Monday, May 28, 2007

Colorado Congressman not optimistic about pardon for agent

Colorado Congressman not optimistic about pardon for agents
Current mood: irate
Category: Life

Colorado Congressman not optimistic about pardon for agents
Chad Groening
March 14, 2007

RepTomTancredoR-Colo.jpg< a>

Congressman Tom Tancredo (R-Colorado) is among a group of lawmakers calling for the release of two former U.S. Border Patrol agents that he believes were falsely convicted in connection with the shooting of a fleeing illegal alien drug smuggling suspect last year.

Tancredo says he is not very optimistic about a presidential pardon anytime soon for the former border guards, Jose Compean and Ignacio Ramos, who remain incarcerated despite the fact that more than 80 members of Congress have signed a petition asking for their release.

The congressman visited Ramos at a Mississippi prison after the former agent was severely beaten up by illegal aliens at the federal facility.
This is fucked up!! Something has to be done about this injustice! Is there a pardon of the People? Will Americans have to go to these prisons and get these guys out themselves? Something has to be done! This isn't right for these guys to be in these prisons without protection

Tancredo does not think President Bush is in a hurry to grant a pardon. "It might happen, but the President will let them sit and rot for a year or more till he's leaving office, and then maybe he will do it," the Colorado representative says. He believes the men's best chance is a new trial.

"The judge could look at the entire thing and throw the whole verdict out and require a new trial," Tancredo says, "which I think is possible because of the innumerable problems that have now come to light with witnesses, with evidence tampering."

With a new trial, the Colorado Republican says he believes the two agents would have an excellent chance of getting out of prison. "I cannot for the life of me understand how a lawyer worth his or her salt could not get these guys a new trial, nor just a new trial based on [the issues with the evidence and the witnesses], or an appeal," Tancredo asserts.

"Either way," the lawmaker adds, "I think that they would have a pretty good chance, if it got to that point, of getting out; but I would say it's a 50-50 chance."

Tancredo is among those in Congress who believe Ramos and Compean should never have been charged and who have signed a petition urging President Bush to release them. However, the Colorado Republican thinks if the president does grant a pardon, it probably will not happen until the very end of his term.

Tom Tancredo is the only one making sense in Congress.

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3:35 PM - 2 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Baboon Rising

Yeah, this is total injustice. The media are ignoring this issue besides Fox News, talk radio, and blogs like yours. Tancredo really is the guy we need ina post 9/11 world. It shoul dbe a no brainer that we need to secure our borders. But, what is more appalling is the fact that the illegal immigrant is free to coninue to traffic drugs into this country and the brave border control agents are facing 12 years in prison for DOING THEIR JOBS!!

C'mon President Bush, pardon them now!!!!

Posted by Baboon Rising on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 4:41 PM
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Nevada Lights

This goes deeper than just trying to make mexico happy. Bush has some invested in this too.

I'm totally sickened by this and it's turned me against Bush in a bad way!!

Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 5:49 PM
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