Monday, May 28, 2007

Judge Barbara Wallace Stabs Americans and Helps Illegals

Judge Barbara Wallace Stabs Americans and Helps Illegals
Current mood: bitchy
Category: Life

Judge declares immigration bans void

March 13, 2007
Associated Press

ST. LOUIS - A state judge ruled Monday that two ordinances aimed at keeping illegal immigrants out of the St. Louis suburb Valley Park violate Missouri law.

Circuit Judge Barbara Wallace's ruling is the first in the country that permanently blocks ordinances dealing with illegal immigration, said John Ammann, one of the attorneys for the plaintiffs.

A similar fight is being waged this week in a Pennsylvania court over the ability of local governments to act on their own to curb illegal immigration.

The Valley Park ordinances, which would have punished businesses and landlords who hired or rented to illegal immigrants, were taken almost verbatim from those of the city of Hazleton, Penn., Ammann said.

Leaders of Hazleton who cracked down on illegal immigrants last year went to court Monday to defend their practices.

"They are misguided and ill-conceived ordinances wherever they're passed," said Ammann, director of the Saint Louis University Law Clinic.
Says WHO???? You are defending illegal activity and you will be held accountable!! You're NO BETTER than a DRUG DEALER!!!
Illegal activity is illegal activity! End of story!!!

Phone messages left at Valley Park City Hall and at Mayor Jeffery Whitteaker's home late Monday seeking comment on Wallace's ruling were not immediately returned.

In July, Valley Park aldermen adopted an ordinance that penalized any business for "aiding and abetting" illegal immigrants or renting them property. The penalties included lost business permits and fines.

On Sept. 26, Wallace issued a temporary restraining order to prevent Valley Park from enforcing the law. Later that day, the aldermen passed another ordinance making it illegal to hire, employ or rent to illegal immigrants. The next day, Wallace issued an order temporarily stopping enforcement of that ordinance, too, and the city later repealed it.

In her ruling Monday, Wallace said the ordinances are not authorized by Missouri law. She also said state law requires a landlord to give 30 days notice of eviction and requires a landlord to use "judicial process" before forcing any eviction.Those are laws set forth for CITIZENS of AMERICA!!!! NOT ILLEGALS JUDGE WALLACE, you stupid bitch!!!

The aldermen passed similar measures in February. Ammann said the legal team representing the landlords will file a new lawsuit against the second set of ordinances within a week.

I' hope these Americans in St. Louis do not give up! We should let them know we support their decisions to punish those who keep and hire illegals.


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