Monday, May 28, 2007


Current mood: grateful
Category: Life

FYI, I guess white slavery in Saudia Arabia and Dubai doesn't count?


Anne Bayefsky

On March 9, 2007 the UN wrapped up its annual session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women.

Guess where they found a violation of women's rights? Among the hundreds of thousands of women who are dead, dying, mutilated, displaced or raped in Sudan? Among the million female migrant workers cowering in the basements of Saudi Arabian villas from the taskmasters who stole their passports the minute they got off the plane? Among the women stoned and hanged for "adultery" in Iran? The millions of women forcibly aborted in China? The thousands murdered or forced to commit suicide for the crime of "dishonoring" their fathers and brothers across the Arab and Muslim world?

If you guessed "none of the above," then you'll enjoy coming on down to the UN. The UN's lead body charged with promoting and protecting women's rights identifies only one state as violating the rights of women in the world today - Israel.(Violating the rights of Palestinian women.) The vote was 40 for and 2 against (the United States and Canada).
Germany, on behalf of the European Union, gave a one minute "explanation" excusing its affirmative vote. It said: "we express our deep concerns for the impact on all women in the region including the Israeli women" - although Germany did not insist such language be inserted in the resolution itself. For 60 seconds, the representative of the country where millions of Jewish women and girls were murdered en masse not so long ago took notice of the Jewish mothers and daughters who have fallen victim to terrorism in the Jewish state. This is the moral corruption that the UN breeds within democracies like Germany. In the United Nations, an institution owned and directed by the Organization of the Islamic Conference, the European Union grovels while the real abusers cheer.

A Project of the Hudson Institute New York and the Touro Law Center Institute for Human Rights

This story just makes me appreciate American men SO much more! Thank goodness we have them here to take care of us babes. American men are the best!! They really do take good care of us women - we can bitch about them all we want but they are good for the most part!


11:03 PM - 6 Comments - 5 Kudos - Add Comment

Thanks Sam for the compliment. I posted the same article on my blog last week. It really amazes me that the UN can say Israel is the only country where women have no rights. What a freaking joke.

Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Tuesday, April 10, 2007 at 11:59 PM
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Nevada Lights

The U.N is a crock of shit...

Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 12:15 AM
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Baboon Rising

That's why they call it the United Abominations.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 3:54 AM
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What an amazing comparison. What pisses me off the most is that you DON'T hear anything from the feminist groups. You would think they'd support the removal of any female oppressing society. I can almost excuse the rest of the US hating world (UN), but what happened to the "American" outrage? Oops, wrong party is in the White House.

Posted by Sir PATRIOT 2U on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 5:00 AM
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Nevada Lights

I have all but had it with MySpace! I just posted a huge reply here and it didn't even post!

MySpace is turning into a huge waste of time....

Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 8:55 AM
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Nevada Lights

wow, thats all i want to say about this for now, I could go on and on but it will get my blood preasure up and i had a heart attack dec 2004, so i need to calm down a bit, but i will say, I am Christian in my faith. and I believe the Bible to be written by the hand of man but inspiried by God's Spirit. , so i will say the world will turn against Isreal, but untamatly God and Isrieal will win. Thats all ill say right now. oh one more thing you women have been put down and abused forever. by all men. in one way or another. which I am sorry. I love women in a pure way. I have not even so much as held a womans hand because I am waiting to save myself for the woman who commits love to me and I to her, then I will give all of myself. that is out of respect for myself and for my woman who ever and where ever she is. I ahve been actively searching for her for 15 years, April 1992. was my last relationship. have a nice day and God Bless you for your openess, you are like my aunt dorothy, your beliefs and political stand. I have many friends that share your feelings and so do i.
Billy aka had hagerd.

Agreed, friend!!! Agreed!


Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, April 11, 2007 at 8:52 PM
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