Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Well.....Looks Like Bush Gets His Illegal - NWO Agenda !!

Well.....Looks Like Bush Gets His Illegal - NWO Agenda !!
Current mood: irate
Category: Life

What a sad fucking day this is for the good People in the United States of America who try to do the right thing, who TRY to be decent Human beings, who try to believe that doing the right thing pays off!

No, instead our Government - our PRESIDENT -- who CLAIMS to be Christian has opted to DEFEND the liberal agenda of attacking Christianity by rewarding the bad and punishing the good!!

Mr. Bush, you talk about emboldening the enemy....what have you just done??? What does this AMNESTY AGREEMENT do for our enemies here at home?????????

Since "PRESIDENTE" Bush - America's first mexican presidente - has decided to show that a certain portion - basically anybody who ISN'T a Citizen of the United States of America - is better and afforded preferential treatment - I feel every person in this Country should simply STOP PAYING THEIR BILLS!!!

That's right........just refuse to pay ANY of your bills! If we ALL do it - these greedy fucking banks will have NO recourse!! These companies who hire illegals will have NOTHING because no one will be buying! Think of all the money you would have in your pocket!! What can they do? Tell them to shove their credit cards straight up their asses!!

It's an outrage that the "PRESIDENTE" of the United States of America would collaborate in the war against Christians, Jews, Mormons and the many, many other religions in this Country who teach their Families do be good, to obey the law, to love and respect!!

Shame on you George Bush. For once in my life - ("Comment removed for lack of compassion for the U.S. President and complaints received")

You have sold out the People of The United States of America for your business buddies and your Big World Order Agenda by supporting illegals on our own soil while you claim to defend us over in Iraq! NO ONE GIVES A FUCK ABOUT ANYTHING BUT IMMIGRATION!!!

We're going bankrupt by entire States......American Citizens are not appreciated anymore, we are not valued, we are second-class, we have no value in this Country anymore!! You have SOLD US OUT!!!! In every way possible!

My opinion is that George Bush is a no good bastard - just like everyone has been saying he is!!!

"Hey Superman where are you now? When everything's gone wrong somehow!" ~ Genesis @ Reagan, 1980's


1:41 PM - 8 Comments - 3 Kudos - Add Comment



Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 4:47 PM
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Nevada Lights

I'm fed up with the good people being trampled for the gains of career politicians and their networked "pals" ! OUR money PAYS their saleries and they go out and do whatever they want, they don't try to protect our votes, our lives, our lifestyle, our safety, our future!

All they care about is quick gains over their lifetimes and what they can leave for THEIR families!!

This Country has been sold out on so many levels we all may as well just all go on welfare because that's where the politicians want us! Get that check every month, eat Cheetos and watch soap operas all day - pretend none of it is going on.....

What about DOMESTIC terrorism Mr. Bush??? What about criminals overtaking entire cities?? What about what THE PEOPLE WANT AND NEED????

We voted you in for two terms and here you are to fuck all of us! A little payout to your business pals at the end, eh??


Posted by Nevada Lights on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 5:39 PM
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Nevada Lights

We need a true President, like Ronald Reagan - who was real, concerned, true to the Country and not New World Order and he had enough decency to think about what Citizens want!

The illegals don't want amnesty - they didn't take it when Reagan granted it in the 1980's. Something like 12 percent actually came out and became legal!!

This whole thing is a joke!!!

Posted by Nevada Lights on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 5:44 PM
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Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 10:14 PM
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Nevada Lights

Well, thanks to G.W.Bush, we will be losing our Right to vote because we will be inundated by people who have no investment in the United States.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 10:25 PM
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You are So Right! ( And beautiful )

Governmewnt is on prozac or other Drugs and wants to flood the Country with 3rd World garbage people . Who offer nothing from Society to suck it dry. Whilke we who are being phased out as being recognized as Whites, We are now "Non-Hispanic/White"

We do have to have faith in our Constitution to withstand this assault by the enemy within!


Posted by ScottA on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 7:51 PM
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Nevada Lights

I never understood why when I saw someone being attacked in the streets, it was our own People who were doing it....but these illegals are NOT our own people......they are violators who should be held accountable for their actions.

This is all part of the "Get Rid of God" agenda and stupid Bush is out there saying he's a Christian!!

If the People are taught and demonstrated that being good is not the way to go, they will let go of their religion and then the world falls apart! People who walk around believing there are no consequences for their actions are not going to do good things! Their reasons for doing will have no path and they will not question any behaviors. Regardless of those of you who think you aren't religious - whether you know it not...you ARE influenced by religion whether you get it from television, the Bible, other people in society or Nature!

The rules of the Universe come from within and we are losing sight of that!

Posted by Nevada Lights on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 8:38 PM
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Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Thursday, May 17, 2007 at 10:16 PM
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