Monday, May 28, 2007

An Immigrants Reply to My Stance on Illegal Immigration

An Immigrants Reply to My Stance on Illegal Immigration
Current mood: angry
Category: Life

----------------- Original Message -----------------
From: Samuel
Date: Feb 24, 2007 11:30 AM

Oh, I'm not trying to put anybody down... like I said, I'm merely talking based on what goes on around here. Like the fact that in 13 years I have not seen a latin bum on the streets asking for money... I've only seen poor American citizens doing that, people who are legal to get a decent job anytime they wish to do so. It's not me trying to put them down... it's the truth of it, whether you like/accept it or not.

Yes Americans ARE poor and on the streets because:

1. We have to do everything by the book, we have to do everything LEGALLY - which costs money, time, resources.

2. Americans have to pay for everything whether it's losing their property to Eminent Domain or to due taxes, or being taxed on EVERYTHING we use our money on, or the affliction of so much immigration that no common citizen can work just one job and support themselves LEGALLY and also PAY for all of the illegals who live here and USE the system!

3. Americans have to pay high insurance fees to pay for whats stolen from our homes, our stolen cars, our wrecked vehicles from drivers who HAVE no insurace nor are able to read that signage nor have any driving experience and usually driving on stolen plates or plates swindled from the DMV.

4. Americans can't get credit to have any certain "type of lifestyle", even though illegals can get credit, welfare when they CHOOSE to work only 6 months out of the year in agriculture, and all of their health problems paid for - even though they bring sickness on Americans ( who can't get medical help like illegals do)

I'm glad you've never been an inmigrant in this country and I sure as hell hope you never find yourself in that predicament in some other country, because being an inmigrant is not easy in ANY place.

Well, if I am ever an immigrant to another country, I sure as hell hope they change everything for me and give me free shit! Cause then I'm not leaving!

You say you're not intimidated, but your hard words about illegals obviously come from fear and ignorance of something you really have no idea about, because you've never had to live it.

Let me tell you about my American story. I was born an only child, I was born in Ohio and at two weeks old taken to Florida. Something happened and my parents lost their houses and everything they owned and I was introduced to the poor life. I lived in a car, then in a trailer, I went hungry, I ate at missions with my parents and I dug in thrift store dumpsters to find books, out of which I taught myself to read. For the time that we lived in a car I remember being cold and hungry and not even having a bathroom!

By the time I was put into any schools I was in the 3rd grade. While in the 3rd grade the school met with my parents to say that I was far advanced to the other students and recommended that I be moved to the 6th grade. As a 3rd grader I was sent to 6th grade, where I was bullied by other kids. Off and on I went through various schools and was discovered to be autistic. I underwent tests, I tried to attend school and failed. I was then placed in Independent Study for the Gifted and Autistic where I continued to learn until 1989. I now have an education that exceeds a Masters Degree.

My Father died a poor man, as he had been all of my known life. And my first encounter with an illegal - being poor we had no electricity and so my Dad purchased a portable generator. Two illegals came to the door of our trailer asking for a glass of water - when my Mother got them a drink, they grabbed the generator and ran with it. We didn't have anything and these illegal mexicans came and stole what we did have. Probably the most expensive thing my parents owned! With no money to buy another one, I can't imagine how my parents must have felt!

So you son of a bitch, don't tell me that I don't know what it's like because I have been in the bowels of this Country and seen the good and the bad! I experienced it and met thousands of people along the way. I remember being barefoot and stepping on a hot cigarette in a tobacco warehouse back East. I remember eating at a mission with my Dad in Florida and climbing cement chunks down to the sea. I remember eating cornbread, milk and a hot pepper mixed in a can for dinner. I remember not eating for several days at a time and when we did get food, my Parents let me eat first. From Florida to California to Maine to Oregon - I been there and done that!

So watch who you're talking to before you go putting down Americans to ME because I will tear you a new ass EVERYTIME!!!!

Now, I'm not defending illegals, just making a point that things are not always as simple as we want to see them. I consider that things should be done the right way, legally. Yet, I consider that a family earning their bread with hard, rightful work shouldn't be punished/thrown out the same way a criminal, law infringing person should, even if they're illegals. HAHAH!!!

In my opinion, Homeland Security should investigate what kind of life the subject has been living, before making a decision on whether that person should, or should not, be deported. We definitely don't need more criminals in this or any country, but we can always benefit from a rightful, hard working person. Unfortunately, nobody thinks or care about that "little" difference.

Americans ARE hard working and get the job done RIGHT! Explain to me why my bathroom fixters are backwards, where it says Hot there is cold water and where it says Cold there is hot! I guess thats what happens when you hire people who don't speak English, who don't give a damn at $10.00 an hour or don't know what they're doing because they have no work experience - instead of hiring Americans!

12:35 AM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Baboon Rising

Excellent points!! I know that most who leave Mexico or some other Latin American country are doing it for a better life. WHo can blame them for wanting to come here. But, when they do it illegally (and even in many cases legally) the "system" seems to favor them rather than established citizens. And certainly, money being taekn from our economy and placed directly into Mexico is not fair at best.

Thanks for giving us some insight to your upbrigning Samantha.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Saturday, February 24, 2007 at 3:54 PM
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