Monday, May 28, 2007

Illegal aliens have higher incarceration rate than US

Illegal aliens have higher incarceration rate than US
Current mood: angry
Category: Life

Illegal aliens have higher incarceration rate than US as a whole.
Chad Groening
March 14, 2007

And many organizations in this Country are demanding that Americans pay for them, house them, educate them, medicate them, hire them, transport them, jail them and die for them.

If the ACLU has it's way, the ground of this Country will be covered with Human cockroaches, all good & decent people will be dead or in prison and the USA will be a festering toilet.

An immigration reform organization has published a study that indicates there is a higher incidence of crime among illegal aliens than in the population of the United States as a whole.
The study by the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) was conducted in response to studies by certain academic researchers and think tanks, whose data showed a lower incidence of crime among immigrants than among native-born Americans.
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FAIR's Ira Mehlman says those scholars and think tanks' findings are misleading, as they included crime statistics from legal immigrants, who are very thoroughly vetted and have much lower crime rates. But that is not the case for illegal aliens, he asserts.

"Illegal immigrants come across the border without any sort of inspection, without any permission," Mehlman points out. "And, not surprisingly, there is a much higher incidence of crime among illegal immigrants than there is among the rest of the population," he says.

Also, Mehlman notes, a high percentage of gang activity is perpetrated by illegal aliens. "Those are primarily illegal immigrant gangs," he explains. "The MS-13, which is a Salvadoran-based gang, the 18th Street Gang, which is a Mexican gang -- these are the new mafias that are springing up all across the United States."

And while illegal aliens represent just under three percent of the overall United States population, they represent over four and a half percent of the overall prison population, the FAIR spokesman points out. "What we found was that, nationwide, the incidence of illegals aliens being in the prison system is about twice the size that you would expect from the overall U.S. population," he says.

The evidence uncovered in FAIR's study "basically points to the fact that, if you've got illegal aliens in your community, you should expect a higher rate of crime from them as opposed to the rest of the community," Mehlman says.

The study released by FAIR clarifies what the group claims is misleading data from academics and think tanks, whose research shows the overall crime rate is lower among immigrants than among native born Americans. When researchers isolate illegal alien criminal activity rather than looking at the entire immigrant population in the U.S., Mehlman notes, the crime rate is much higher.

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3:22 PM - 1 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Baboon Rising

Yes, this is just another example of how screwed up this country is becoming as politician pander to such a small (but growing )population.

Did you hear about Bushs trip to Mexico!?? He got lectured by the new president there about the fence. It'll never get built. Dems won't fund it, and Bush won't complain because he wants amnesty. I guess he'll carry a part of Reagan's legacy there. Amnesty is horrible policy. We need to deport them all. We have themeans, and the ability to enforce the law. We just won't do it. Samantha for Presiednt.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 4:45 PM
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