Monday, May 28, 2007

The REST of the Story......

The REST of the Story......
Current mood: happy
Category: Life

Well, I think it's only fair to share the rest of my life too. When I was moved to the 6th grade, I taught a small class which was teaching computer programs to college students after my regular school hours.

At the age of 8 my Father and 2 friends, who were Hollywood stunt drivers taught me how to drive in a barren lake bed here in the Las Vegas area - where I don't know - but it was flat and dry. I have been driving since age 8 (but didn't get my license until age 18. I started driving in traffic at age 14 where I drove a 1962 Chevy pickup from California to Florida and back to California in one Summer - just for adventure.)

At age 10 my Father and I were out hunting through old Nevada desert where we found a rock which turned out to be the second known ever to be found in the World. It's lava with petrified eggs in it. I love Paleontology and have collected fossils for years but that was the rock that truly inspired me. I still have it today. Whether it's still the second ever found, I don't know.

I have been working since age 12, my first job being picking strawberries (which I later found out to be somewhat experimental – they were very large and white and VERY sweet!)

At the age of 16, I was commissioned to help a local Government-funded community program regain its funding after being considered a closed operation. We were successful and the program was awarded a grant for another 2 years. I was then hired by the local college for community relations. I then wrote a beer commercial for Coors, which I sold to a legitimate agency who had Coors as a Client.

That was beginning of my marketing "career" (more like a hobby). Since then I have been writing marketing strategies, commercials and tons of other tasks which I have sold as well as having worked for other companies, as well as for myself. For about the past two years I have struggled with taking on the responsibilities of actually opening a legitimate agency but it's very scary for me. I like being on the creative end and not dealing with the headaches that go with business. However, I have written some the best commercials and made millions of dollars for other companies and gotten no credit nor have I made any big gains, such as new Clients.

I resigned as Vice President of a plasma technology firm in Feb. 2006 - a position I held for the last 6 years (Aug.2000). Part of my job was to integrate the company with new technology and in doing so I discovered a new idea. I invented a new machine using plasma technology and when I shared the information with the President of the company, he literally called me an idiot! He said I was out of my mind! After discussing it with his Head Engineer, he realized that I was on to something and agreed to build a prototype. I'm not a money driven person and had already agreed that I wasn't "looking" for anything but would help build the system. Within days the President was calling me and telling me that he had the same idea two years prior but "just didn't do anything with it!" (As if I care!) It was clear that he was more threatened by my idea than anything. I don't care who gets the credit, I just think it would change the world! It's a process that hasn't been changed since the beginning of Man!

I'll make an offer here to anyone who wants to take it on – since I'm not going to do anything with it, maybe someone else can make some money from the idea. My ex-employer isn't going to do anything with it, he's too cheap to even patent his own stuff!

So my offer is, if you can prove to me that you are an American and that you have the financial backing, I will hand over my work to you. I want nothing out of the deal.

Here's the idea, if you can do it yourself – build it!

It's a cremation system using plasma, which obliterates molecular bonds, making organic matter benign. So material is essentially returned to its original state, which is far better than burning or burying a loved one! If anyone out there wants the plans and you can prove that you are American and have the support, I will hand over the plans! For free!

Otherwise, you can try to build it yourself.

I just have no desire to work for people who are threatened by me or my ideas. That's weak!!

And I'm not sure what I want to do with the rest of my life but I do know that it involves marketing. However, I love science so much that I could probably never choose ONE field to dedicate my life to, as so many aspects are appealing and tempting!

In marketing, at least things change and there are always new challenges.

There's a LOT more to my life but that's a lot of it. What I can remember, anyway.

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