Monday, May 28, 2007

More of an Explanation of Time and Reality

More of an Explanation of Time and Reality
Current mood: contemplative
Category: Life

See, I often wonder if reality is what it is - as we view it. If you add motion to motion, it changes everything. Albert tried to tell us this and I completely agree. If you are being still and looking at something moving, you can see it, but if you are moving and the objekt is moving it will be more difficult. If you are moving differently than the object that you are viewing than you may not be able to view the object at all. Your very existence may be altered depending on your motion regardless of what you are made of or your current state.

When I think about reality, I think about the motions of it.

I believe time is only the effect of the energy that surrounds everything. I read "why cant a broken egg become unbroken? Why does time appear linear"?

Anything structured is through a means of accessing an energy source at some point -whether you are born, a chicken creates an egg, something is constructed by Man or machine, etc -- all require energy and a means to access that energy. Once the structure is violated and the means to access an energy source is not available, then the structure must remain. A machine cannot repair itself without electricity even if it is self-repairing. A Human cannot heal without food. The egg cannot go backwards in time and become unbroken because it has no means to access an energy source nor the engine to access it. A mind or consciousness would be an engine to access an energy source.

Amazingly, even a rock will absorb the suns energy, whether the rock desires that energy or not. That energy will wear the rock down, changing its structure over time. Does the rock have the ability to access this energy or is it just an act of time? I guess what Im trying to say is that I believe that we are all victims of the force of dark energy which changes the state of matter.

Time is not linear, it just appears that way to us because once that link between access and utilization is gone, nothing can revert back to its previous state. Energy cannot apply itself without a means to travel. Our bodies constantly change and heal to burden the changes of time . Consciousness can possibly be a chemical link between this dimension and the purest energy source which gives us access to ideas, awareness, spirituality, etc.

Obviously the Human mind has turned out to be a great tool by which to access certain energies such as food and create new life with it. I guess there is and has been an Arms Race among living things and Human Beings have won so far. Now what if we let go of our current energy sources so tightly and sought something bigger? What then? What would we do with limitless energy??


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I would have to say-probably, irksomely, risking sounding, "New Age,"-that reality is most likely whatever we have chosen it to be for the specific time that our particular aspect of consciousness inhabits.
Space is time. Anything perceivable in a material form has a designated span of time in which to be existential. But then as well, the placid forest clearing, on the eve of a dwindling summer's day inhabits a SPACE in time. That moment, that hour is it's very own...The type of tree which happens to have grown there to accept the fading rays of sunlight, retreating over the distant hills; another type of tree may have grown there in the past, still another character of plant will definitely grow there some point in the future...but this PRESENT tree is the only receiver of THIS light at THIS time, on the hill that it stands on-which may have been risen since the passing of that spot's previous occupant. Another tree will not have the same clouds in the sky for the light to reflect from. May not have the same birds around to sing and chirp so rhythmically and melodically...
I think we are in accordance with the idea that the mind is the capacitor for the driving energy-consciousness-powering our time-traveling vessel...the body. We are a limitless source of energy. One lifetime is only a ray on the timeline. Funny a "ray" is a segment of a line and also a term for light. Light is infinite, and I believe always makes it back to the source due to it's being connected at it's beginning. Even the dark glows.....

Posted by Fenrir on Friday, August 11, 2006 at 3:14 AM
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Nevada Lights

Charles!!!! Wow~ you have written some of the most logical and balanced words read through my eyes. I only say this because you agree with me on some terms (psshh) but seriously ~ you are romantic and thought filled.

See, when I think about decay, I think about the motions of it. When I think about Life, I think about the motions of it.

Your theory that consciousness is whatever we choose it to be is not an idea that I subscribe to for lots of reasons. The simple question of 'whos' consciousness overpowers voids the whole idea for me ~ like String Theory, this theory has too many holes in it. The idea that we can make reality whatever we want is probably not so but if a person pursues a certain desire, they will be more apt to realize opportunities or create them. Although I cant disagree that the Human mind is an amazing thing and anything is truly possible.

What I have yet to figure out is why all things protect the existence of Life so strongly. Even a small insect knows what death is and tries to avoid it. It makes me question he reason for being here. Why is Life so coveted and protected? So cherished? What about the mind has said that this place is never to be visited again or is it just comfort and familiarity in our own skins? Is it the networks of people we would miss? Control over ourselves? The beauty of other living things around us??
I wonder why death is so feared ~ ~

Charles, you are an interesting person.


Posted by Nevada Lights on Monday, August 14, 2006 at 6:15 AM
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