Monday, May 28, 2007

Anger In Marin Over Immigration Raids

Anger In Marin Over Immigration Raids
Current mood: accomplished
Category: Life

Anger In Marin Over Immigration Raids
Group Protests ICE Raids
KGO By Laura Anthony

Mar. 9 - KGO - One San Rafael neighborhood is living in fear after a series of immigration raids earlier this week which resulted in the arrests of dozens of illegal immigrants. School officials are taking extraordinary measures, and today a group is holding a rally to protest the so-called "ice" raids.

At San Rafael's Bahia Vista Elementary School, staff members are escorting some children to and from school because their parents are too frightened to leave their homes, fearing immigration officers might return.

School staff members are walking the kids to and from school??? Is that what tax payer dollars are supposed to be used for??? These kids are in this Country ILLEGALLY, they shouldn't even BE going to school!

And thanks for letting us know that the parents are at home, now we know where to go to get them! Poor illegal immigrants, guess they should have gotten their papers the LEGAL way!

Juan Rodriguez, Principal: "Right now, I have a school of all these little Anne Franks here that are living in fear of being terrorized by a government that's waged war -- a war of terror in this community."

Actually, Mr. Rodriguez the illegals have waged war on the American public through gangs, theft, vandalism, racisim at our schools against OUR kids, feeding off of tax payers by milking Government programs, getting special treatment above Americans and by protesting in our streets demanding MORE!

Don't tell US about WAR!

Bahia Vista is not far from where federal agents swept through earlier this week arresting about 30 illegal immigrants (Only 20 million more to go!!). At least two were fathers whose children attend this school.

Jessica Potter, School Counselor: "One girl is sleeping with her backpack because she's afraid if they come in the night to take her mother, she wants to be ready to go with her mother."

Tom Wilson runs the Canal Alliance which offers support services to local families.

Tom Wilson, Canal Alliance: "We've had several calls from people who wanted to locate their family members, people who've been separated from their spouses, also people wondering whether they should send their children to school."

Called "Operation Return to Sender," the raids target those who ignore final deportation orders, but other illegal immigrants caught in the sweep may be arrested as well.

Not MAY BE, they MUST be arrested as well! If they are here illegally, under NO circumstances should they be allowed to stay!

An immigration spokesperson denies one local account that a 7-year-old boy was handcuffed in San Rafael, telling ABC7, "The boy's father, who is an immigration fugitive, was arrested. There was a child brought into custody until his aunt arrived to care for him. He was not arrested and he was never handcuffed."

Rick Oltman speaks for a group that supports the raids.

Rick Oltman, Californians for Populations Stabilization: "This is what happens when people break the law. There are innocent victims. In this case, these victims have been created by their own families."

That last statement really says it all!!!!

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