Monday, May 28, 2007

To My Fellow Nevada Residents and Fellow Americans

To My Fellow Nevada Residents and Fellow Americans
Current mood: enraged
Category: Life

Dear Friends,
All joking aside - I write you this letter with the utmost sincerity.

Today I heard what Harry Reid, Senator to the Battle Born State of Nevada said against the Soldiers of the United States of America and Her Citizens.

I may joke around and say things that are controversial and poke fun at everyone- but I really do love each and every one of you. I support you, I care about you and I love you.

If we disagree on political views that's OK because there are many other things that I probably love about you.

As one American to other Americans, I ask for your support to demand the resignation of Harry Reid - who has taken action AGAINST US and our FAMILIES. Harry Reid defends our defeat, threatens our lives, makes our children less safe for the future and weakens our Military.

These are not the actions of an American or someone who has been appointed to American Government.

His position is supposed to be one that is dedicated to the American People - he is supposed to be the voice of Americans residing in Nevada to the United States Government. He is not doing what we pay him to do.

I'm asking you all to demand his resignation with the hundreds of thousands of other Americans he has betrayed. Spread the word to your friends and ask them to help.

OUR tax dollars pay this asshole - he works for US - and then he stands at his podium and speaks against us. Enough is enough......

What Harry Reid has done to our troops alone is unjust but to act out against the very core of the United States of America and is a violation of the highest offense.

Love and Appreciation,

12:00 AM - 2 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment


Thanks for your position on this disgusting display of diarrhea of the mouth by Harry Reid. As an American, and particularly as a soldier, I find his comments to be vile and traitorous. Honestly, how could a leader come out and say this in a time of war? It is unbelievable what little backlash that there is at the moment. He must resign. What a shameful moment in our political history.

Posted by Bryan on Monday, April 23, 2007 at 1:31 PM
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Bill Butler

I simply adore you so very much. you are brilliant.

Posted by Bill Butler on Wednesday, April 25, 2007 at 10:56 PM

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