Monday, May 28, 2007

Why Not Leave Me Be???


Verio has informed me you are trying to tamper with our web site and email system. All your calls are a matter of record with them. I would hope you find better things to do than mess with this. You are no part of Company Shithole, Inc. And you must stay out of it's affairs.

Crazy Ex-Boss of Fish


Dear Verio,

I realize the above statement is from someone with a mental illness, trying to accuse me and blame me for his own inadequate decisions, but could you please inform him directly that I am not taking part in any such activities regarding his website or email?!?!

I am not sure what Company Shithole's reason for email failure are, but I DO know that it has absolutely nothing to do with me. Could you please inform Mr. Ex-Boss that I have not accessed nor contacted you in any way?

If there is a problem with their email, could you inform him of the real reason?

I would greatly appreciate that.



Note to Crazy Ex-Boss of Fish:
Please don't fear my intelligence.
I will never use it against you.
Now - leave me be!

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