Monday, May 28, 2007

Hillary - Last Nail in Political Coffin - Favors "La Raza"

Hillary - Last Nail in Political Coffin - Favors "La Raza"
Current mood: angry
Category: Life

Clinton Names Activist to Campaign Post

Apr 12 10:54 AM US/Eastern
Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK (AP) - Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton announced Thursday that Raul Yzaguirre, a prominent Hispanic activist and former president of the National Council of La Raza, would co-chair her presidential campaign and lead its outreach to Hispanic voters.

"Hillary Clinton has spent more than three decades advocating on behalf of those who are invisible in America," Yzaguirre said in a statement. "Not only is she the most experienced and qualified candidate to be president, Senator Clinton has the ability to bring people together to get results and move this country forward."

Hispanics are one of the fastest growing voter groups in the United States, especially in the South and West. National exit polls showed that 69 percent of Hispanic voters favored Democratic candidates in compared to 30 percent for Republicans. But 44 percent of Hispanics voted for President Bush, a Republican, in 2004.

Other Democratic presidential contenders have strong ties to the Hispanic community. Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd is a fluent Spanish speaker after serving as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic, and New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson is running to become the first Hispanic president.

Under Yzaguirre's leadership, NCLR became the largest Hispanic advocacy organization in the country, with 41 state affiliates.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

Obviously Hillary Clinton hasn't been paying any attention to what AMERICANS (VOTERS!!!) want - and are fucking pissed about all of these illegals (mexican, cuban, haitian, mong, tai, etc, etc,) that are KILLING US!!!

Hillary is an even bigger waste of flesh than I suspected. She needs to take her big-ass round, dinner plate head and move out of America.


6:29 PM - 6 Comments - 6 Kudos - Add Comment

I second that EMOTION! A little play on words lol!

Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 6:42 PM
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Nevada Lights

Oh, I'm not THAT bitchy about this one, this is actually good news!!

She's a stupid whore and she's just used the last of that rope to hang herself. So YAY!!!!

Now we can all stop praying for someone to shoot her. LOL!

Posted by Nevada Lights on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 6:44 PM
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kris, mexican-minuteman

She's stupid.

Behold: And on the eighth day God created ugly. Get your barf bags out!!

Scary Hillary Clinton

Posted by kris, mexican-minuteman on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 10:39 PM
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Nevada Lights

Oh man - that's a total clown face!

The white skin, red mouth, over exaggerated expressions, long ears, shifty bulbous drunkards nose.

I hear a Krusty the Clown laugh coming out of that mouth.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Thursday, April 12, 2007 at 10:44 PM
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YOU Are So Goo!

I was just going to post this;

Democrat Hillary Rodham Clinton announced Thursday that Raul Yzaguirre, a prominent Hispanic activist and former president of the National Council of La Raza, would co-chair her presidential campaign and lead its outreach to Hispanic voters.

Link to full story
http://www.breitbar php?id=D8OF4GN01 &show_article= 1&cat=0

Posted by ScottA on Friday, April 13, 2007 at 9:06 AM
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Nevada Lights

Post it anyway!! You have different friends than I do!


Posted by Nevada Lights on Friday, April 13, 2007 a

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