trying to change to suit others or by buying people off. It's mainly about being strong, showing that you have something of content to offer and that you are willing to function if there is a functioning relationship.

I don't believe America needs to be flooded with immigrants because Americans aren't having as many babies as the rest of the world. That's why we have weapons and a Military. That's why we invent machines for battle. Americans have a different perspective on life because we've earned it. And now politicians want to take it away. They say we are obligated to provide a better life for the rest of the world. Well, I think we do enough without having to give up everything!

I don't believe it's OK for immigrants who have no Rights here to come and command that they do! I believe our Military should be used to protect Americans within the borders just as well as outside the borders! Gangs, drug dealers, domestic terrorists. Criminals should not be allowed 3 strikes when two is more than enough to see a pattern - all while tax payers are paying for these activities to occur. Without financing, criminals have no means to function!

I don't believe the Government has the right to come take anyone's land for any reasons. This is an outrage!

I don't believe American Citizens should have to pay property taxes for their entire lives. This Country has so much money that instead of social security, there should be a property tax savings that pays after one retires. You worked for it, you earned it, the Government shouldn't take it from you!

I am 100% for taking care of the American People before taking care of anyone else!! We should not have elderly retirees going hungry, being cold or suffering in this Country!

This American is more than willing to take on whatever challenges this Country faces, since none of our politicians can tear away from their publicity campaigns long enough to even acknowledge the current outcries of the American People.

If every American donated one dollar, we would have more than enough to campaign. We can put our money to work for US for a change! Even Wal-Mart knows the powerful strength of ownership in keeping a viable, healthy environment. Obviously, no one in politics sees this as all they want to do is take, take, take from us - until we own nothing!

My background is mainly in science. I resigned Vice President of a high-tech manufacturing firm in 2006 after six years. The company would be bankrupt right now, had I not been doing my job on an international level. I'm just an everyday American just like you that wants something better for America.

I hope you will help spread the word and make a difference.

Thank you for reading.

Hey, I'm running for President because we need new leadership, one that's FOR the People. Vote for me and send us a dollar. Thank You.

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Baboon Rising: Press Relations

Baboon Rising

And so we've heard it people. Here lies the platform of a new movement in American politics. A vote for Samantha is a vote against the politics of today. It's a vote for what America was founded on; individual liberty, genuine justice, and common sense values. Help Samantha spread the message by your $1.00 donation. Let her know that you are committed to the cause.

It's a viable grassroots campaign unlike none over seen before. Just like Theodore Roosevelt changed the political climate with the Bull Moose Party in the early years of the last century, let us begin anew with the fresh ideas that Samantha offers. Let us gain respect in the world by taking pride in our great nation. Let's show the world that we have the strength and courage to not cower to international pressure. Let's act like the superpower we are. Let's elect a leader that will take us to a place where the founding fathers invisioned. With Samantha standing up and defending the ideals of the Constitution first and foremost, The Decleration Of Independence, The writings of Thomas Paine, and the intentions of the founders, we will stay strong. Our enemies will be defeated, our allies will flourish, we will gain respect and be appreciated in the world.

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