Monday, May 28, 2007

Instead of Votes....lets do this......

Instead of Votes....lets do this......
Current mood: bitchy
Category: Life

I was thinking today - since our votes are overturned by corrupt judges, our American opinion doesn't seem to matter and politicians are out doing whatever they want and whatever benefits them......we, as Domestic American Soldiers - we should voice our opinions through a multi-route strategy.

FIRST I propose that since most politicians seem to lack the testosterone to stand up for America and Her People - I propose that we each send 1 tampon to every politician who - in your opinion - is acting like a bitch. A tampon is an inexpensive gift that costs less than the stamp to send it and they REALLY send a message home unlike anything else. One box could supply an entire group of angry Americans.

The nightly news might go like this: "Senator Harry Reid, a former well-known prostitute in a brothel in Searchlight, Nevada is now the People's prostitute of the State of Nevada, often pimping pork in Washington with his side-kick and fellow whore, Nancy Pelosi.

Today Senator Reid got a surprise in the mail - over 10 BILLION tampons arrived from all over the world with notes of hatred and the word "bitch" written on them. Americans have voted - with tampons!"

NEXT, I propose we use the colors of Old Glory - that's Red, White & Blue - and just FLOOD the floor of this Country with it. Our cars, our clothes, our houses, our churches. Everywhere should look like the circus is in town. Those who defy us don't realize Americans are bad-asses and we aren't going to stand for DOW Chemical to be purchased by a bunch of assholes who want to take over the world.
We aren't going to tolerate being called racists for wanting to protect our children or for wanting the money that WE work for and if you think we don't matter - look around you at the Red, White, and Blue!

FINALLY - if you own a website or anything online that has photos or graphics - make the alternate text to those images to say things like "America WILL Defeat Evil!" or "I Am American and I Am Right", "America Survives Through Dignity and Strength" - "America Defends Those Who Cannot Defend Themselves" - "America Was Built for the People"

If everyone who has anything online sends messages like this - they WILL get it! Everyone will get it.........

Feel free to add whatever ideas you have too -


1:06 AM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment

Excellent idea, I love that Tampon thing. I am gonna send them wuzzies some right away.

Posted by Armagoden on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 2:23 AM
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Nevada Lights

Me too...

Posted by Nevada Lights on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 2:35 AM
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