Allow Me to Clarify Once Again....
Current mood:
Category: Life
I'll tell you people now, I'm blowing a fucking gasket today! I understand and respect that some of you are a little shocked on my opinions but the facts are the facts!! Bush has sold us out and he WANTS to sell us out!!
I realize Bush fancies himself as a modern day Abraham Lincoln, a lot of people didn't want the slaves freed either but this is a COMPLETELY different issue!! This is about the ramifications of what politicians do and the rippling effects on US - the PEOPLE of this Nation!
This is about people being taught again and again that doing the WRONG thing is the RIGHT thing! That being a deviant is rewarding!
This is about the aging Citizens here, who have lived through the early developments of this Country and had so little and now can't even retire or live the last days of their lives in comfort because OUR tax dollars are going to feed the babies of people who continually do the wrong things!! People who broke in and LIE and steal, and have children they can't afford to support and expect others to pay for and commit crimes against our property, our fellow inhabitants! DOMESTIC TERRORISTS!!!!
This is about our society as a whole being SHOWN and that being bad is rewarding and being good is a waste of time!
It's a slap in our faces !! Its a long term punishment to our CHILDREN who have to live in it everyday!!! It's taking our tax dollars and using them against us to bolster the agendas of pals and friends!
You know what I say?? Why did Martha Stewart spend time in jail?? Why is everyone complaining about Hillary Clinton making cow deals? Why do we care about Bill Clinton having sex with someone who isn't his ugly wife ?? Why are we trying to get prostitutes off the streets? Why have drug programs?? Why have credit standards?? Why punish people for abusing their children or their pets??? Why even expect people to go to work?? These are all things that are being taught again and again....DOING THE WRONG THING PAYS OFF!!!
REALLY pissed off today, folks! Just fed up that once again the American People are getting less and the undeserving are getting more!
It's unjust, it's's insanity at it's best!
It's BULLSHIT!!!!!
We're told that we can't have social security when you and I retire because we can't afford it but KNOWING that illegals cost tax payers 2.5 BILLION DOLLARS over the last 10 years - thats a LOT of social security money!!!
7:46 PM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment
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