Monday, May 28, 2007

Georgia Close to Approving Bible Classes in Public Schools

Georgia Close to Approving Bible Classes in Public Schools
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Category: Life

Georgia Close to Approving Bible Classes in Public Schools

Friday, March 09, 2007

I don't know....they better be might actually learn some self-respect, morals and common decency....they better hope the ACLU doesn't find out these kids might actually have a chance for a good life.

ATLANTA — Georgia is poised to introduce two literature classes on the Bible in public schools next year, a move some critics say would make the state the first to take an explicit stance endorsing — and funding — biblical teachings.

The Bible already is incorporated into some classes in Georgia and other states, but some critics say the board's move, which makes the Bible the classes' main text, treads into dangerous turf.

On a list of classes approved Thursday by the Georgia Board of Education are Literature and History of the Old Testament Era, and Literature and History of the New Testament Era. The classes, approved last year by the Legislature, will not be required, and the state's 180 school systems can decide for themselves whether to offer them.

The school board's unanimous vote set up a 30-day public comment period, after which it is expected to give final approval.

Senate Majority Leader Tommie Williams, the Republican who sponsored the plan, said the Bible plays a major role in history and is important in understanding many classic literary works.

"It's not just 'The Good Book,'" Williams said. "It's a good book."

Charles Haynes of the First Amendment Center, a nonpartisan civil liberties group, has said the Georgia policy is the nation's first to endorse and fund Bible classes on a statewide level.

The bill approved overwhelmingly in the Legislature was tailored to make it clear the courses would not stray into religious teaching, Williams said.

The measure calls for the courses to be taught "in an objective and nondevotional manner with no attempt made to indoctrinate students."

But critics say that while the language may pass constitutional muster, that could change in the classroom if instructors stray.

Maggie Garrett, legislative counsel for the Georgia branch of the American Civil Liberties Union, said the curriculum approved Tuesday — like the Legislation itself — is vague.

"They didn't put in any outlines describing what they can and can't do constitutionally," she said. "The same traps are there for teachers who decide to teach the class."

Some teachers might seek to include their own beliefs or be pushed by students into conversations that include religious proselytizing, Garrett said.

During last year's campaign-period legislative session, Democrats surprised majority Republicans by introducing a plan to teach the Bible in public schools. Republicans, who control both chambers, quickly responded with their own version, which passed and was signed into law by Gov. Sonny Perdue.

11:11 PM - 14 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

I'm sure the ACLU will send an army of lawyers down there to fight it. The rotten thing about the ACLU is we pay them to do this to us. Talk about cutting our own throats first with oil and now these idiots!

Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 7:09 AM
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Nevada Lights

The ACLU is worst than any organized religion. They are falling apart also, and have been corrupt just like every other Human organization. Propably no one has taken the time to investigate those people. I bet the ACLU is every bit as corrupt as many D.A.'s have become but because we have Presidents who arent really caring about America we are more focused on having to deal with corruption at the highest levels.

Either way, if organizations like the ACLU are going to wage war on American Society, than they should be investigated since they feel compelled to take the role of "long arm of the Government". Americans have the Right to know who and what is waging war against them.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 8:38 AM
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I Got My Reasons

Separation of church and state anyone?

Does it suprise anyone that this is happening in Georgia?

Posted by I Got My Reasons on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 10:31 AM
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Nevada Lights

What about seperation of America and sanity.

I guess you would rather see the decay of American society than something positive being shared.

What are you doing to improve society? And exactly what are you saying about Georgia people? Do you somehow think you're "better" than they are?

Heard the term "metrobilly"?? Those are the ignorant, dirty, self-laothing, freeloading, Greenday listening, class-lacking people that live in cities. I'm sure you've seen them hanging out at colleges and independently owned coffee shops.

You know, those people who think they have all of the solutions but don't even really know the problem. The ones that "think" their individuals yet do and say the exact same things as all of their friends.....those are metrobillies.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 12:47 PM
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I Got My Reasons

Sanity in America is keeping religion out of our public institutions, which has been traditional for over 200 years... you want it changed now exactly why?

Just like "Intelligent Design" this has a snowball's chance in hell of going through, even in Georgia. In case you haven't been following the news, these things NEVER pass legal muster, because they are INHERENTLY illegal (in the US).

You want religion in schools might I suggest moving to Iran or Saudi Arabia... your kids will be able to spend the WHOLE DAY praying and reading holy books. This is AMERICA. Sorry that bugs you out so much.

Georgia simply is a bible belt state, no? Most people who I know who live there would agree. You are taking THAT personally, why exactly?

As far as your grammatically-challenged attept to insult me (just do it, why be such a wuss?); I'm sure my gym membership costs more than your mortgage, I don't like Greenday (I listen to hip-hop), and my art is in galleries, not just on MySpace. I also went to college on a full acedemic scholarship, so maybe that's what you meant by "freeloading." 'Round my neck of the woods we call that ACHIEVEMENT, but then again we call people like you racist, ignorant losers who wear too much makeup and post images of their ass-cracks but want to tell you that YOU are classless. Yeah, you are setting a FINE example for the youth of today... and I mean "fine" in the sarcastic sense because, well, look in the mirror!!

"Their" should be They're, along with many other errors. Keep tellng me how ignorant you think I am.

Posted by I Got My Reasons on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 1:53 PM
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Nevada Lights

Well, that picture is actually up there to tell AOL and liberals to kiss my ass. It's MY ass, I can do whatever I like with it. You'll just have to get over that. Obviously YOU looked at it.....

Thanks for pointing out my shitty grammer. I usually dont make such mistakes.

And, I did not SAY you were a metrobilly, yet you assumed that I did. You took that personal why???

Now I am going to look at your art.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 2:10 PM
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I Got My Reasons

Oh, because this AOL user and liberal just puked a little in my mouth, but swallowed it back. (Dodgeball reference) I guess metaphors are too subtle for Conservatives, huh? I'm sure you have lots of opportunities to show your ass besides this one.

There isn't much of my work on MySpace, just a progressive of a comission I did for the New York Public Library. I'd give you a link to my gallery but we aren't that strapped for customers yet. I'll keep you posted.

As far as the Metrobilly thing, I thought you Conservatives were all about personal responsibility??!! You just had an urge to write a random non-sequitor that had nothing to do with you attacking my usefulness to society and patriotism? Ok, my bad. Try to stay on topic next time.

When did AOL kick you off?

BTW I could have answered your "how do you benefit society" questions before, but I didn't want to keep bragging. A lot of volunteer work with homeless people, addicts, kids. I also donate my artwork to auctions that help people with AIDS. I do pro-bono work for charities (designing web sites). I even have florescent bulbs installed, cuz Al Gore said it was a good idea.

I'm basically your worst nightmare: funny, smart, capitalistic, (modest, LOL), talented, worldly, etc... and a BIG FAT liberal.

Actually I'm not fat either, because I eat decent food and work out... you know, take care of my self.


Posted by I Got My Reasons on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 2:38 PM
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Nevada Lights

Your art is "ok" - not the best I've seen but those are just a few pictures too.

Anyway, maybe you should think about starting a farm for hippies since you're so "rich" because a lot more things are gonna be happening in America that you aren't gonna like.
Americans are tired of the idiots running this Country into the ground.

So enjoy.........

Posted by Nevada Lights on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 2:26 PM
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I Got My Reasons

Hey, I'll tell the people I sell it to that they are just buying "OK" shit... as far as the idiots go, I concur. When do YOU leave?

Posted by I Got My Reasons on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 2:40 PM
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Nevada Lights

I would like you if you weren't such a liberal, at least you DO have 1 or 2 good points which is more than most libs have. I admire your charity work. That's noble, unless you're lying of course.

I'm not going away cupcake.

Nice meeting you and your art - the one thing we have in common.

Bye fatso.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 2:57 PM
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I Got My Reasons

You honestly think that poorly of libs? If you want my hippy opinion, that's just fucking sad. I'm sure all bloggy ribbing aside that you are a good person trying to do the best they can... no?

What about divided we fall? What does your hating liberals contribute to society? I know plenty of Conservatives and they are generally good people (although sexually kinky, usually, but that makes sense too if you think about it...LOL), and I have no problem talking to them.

I gave you a bit of a hard time here, cuz, well, YOU DID FIRST (lol)... But c'mon, now... you have really been that sucessfully "sold" this bill of goods? Liberals are the enemy? Get real!

PS. I wouldn't really consider myself a liberal but rather a progressive. Since people like you usually give me a hard time for that, I just go with liberal. I was FOR the Afgan war, for example. That one made sense.

Anyway, just some food for thought (maybe).


Posted by I Got My Reasons on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 3:11 PM
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Nevada Lights

Absolutely the liberal is the enemy, but more and more Americans are pulling together to make something happen in this Country. I don't hate you, I just don't agree with your hippie-babble. I would never put certian lights in my home just because a phony politician recommended it.

MY opinions are based on what I have experienced and seen, read and figured out. I listen to Rush Limbaugh because he says what I wish I could say to the world, as do thousands of other people. We don't "buy into" anything, in fact we are way too easy going about stuff. And that's changing!! Americans are tired of the way this Country is going. America is not a buge welfare system for the world!

I am definetly Conservative and VERY kinky! Can you explain what you meant by "that makes sense too, if you think about it"? I think a study was done and Republicans DO have the best sex. That's a fact!

A progressive is a liberal and a liberal is a progressive. If you are ashamed, maybe you should reinvent yourself. Dont shameful and un-liberal of you.

And probably Conservatives are the only ones who can afford to buy your art because everyone knows that hippies don't really work.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 3:28 PM
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I Got My Reasons

OK, you say absolutely the liberal is the enemy, but you don't give any reasons. I'm not a hippy. I'm too young, the punk movement is more what I grew up with. Most actual hippies are now Conservative Yuppies, mostly because they gave up after they had kids (and got happy with making lots of money). So your use of these terms is pretty much meaningless, but I'll venture to guess that you think anyone who doesn't share your views is a "hippy"; fine... I just said it for effect.

I was also being light hearted re the florescent bulbs. I guess you guys don't belive in saving money either. Because you will save a lot on your electric bill if you get these, even more with L.E.D.s. But I guess like driving a gas guzzling car its better to waste your money if you can make Gore look stupid... that isn't conservative, it's REACTIONARY. A conservative would say "well I hate Gore, but this is a cool idea." Too intellectually challenging? That's like me throwing them out if I found out Bush had them. That would be stupid.

Conservatives are kinky because of the repression and unresoved rage they carry, so I wouldn't be too proud. Newt Gingrich, that gay evangelical guy, Mark Foley. All getting crushed under the weight of trying to maintain a facade of perfection and it coming out sideways (with a dose of childhood abuse thrown in). Then they spend the rest of thier lives being a pain in everyone else's ass about how they want to control shit. It's psyche 101. They all want to be spanked or talked dirty to or what have you because of the control issues. So yeah, if you see some tightass evangelical you can be pretty sure there is a gay prostitute with some methamphetimine in his Rolodex. "Best" sex? I don't know who would gauge that or how, but Conservatives are more likely to brag about it in my experience. Most of the women I have known who liked pornography, for example, where right-wingers.

A progressive is different from a liberal. A progressive may share some liberal views but knows that the left-right thing is really a relic of the Cold War and doesn't fit anymore (Hippys are a relic of that era too). Idealogically driven politics ultimately fail in a global economy (communism, Bush's foreign policy, China's neo-communism, China's labor relations), so fresh thinking is required that, you guessed it, borrows from left and right.

I doubt for example, that you belive that blacks should be segregated in our society, so clearly the views of "traditional" Conservatism are not yours. "Liberalism" has been given a bad name by the likes of Limbaugh, but it also no longer fits the complexity of the situation. So if it's to challenging for you to think outside of the box, then liberal. But i'm a progressive and we don't really care if the dinosaurs (no offense) in our culture don't get the difference. We are too busy CHANGING shit.

As far as your dreamscape that involves big changes that will be bad for people like me, look at the last election. You guys had your shot, and you blew it bigtime. You controlled both houses, the executive branch, much of the Supreme Court, duing a relatively popular war and the American People STILL weren't having it.

So go back to the whining about being a minority and the "underdog" victim position you do so well. Focus on bullshit non-issues liek gay marriage and stem cells to distract people from the REAL economic agenda and try to get them to vote against thier best interests. News flash: it's not working like it did in the early 80's anymore. If you don't come up with new material, it won't work. Attacking liberals was the first hot idea Newt and them came up with. The fact that you guys don't know how OVER that is is just more proof of your relic-ness. Call us whatever you like, but for now, you can just call us "in charge."

Posted by I Got My Reasons on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 7:11 PM
Nevada Lights

This is why I hate STUPID hippies

As you can see from this persons profile, he is a COMPLETE idiot!!!!

Date: Mar 10, 2007 3:58 PM

u sure are one ugly ass cracked out hooker if i ever seen one... how much u go 4 this day??

Posted by Nevada Lights on Saturday, March 10, 2007 at 4:05 PM

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