Monday, May 28, 2007

Amnesia over Amnesty - It Doesn't WORK!!!!

Amnesia over Amnesty - It Doesn't WORK!!!!
Current mood: angry
Category: Life

Amnesia over Amnesty - It Doesn't WORK!!!!


Published Mar. 4, 2007 7:30 am

The recent State of the Union Address by President Bush defines his presidency - a ceaseless campaign for more troops in Iraq. (But screw the AMERICAN public! We aren't as important as Iraqi citizens! White guilt??? I wonder!)

With concessions to a Democratic majority and historic reference to the first madam speaker to thunderous applause, he hammered the need with one hand while the other distracted the opposition by raising the deviation de jour - illegal immigration.

The divisive controversy over undocumented workers and what to do about them plagues Americans who can remember 1986 with collective deja vu. Despite the reminiscence, (and the fact that it didn't WORK!)America sustains collective amnesia over why amnesty hasn't worked. In a nutshell, the idea was divine, the implementation devoid.

Twenty years after President Reagan and Congress passed the Simpson-Mazzoli Bill as the Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), the debate rages over the persistent problem. The reason is obvious.

The intention of the act - reduce illegal immigration to the United States - failed. In fact, the population quadrupled from 3 million undocumented workers then to 12 million today. (Try 20 million!)
A contradiction of idealism and pragmatism, IRCA could not practically normalize the lives of millions without enforcement of its underlying principals.

Thats because the whole program was a joke! Signing papers doesn't protect sovereignty! Americans don't want anymore signed papers - we want ACTION! A clean weep!!!!

While IRCA undeniably failed, the question remains why. Overwhelming conservative opinion vociferates that the lack of border enforcement led millions of unskilled and dangerous types to enter our nation. Upholding this unsubstantiated exaggeration as the norm is meant to evoke fear and loathing among Americans to promulgate a majority against amnesty in favor of implausible deportation and criminal sanctions under the HR 4437 on those already assimilated to an American way of life.

While lack of proper border enforcement attributes largely to the problem, employer sanctions enforcement deserves equal if not greater consideration. So long as employment opportunity remains the same, people will have a strong economic attraction to attempt crossing the fence.

The error of Simpson-Mazzoli was that employer sanctions were never enforced. Only a third of those eligible for amnesty bothered to sign up because the rest feared they would lose their jobs - in effect pricing themselves out of the market by legalization.

This means the indifference of American employers, and not that of the undocumented workers, is the prominent variable cause for the failure of IRCA.

In many cases, employers pay undocumented workers in cash, so they work for less. In addition, Social Security and state and local taxes have not been taken out. Therefore, industries or companies dependant upon undocumented workers lower their labor costs by 30 to 40 percent with a clear unfair advantage over those who conduct business legitimately.

Amnesty, in essence, is defined as a pardon for political offenses. To enact it effectively we must secure the borders and reprimand the business offenders. I see, the "business offenders" - what about the billions of dollars the U.S taxpayer money that the Government HANDS out, or essentially sends to mexico because thats where it goes anyway, just ask MoneyGram!

But what do we do with 12 (more like 20) million undocumented workers? Corral them? Displacement by deportation? Displace them???? What the helll? Since when is being sent home being "displaced?? They became displaced when they came here!

Even if everyone agreed, it would be a logistical nightmare. BULLSHIT!!!! SEND THEM AND THEIR KIDS HOME SO THEY CAN MAKE MEXICO A BETTER PLACE!!!

So, for effective implementation of amnesty, without the burden of mass displacement and the cost incurred, pardon the 12 million (20 million)assimilated undocumented workers living and thriving in America, who proudly exemplify American ideology, (Oh yeah?? I only see support for mexico and racism against others - there's no AMERICAN IDEOLOGY)albeit without proper entrance to the work force.

Do not grant amnesty to the American business owners who abuse the system. What about the abuses by the U.S Government?? Don't try to make the small business owner the bad guy here, you fucking politicians!!

For those who lived in America for the past five years and assimilated well, learned the language and abided by the law, then congratulations, your indiscretion for entering illegally has been absolved.

For the rest, sorry, the ride is over. The proverbial "revolving door" has been closed. For American employers who disregard the law, zero tolerance. No means no! And this time it will cost you.
(I disagree here! If the Government isn't going to do their job, why do they expect American businesses to do the Governments job?? The bottom line is, they must be sent home!! They are bringing issues of war to the American public, thousands of people die every week at the hands of illegals and the crimes the commit. They are literally destroying the information flow of this Country! Send them home!!!! Penalizing business is just a way for Government to recover the money that States are suing for over lost money used for supporting these illegals......

Even former House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Sensenbrenner, whose analysis of immigration issues is upheld by the conservative caucus, freely admits "it's impractical to round up and deport 12 million people whom have lawyers filing all kinds of motions in either immigration courts or federal district courts."

Who Cares!!!!!!! Send them home and work it all out later!!!Let them file whatever motions they like!!! They're here ILLEGAL!!!!!

With the border controls and the enforcement of employer sanctions, the jobs for illegal immigrants will dry up. If you can't get a job because employer sanctions are enforced, my belief is that a lot of illegal immigrants will simply go back home voluntarily, taking into consideration they do not qualify for federal programs.

Can amnesty work? Yes, if enacted correctly. NO!!!!!!!

Of the 3 million undocumented workers eligible for IRCA in 1986, ONLY 1 million took advantage of it.

That's because they don't WANT Citizenship! They want to be free to do whatever they like in a liberal Country like America!!!

One such case for amnesty exists in Ocala. Miguel, a business and home owner, lives with his permanent resident wife, Maria, and two American-born daughters, ages 5 and 3.

He proudly proclaims patronage for America while retaining his Mexican identity. He found odd jobs in Ocala, home off and on for the past 21 years, to support himself. Hesitant at first to register for fear of entrapment, he did so in 1988. With a clean record and bill of health, he attended school for adults in Ocala to learn English and is today fluently bilingual. He acquired his commercial driver's license, began as a co-driver then eventually became operator.

Miguel and Maria attended church, paid their taxes and drove their car with valid licenses and registration to best assimilate to American life. Today, Miguel owns his trucking business. The children are well adjusted and happy in school.

Oh come on!!!! Do you REALLY think I'm going to eat this shitty story up? This is maybe 1% of the illegal population here. Americans accepted an amnesty "program" once before and we aren't going to do it again! Americans do not want to lose their votes to 20 million mexicans living in America!!! SEND THEM HOME!!!!!

Amnesty worked for this family, just one of the untold millions. ( Yes, an untold 20 millions) His journey and absolution into American life exemplifies how amnesty works, if the proper guidelines are enforced.

Hey politicians - GO FUCK YOURSELVES!!! How DARE you talk down to the American public like this! Do you think we're all IDIOTS??

Award-winning writer John H. Sotomayor is a former paralegal from New York City and current Hilton employee living in Ocala.

John H. Sotomayor (sodomiser?) works for some politicians in Washington to try to soon feed this bunch of BULLSHIT to the American public!

I'M NOT BUYING IT!!!!!! (I'm putting that on a T-shirt!!!)


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