Monday, May 28, 2007

Some Excellent Information on Illegals

Some Excellent Information on Illegals
Current mood: awake
Category: Life

Thanks for telling me this good piece of news, Floyd. As the measure you are reporting on is opposed to trafficking in illegal aliens, it seems to be a tiny step in the right direction by the Nevada Legislature towards getting US out of NAFTA. I assume that it is supposed to demonstrate the indirect influence of The John Birch Society on Nevada legislators and on the Nevada Families Eagle Forum organization. I am glad that you are in touch with the NEF, while simultaneously being a Member of the JBS, so you can inform me of this good news.

It encourages us Birchers to commit ourselves ever more strongly to our Agenda of Getting US out of NAFTA, knowing that outside organizations are somehow going in the same direction, see

Toward Better Understanding,

Frank - Life Member, The John Birch Society
Las Vegas

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