Monday, May 28, 2007 - Help Ramos & Compean !!! - Help Ramos & Compean !!!
Current mood: awake
Category: Life

Hey everyone, you can help air a TV ad that demands the release of the two Border Patrol Agents doing time in prison for shooting a drug smuggler at the border.

PLEASE, these guys are Fathers and they don't deserve what they're getting!

Go to

Grassfire's "Border Agent" TV and Radio Campaign Debuts in DC! Radio Spots to air in Dallas and Houston this week (2/26). has teamed with RapidResponse Media to flood our nation's Capital with television and radio spots calling on the President to pardon agents Ramos and Compean. To see these spots and help us take this campaign nationwide, click on the link below:

See the :30 second and :60 second ads
Sign our petition -- over 325,000 signers
Download our printable petition

Petition President Bush Today!
National Petition And Media Campaign To Pardon Agents
Ramos And Compean!
Total signers: 339,790

Your Sponsor:

The Issue:
Two former U.S. Border Patrol agents -- Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean -- are serving 11- and 12-year prison terms for attempting to apprehend an illegal alien drug smuggler. The smuggler, who was transporting 743 pounds of marijuana (about $1 million worth), was given full immunity to testify against our agents and is suing our government for $5 million.

Now, reports indicate that the Mexican government was instrumental in this case even being launched. Plus, our own government has been lying about key details in the case. Meanwhile, the agents sit in jail (Ramos was severely beaten by Mexican nationals in jail who shouted "death to the border agent"), the drug smuggler may get rich and our President has not taken action!

Sign the Petition And Sponsor the Ads!
Sign the petition today and have it delivered to the White House and Congress (over 300,000 already delivered). Grassfire is also partnering with RapidResponse Media on a truly grassroots TV and radio ad campaign. Your help is also needed to sponsor these ads.

Please sign the petition and then help spread the word through these ads!

Mexican Govt. Demanded U.S. Prosecute Agents Ramos and Compean.

Grassfire Launches Massive Fax Initiative Demanding a Pardon and Investigation!
First we learned that the DHS lied to members of Congress about critical information regarding the case, now comes word that the Mexican Government demanded the U.S. prosecute Agents Ramos and Compean! Grassfire is urging ALL members of our team to voice their outrage through our FAX initiative targeting the White House, Justice Department, Homeland Security and more. Join with us in demanding a pardon and full investigation into this sordid case by SCHEDULING YOUR faxes today. Click on the link below.
Sign our petition and have it sent to the White House
Schedule Your Faxfire Faxes demanding a pardon and investigation into the Ramos/Compean Case
See Grassfire's latest petition presentation to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher

Visit for the latest on the Ramos and Compean case
Listen to Grassfire Exclusive interview with Jerome Corsi on Mexico's role

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