Monday, May 28, 2007

Think You Know Muslims??? Think You Know Good and Evil??

Think You Know Muslims??? Think You Know Good and Evil??
Current mood: awake
Category: Life

Muhammad's army of madmen rode out of the deserts of Arabia. They raped/conquered and enslaved the minds of all the people in the area and to this day more than 1.2 billion people have been infected with the mental disease we know as Islam.

I urge my fellow Americans to boycott all Muslim businesses and write your congressmen to stop the billions of dollars in foreign aid to Muslim countries, stop all future Muslim immigration, and BAN ISLAM. Now before you start ignorantly screaming "freedom of religion", Islam is unconstitutional, and let me explain why. Islam is a supremacist political party disguised as a religion, which discriminates against non-Muslims, women and homosexuals. The main goal of this totalitarian system is worldwide domination under Islamic law; and Islamic law is a real fun time: Muslim countries are constantly hanging women for adultery or "honor" and executing homosexuals just for being gay, and murdering Jews just for being Jewish. Women can't vote or equally testify in court and millions of Middle-Eastern Muslim women get their clitoris cut off by the age of 14. Islam is clearly unconstitutional, and if we can't ban it, then we need to change our constitution. The constitution should not be a suicide pact. Don't buy that bullshit that liberals try to sell, saying that Islam is in any way peaceful. People who blow themselves up and mutilate their daughters vaginas are obviously suffering from a mental disease. Islam calls for the subjugation or death of non-believers. Not just Christians and Jews, but all non-Muslims are at danger due to this plague on humanity. Christian schoolgirls get bombed/decapitated in Indonesia, Christian nuns get stabbed and churches burned in Egypt, Buddhists get their heads cut off in southern Thailand, Hindus beaten to death in Kashmir, black Christians castrated and put into slavery in Sudan... the list goes on

In less than 50 years the Army of Muhammad conquered and enslaved people all across Africa to Asia, and even conquered Spain for 800 years. The Arab slave trade was the first slave trade, and even exists to this day in secret in places like Egypt and Saudi Arabia, two "close allies" of the United States.

Muhammad means The Praised One in Arabic. The Praised One was under the control of demons for 23 years of his life. Although nobody knows his real name, he is called the Rasool or Prophet. He is also referred to as al-insan al-kamil, meaning the perfect man. According to the muslims, their idea of a perfect man was one who raped little girls and decapitated Jews.

According to the demon worshippers, "Allah" is the one true God. Now Allah is pretty much Satan, but Muslims have been convinced that he is God. The pedophile and mass murderer known as Muhammad (may pig shit cover him) was a completely delusional psychopath, and Allah was his alter-ego who revealed the Koran to him in a series of revelations. So when Muhammed heard voices in his head, it was the word of God. And the way they eventually wrote it down is said to be the literal words of God. Changing a comma would be blasphemy. Here are some examples of what Muslims consider the actual words of God:

Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (8:39)

"God revealed His will to the angels, saying: 'I shall be with you. Give courage to the believers. I shall cast terror into the hearts of the infidels. Strike off their heads, strike off the very tips of their fingers!'" (8:12)

"When the sacred months are over slay the idolaters wherever you find them. Arrest them , besiege them, and lie in ambush everywhere for them. If they repent and take to prayer and render the alms levy, allow them to go their way. God is forgiving and merciful." (9:5)

"Prophet, make war on the unbelievers and the hypocrites and deal rigorously with them. Hell shall be their home an evil fate." (9:73)

"Believers, make war on the infidels who dwell around you. Deal firmly with them. Know that God is with the righteous." (9:123)

"When you meet the unbelievers in the battlefield strike off their heads and, when you have laid them low, bind your captives firmly. Then grant them their freedom or take a ransom from them, until War shall lay down her burdens." (47:4)

"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another."(48:29)

The difference between normal Muslims and terrorists is comparable to the difference between HIV and AIDS. There are only two types of Muslims: terrorists and potential terrorists. Normal Muslims can become violent just from reading the Koran, and as long as we still have Muslims around, we will always get terrorism. The leader of this dark ideology has been dead for over a millennium, yet his soldiers still follow his orders like zombies. If we do not end the Muslim occupation of Earth, and burn all copies of the Qu'ran, we are all dead. And by we I don't mean Americans, I mean we as infidels (all non-Muslims in the world). A little over a millennium the Islamo-fascists have been able to forcibly convert over a billion people and take over more than 1/6th of the planet. Their aim is to destroy all non-Muslim countries, enslave all non-Muslims and form a worldwide global Islamic Caliphate. Don't believe it could be true? Hear it from the mouths of the Muslims themselves, watch these videos:

(See Website)

Since 1973 we have handed over more than 10 TRILLION dollars to O.P.E.C (Organized Petroleum Exporting Cartel) for oil sales. That is the largest willing transfer of wealth in history. Armed with modern technology (none of which they invented) and those trillions of dollars (none of which they earned), I doubt it will take another 1300 years for them to take over the rest of the world.

If we cannot negotiate with these people, and we cannot possibly change them, what other options do we have other than killing them all? We need to wipe them out now while we still have the technological ability to do so. If we wait much longer, the infidel world is as good as gone. Not ending all Muslim immigration after 9/11 was a mistake, and we are fucked if we don't end all Islamic immigration soon. Worldwide mocking of Islam, worldwide anti-Islam re-education and three missile strikes would be enough to destroy this cult. We need to bomb the Kaaba in Mecca, Muhammad's tomb in Medina and al Aqsa in Jerusalem. Sadly the leaders of Western governments don't even have the balls to consider ending Muslim immigration, let alone deport the Muslim fifth columnists already here. Will you wait until your 53 year old grandma gets set on fire like in France before you do something? Still don't believe it could be true? Check out riots & pirates:

(See Website)

The Muslim/Nazi Connection
Hitler's Mein Kampf translates to My Struggle, or My Jihad in Arabic. "My Jihad" by Adolf Hitler is the #2 selling book in Palestine. The Koran is the first, but it is basically the same book.

Shown above is Amin Al Husseini meeting with Hitler and inspecting the SS troops. The Grand Mufti worked to stop the rescue of Jews, engaged in broadcasts for the Germans, and in 1943 helped Heinrich Himmler organize a Bosnian Muslim division of the SS called "Handschar" that was implicated in atrocities.

"Had we been converted to Mohammedanism, that cult which glorifies the heroism and which opens up the seventh Heaven to the bold warrior alone, then the Germanic races would have conquered the world."
- Adolf Hitler

11:59 AM - 2 Comments - 0 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove


I agree with you that female circumcision is an abhorrent practice, but how do you feel about male circumcision? I think that it is equally abhorrent.


Posted by William on Wednesday, February 07, 2007 at 12:42 PM
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Nevada Lights

I think it's wrong and pointless for either sex.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, February 07, 2007 at 12:54 PM
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