Monday, May 28, 2007

Americans - DOING - !!!

Americans - DOING - !!!
Current mood: happy
Category: Life

Parker Center Los Angeles Police Headquarters
May 8, 2007
Nicky & Raymond Herrera, Minuteman Project National Rally Spokesman, at left, Jim Gilchrist Minuteman Project founder at right
The Minuteman Project, Fire Coalition and immigration activists staged a SUPPORT THE LAPD RALLY before the Police Commission Hearing, scheduled to review the actions of the LAPD at the May 1st demonstration in MacArthur Park
We were very well received by the LAPD!!! Officers, staff and passersby stopped to thank us - gave us thumbs up and generally voiced their opposition to illegal immigration
Media such as KTLA TV News, KABC TV News, KFWB, KCBS TV - News swarmed around us - filming and interviewing us. BUT we have not seen any of that footage aired. The footage of our rally may have ended up on the cutting floor.
A man from across the street - seemingly from some business - brought us all ice cold Gatorades and thanked us profusely for out Support LAPD Rally
We also had some locals join with us - at far right a nurse with Cedar Sinai - en route to work - rallied with us
Rallier being interviewed by the media - photo by Sharyn
At this point, my camera malfunctioned. We had more ralliers arrive after this photo.
* * *
May 8, 2007
Police Commissioners Board Meeting
to review police actions: May 1st demonstration
Los Angeles Police Commissioners
Who was at the meeting?
ADOBE FILE OF THE AGENDA & Commissioner Attendees
The Police Commission Meeting was open to the public - held in the Parker Center Auditorium.
The auditorium was filled to capacity.
I would estimate that approximately 40 of us were anti-ILLEGAL immigration proponents. Ralliers filled a couple of rows and various anti-illegal immigration Los Angeles area residents were scattered among the open border advocates.
The room was filled with representatives and members from the following open border groups:
Hermandad Mexicana
Union Del Barrio
Bus Riders Union
Service Industry Union
Communist Party Representatives
MECHA and other open border organizations
Fleets of suited attorneys with the ACLU, MALDEF, La Raza and LULAC.
Chief Bratton Speaks
Chief Bratton - decked out in full uniform - gave a report. Then Bratton introduced the replacement for Deputy Chief Cayler "Lee" Carter, the highest ranking officer at the MacArthur Park protest.
Bratton announced the replacement: Sergio Diaz - a native of Cuba - a naturalized American citizen. Bratton asked that the newly appointed Deputy Chief say a few words.
Deputy Chief Sergio Diaz gave a short acceptance speech first in English, then in Spanish.
One of the L.A. anti-ILLEGAL immigrant ladies we met, said that there were a total of 76 speakers for open borders/anti-LAPD and 12 of us spoke in support of the LAPD/law and order.
Alan J. Skobin
Vice President
After Chief Bratton was done speaking - President Mack opened the floor to the general public. You had to fill out a card to speak and were allowed two minutes.
The public railed and raged against Bratton and LAPD for almost 3 hours.
A row of Minutemen sat together - and we were heckled routinely. Men we didn't know would walk by where we were seated and hiss, "Racists."
Or "The LAPD are the Minutemen in Blue."
Individuals in the audience, as speakers addressed the Commission, were allowed to stand up and shake their fists and yell things like, "FIRE BRATTON." This was a common scene at the meeting. Fist shaking. Yelling. Lots of noise.
One of the coalition spokesperson stated that the LAPD should no longer ever be allowed to wear riot gear.
The Hermadad Mexicana representative stated that next May 1st, there will be a bigger demonstration and that the LAPD will not be allowed to attend - they will supply their OWN security.
The crowd cheered this notion.
Anthony Pacheco
A continual theme among the open border activists speakers was that the LAPD attacked: the Elderly and children. This point was made over and over and over. This was the theme of the meeting along with yelling out "BRATTON GO HOME!" "Go BACK TO NEW YORK!"
The open border crowd - who Bratton has pandered to fervently - REALLY, REALLY despises him. And they expressed - I will call it rabid hatred - nonstop for 3 hours toward Bratton.
Chief Bratton was publicly "crucified"
Bratton looked like beat up wax mannequin by the time they were done.
One lady stated that her culture for one thousand years has respected the elderly and the children and she stated the LAPD attacked this ideal. On purpose.
Mayor Reconquista and Police Chief Bratton
Speakers were angry the Mayor was not at the meeting. We learned later the Mayor was at an event - praising immigrants. He was too much of coward to face the mob. Face the immigrants.
When the two minutes were up - some of the speakers would continue to talk. If the Police Commission tried to stop the speaker - people would stand up and yell things like "FREEDOM OF SPEECH" "LET THEM TALK" "DON'T SHOOT THEM"
Andrea Ordin
Commissioner,Partner in the law offices of Morgan Lewis
I got the impression the Police Commission feared them. Were afraid to stop their raging. They all looked nervous.
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Almost every open border speaker categorically denied that anyone had assaulted the LAPD at any time. They repeated over and over that the LAPD attacked them because of their of their skin color. Completely unprovoked.
They painted the May 1st demonstration as completely peaceful. Children. Elderly. And that suddenly - for no reason at all - the LAPD attacked the peaceful children and the peaceful elderly. I don't recall anyone stating that the LAPD had projectiles thrown at them - most denied this happened at all.
A man lifted up his shirt and showed a wound on his stomach he said was from the rubber bullets. A leader of a Christian Peace Group - talked about how police made her put her arms up and bullied her out of the park. Another lady said she was there with her children and her mother and that police put a club to her. She showed her wound but I couldn't see it. Two members of the Spanish press spoke about being roughed up by police.
Jim Gilchrist
Sharyn emailed the TV Screen images of some of our speakers from the Police Commission TV
None of us can quite figure out how it was done BUT all of us who were to speak out against illegal immigration were, basically, all lumped together toward the end of the meeting.
But once we started to speak - we took control of the meeting. With the law and rational thought. Our side then cheered and got our message out - Support LAPD/Stop illegal immigration.
There were four L.A. area individuals who spoke out in support of the LAPD
One LEGAL resident who lives near MacArthur told the commissioners that thugs running after the police on May 1 - thinking she was part of them - handed her a rock to throw at the LAPD
The following took to the podium to express support for law enforcement and strong opposition to illegal immigration:
When we spoke in favor of law and order - the Police Commission was RELIEVED to have law abiding individuals speak. Adults. Our side was intelligent - well versed and referenced facts.
The only individual from our stance who was given any mention in the media was a couple of sentences in the LA Times: Jim Gilchrist is quoted.
Get involved
LAPD Contact Info - from one of our ralliers
LAPD Public Relations 213-485-3281 FAX 213-473-5635
Police Commission 213-485-3531 FAX 213-485-8861
(Board of Commissioners)
President John Mack
Vice President Alan Skobin
Commissioner Andrea Ordin
Commissioner Shelly Freeman
Commissioner Anthony Pacheco
Inspector General 213-202-5866 FAX 213-482-1247
Andre Birotta

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