Monday, May 28, 2007

Free Speech Yes - Free Thinking Absolutely!!

Free Speech Yes - Free Thinking Absolutely!!
Current mood: awake
Category: Life

What Rush said about Michael J. Fox was the TRUTH!

Fox even admitted he over-medicated. Rush did nothing but point out that M..J Fox was far more active than he normally was - are you saying that Americans can not be seen to "offend" the offensive but also not question facts and reality???

Are you aware that every single item you use in your life - every invention ever created was created by questioning what is and what could be???

Your defense of hindered communication clearly defines you as an individual who should be viewed as a threat to all others in our society - your attempts at censorship threaten the quality of life, the protection and the survival of Human Beings everywhere.

Keep talking because the smart side is tired of ignorant people like you - who have little to no contribution yet demand, demand, demand. You are not this villages child - grow up for fuck sake!!

Each individual is either FOR the All or AGAINST the All - and you Sir are against the All - you are insinuating that SOCIETY should make attempts to generalize cognitive thinking through censorship and THAT is the biggest threat faced by Man in any Country...

In light of your views, I hereby claim that you and all like you - who petition or insinuate the censorship of others - shall be stoned until dead by those who despise the demise of Men everywhere through limited thinking.



i must not be a fool then because you have been wasting alot of time on me. Rush is only a God to you goofy followers. His comment against Michael J Fox is uncalled for and Tasteless tht is not being a god but a Bully. It has been reported that the Michael J Fox comment wasnt his first and surely wont be his last but if you really want to hear someone that is a good to listen to You should try listening to Neal Boortz. He is not what you would expect that i listen to but you should give a try -- Olive branch and all.

Posted by THE OFFICIAL HOME OF SOCIAL JUSTICE on Tuesday, April 17, 2007 at 4:14 AM

The funny thing about liberals is that they say it's OK to be gay - it's ok to smoke pot - it's ok to be against your own - it's ok to kill if you have a good reason.

Yet it's never ok to think individually, never ok to speak the ideas that those individual thoughts convey.

Behavior is less threatening than thoughts to those who cannot compete in the realm of ideas - liberalism is an inconsistent life for those who think inconsistently.


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