Monday, May 28, 2007

Six Flags "US Fathers Day is for Hispanics" HELP HELP

Six Flags "US Fathers Day is for Hispanics" HELP HELP
Current mood: irate
Category: Life

ACGR wrote:

Harold Poole

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From: Steve Hampton []
Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2007 1:25 PM
Subject: Six Flags "US Fathers Day is for Hispanics" HELP HELP

Alert Patriots of America

Welcome Patriots and hope you can help us in this fight. You may have heard in the past how "Six Flags America" ( Largo Maryland 1 (301) 249-1500 ) and their union with Univision ( A well know "Hispanic Media Group with an Agenda to support Illegal Aliens) . If you have not already heard, here is what has happened. For a few years now Univision and Six Flags have gotten together to assist "New Arrivals" to Maryland. In their "deal" Univision is permitted to set up many BIG TENTS inside the property of Six Flags America in Largo Maryland on Americas Father Day. These tents are heavily staffed with Spanish Speaking vendors ( provided by Univision ), with each tent offering services that would be most helpful to "New Arrivals". This includes HOUSING, JOBS, CAR SALES, Other SERVICES. Now, think about it. Park Filled to the rim with 80-90% Spanish Speaking visitors. Services being offered in SPANISH that most real citizens would actually have. Spanish Speaking Vendors everywhere. Univision helps with setting this up. Can you tell whats going on now ! In exchange for selling out Maryland Citizens, Six Flags gets the ticket sales and free ads from Univision. Quite a deal, unless you understand that the ENDLESS TAX loss from Endless Illegal Immigration hurts ALL Maryland Citizens.

At the end you will see a letter from Six Flags Maryland saying that Fathers Day is not a "Real Holiday" and its a "Day Especially for them" referring to the hispanics ( seems like Illegal immigrants from what I saw )

When I called them yesterday they refused to answer questions about this event ( At first, I didnt tell him that I actually was at this event last year ). Also, this person, didn't realize that last year one of their senior people TOLD ME about the Univision deal and what was going on. They then hung up when I told him I was atually there and saw this event with my own eyes. I guess they knew I had caught him in a lie. It is unclear at this exact time if they plan to repeat this event again or disquise it into another event this year as they did last year. What is for sure, Americans need to let Six Flags America know what THE LEGAL CITIZENS think of a business costing Average CITIZENS Millions in Taxes, Increased crime and loss of our American Culture. Six Flags Illegal Immigration AND
UNIVISION LA RAZA and you will see more of whats going on. Six Flags doesn't want Maryland Citizens or American Citizens to know whats going on. This could be a test and spread to ALL SIX FLAGS across the Country.

What concerns me, is now they claim they have never done this, which is a complete lie, so, I think they plan on doing this same thing again !!! Its time to tell Six Flags America ( Largo Maryland ) that this is completely NOT PATRIOTIC and that YOU plan NOT to spend your American dollars at a "American" park that helps those who are Illegally in Maryland !!!

At the end of this notice, you will see a letter ( from a Senior Six Flags employee "Director Of Marketing" ) in which they admit their ties to Univision, that they indeed helped with housing, car sales etc, that they did "Target Hispanics" and most importantlythat they do indeed have this fake festival which, if you ever attend, clearly helps illegal immigrants more then ANYONE. They also call this Holiday on American Fathers Day as a "Day Especially for Hispanics" Looking in the parking lot you can see car tags from other States to get this "Valuable" information which is very helpful to new arrivals IE Illegal Immigrants.

Talking points:
· Why do you offer this type of event ?
· Don't talk with the operator. Get a senior manager, president, director etc on the phone. If you email make plenty of cc copies to other groups and organizations that can help or expose Six Flags.
· Why do you insult American Fathers by doing this event on Fathers Day ?
· Does ICE, State Police and Homeland Security know you sponsor this event ? ,
· Why would an American Theme park get involved in the Politics of Illegal Immigration ?Does Six Flags offer ANY ANY event where the employees ( Special Vendors by Univision ) are ALL Speaking Spanish only and Spanish ONLY speaking Bands ? When does the park have an event for "French Only" "German Only" Italian Only" Etc,,,,, Enter your ethnic back ground.
· Why are they involved with Univision since Univision has such a strong association with Illegal Immigration and La Raza ?
· Can they STOP supporting events that help ILLEGAL ALIENS ?
· Why have they changed Americas Father Day into a Latino Event since South And Central Americas fathers day is on a completely DIFFERENT DAY.
· Why were all the vendors trained in SPANISH and NO other Foreign Language even though MOST Americans trace their heritage from other Countries ?
· Are they aware that Univision has close ties to La Raza ?
· Ask them if the Sponsors of Six Flags knows that Six Flags is doing this type of EVENT.
· Ask them, if this is just a "Hispanic Cultural Event" then why the MANY BIG tents offering Housing, Jobs, Car Sales and other items most suited for someone illegally in Maryland.
· Ask if they ever have ANY OTHER MAJOR EVENT that a foreign speaking band of ANY OTHER language other then Spanish is playing ALL DAY ?
· Ask them if they understand that Illegal Immigration is actually Illegal and that they are hurting Maryland Tax Payers.

Six Flags America (Or Mexico ? )
13710 Central Ave Terry Prather
Largo, MD 20775 Six Flags America
301-249-1500 PO Box 4210 Largo, MD 20774

Other Six Flags email addresses:

Help to take back America and give notice to big business who don't care if the average American has to work harder to support waves and waves of ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS.... NO AMNESTY and NO CITIZENSHIP or TAX PAID REWARDS to ILLEGAL ALIENS !! In 1986 Congress PROMISED NO MORE AMNESTIES. Lets Force them to honor their word this time !!!

Help STOP Six Flags Maryland to pander to and assist ANY illegal immigrants. Let them know that AMERICANS have supported and have given their hard earned ... - 34k - Cached - Similar pages

Letter to Six Flags, Maryland by Steve Hampton « Lighthouse ...
Last summer and in some previous years Six Flags Maryland and Univision had a fake Fathers Day event where you were supporting ILLEGAL Immigration on ... - 62k - Cached - Similar pages

Univision Anchor Targets Save Our State - Save Our State Forums
The organization openly supports amnesty, open borders and other rights for illegal aliens. La Raza is in bed with the violent and militant hate group, ... - 98k - Cached - Similar pages
La Raza Supporters « Coalition Against Illegal Immigration
Facts on the Cost of Illegal Alien Invaders · La Raza Supporters · Illegal Immigration State ... Univision Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Corporate Partners Program ... - 35k - Cached - Similar pages

Stop ILLEGAL immigration Petition
The goal of this petition is to TAKE BACK AMERICA by STOPPING ILLEGAL ... Six Flags Maryland, La Raza, CASA de Maryland and other groups assisting ILLEGAL ... - 13k - Cached - Similar pages

Thus La Raza supports continued mass Mexican immigration to the United States, and hopes to achieve, by the sheer weight of numbers, the re-partition of the American Southwest as a new state called Aztlan -- to be controlled by its alleged rightful owners, the people and government of Mexico. La Raza is also a sponsoring organization of the Immigrant Workers Freedom Ride Coalition, which seeks to secure ever-expanding rights and civil liberties protections for illegal immigrants, and policy reforms that diminish or eliminate future restrictions on immigration. At many of the "pro-immigration" rallies that NCLR members have attended in recent times, their signature slogan has been: "La Raza unida nunca sera vencida!" ("The united [Hispanic] race will never be defeated!")

Here is the letter that proves this event DOES HAPPEN


Thank you so much for writing regarding what you have heard about the event, Fiesta Latino. Unfortunately, much of the information you were provided was inaccurate. So, in the interest of sharing correct information, below please find some points that are relative to the event.

* Fiesta Latino has been held at Six Flags America since our inception in 1999. Each year, Univision DC and Six Flags have co-developed the event for the local and growing Hispanic population. This event has annually proved to be on of our most popular.

*Fiesta Latino is a musical festival featuring Hispanic musical talent from various Latin countries. Each year, Univision hires 5-6 bands and musical acts to perform in the park for that day (which incidentally has been held on Un Dia de Padre- Father's Day - for the past 5 years). We had no DJ present as your email stated, only live music.

* You mentioned that there were no Festival like happenings - quite wrong. In fact, we had special Latin food offerings, we had pinata events for the kids and so on. ( Note from Steve. I was at the event. I did NOT see ANY of this. If it was there, it was a VERY MINOR part of the over all event )

* In order to underwrite the production and talent costs of the event, Univision seeks sponsors to pay for the event. ( From Steve ==> Almost ALL the Sponsors ) Some of the sponsors this year were a real estate company, a mortgage company, a automobile outlet, a fast food company and other companies (From Steve ==> Like an Temp Employment Agency ) who target Hispanics in their marketing plans. All of the sponsors are brought on board by Univision, approved by Six Flags America, and they obviously target their advertising messages and collateral to the Latin market (using the Spanish language).( From Steve ==> SINCE I BELIEVE MOST NEW ILLEGAL ALIENS DONT SPEAK ENGLISH )

*While I understand your concern about illegal immigrants, Six Flags America has put this event on for many years with the full intention of putting on entertainment that resonates with the Hispanic community at large. In no way have we targeted, nor supported, any endeavors for any illegal behavior. Simply put, this is a means to market to the ever growing Latin market with( From Steve. Note, this is American Fathers date. Look here. Now they say its a "Day Especially for them" ) a day especially for them.

* Like the above, we also do have many other days targeted at other groups ( From Steve ==> BUT, THEY HAVE NO OTHER EVENT TO TARGET ANY ANY ANY other ETHNIC GROUP. NO OTHER EVENT where the VENDORS SPEAK a FOREIGN LANGUAGE, NO OTHER EVENT that Offers contacts for Services, Jobs, Housing, Cars. THEY Ignore the fact that MOST Americans come from OTHER ETHNIC GROUPS ) ) - annually hosting a Christian Music event (Higher Power), a gospel event (Praise in the Park), a Deaf Awareness Day, Physics Days and Math/Science Days (for students), Country Music Day and so on. Our business is built on providing entertainment to appeal to a large, broad based audience in a relevant and topical way.

* We have received many compliments about the events we conduct, including Fiesta Latino ( From Steve ==> But they dont care about the VAST Majority of Americans offended by this. As Six Flags states above, "Fathers Day is a day "especially for them" ) , and hope to continue these type of culturally diverse and specifically targeted events for years to come.

* As the US population in itself becomes more culturally diverse each year, events like Fiesta Latino grow not only in the Hispanic community, but across all demographics. While certainly most of the attendees at the festival area were hispanic, I personally witnessed caucasians, african americans and asians as well. ( From Steve ==> True, about 15-20% were real AAM, Whites and Asians. Like me, I did NOT know when we arrived that this was designed "As a Day Especially for Them" . My Daughter simply wanted to spend American Fathers day with her American Father. Even she wondered why "everyone is speaking a foreign language, including the band" )

* You mentioned that we did nothing for Father's Day - again, your information is incorrect. In reality, we offered FREE admission to any Season Passholder to bring their Father along for the day - and I can tell you that several thousand took us up on the offer. This was all in the name of growing our family offering. And, we also offered the first 500 ( From Steve ==> Targeting "HISPANIC" fathers as a "Day Especially for them" ) fathers a free gift. While Father's Day is not an official ( From Steve ==> Does ANYONE here NOT think Fathers day is not a precious American Holiday ?? This alone is a SLAP IN THE FACE to ANY American Father ) American holiday, we treated it like ( From Steve ==> But in their letter they say: " A Day Especially for them" ) one for all father's - white, black or Latin.

Steve, I truly appreciate your thoughts and wish you luck in your endeavors. Should you have any further questions, please feel free to let me know.

Best regards!

Come Celebrate our 45th Anniversary!

Christopher Haenn
Director of Marketing & Entertainment
Six Flags America
301-249-1500 ext. 3261
Fax: 301-249-8853

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 4210
Largo, MD 20775

Shipping Address:

13710 Central Avenue
Mitchellville, MD 20721

9:03 AM - 3 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment

I'm not really surprised by this. Bush and his business buddies love the illegals. The revolution is coming soon! Iran will be a burning ember soon!

Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 9:10 AM
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Yet, another "blood-boiler'!

Y'know. I am surprised, Maybe Disney should have "embraced" illegals and Six Flags embrace the Gays. Y'know the pansies with their rainbow flags ? But, The perverted queers make a bigger statement at Disney. So, Six Flags will gather attention going after the illegal market.

What the corporate idiots neglect to consider, They are embracing " fence-jumpers". I am hoping that on " illegal-alien Day at 6 Flags' That they all hop the fence and skip out on paying the admission fee.

I have faith because we are on the winning side. You will see these Corporations who are supporting Illegal Aliens, Global Warming, the gay agenda, The Jackson-Sharpton extortion express etc. This will come back to bite them. Have faith in God to put the evil right where it belongs!

Thank You for posting!


Posted by ScottA on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 9:40 AM
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Nevada Lights

I'm with you, friend! Hopefully they do jump the fence without paying. Thats a great idea. Maybe Americans should stand outside Six Flags with little bookletes about how to exploit Six Flags and where it's easiest to hop the fence.......

Americans really have to send a message to companies like this........this is an outrage!

Posted by Nevada Lights on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 9:44 AM
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