Monday, May 28, 2007

"Silence is Your Consent!"

"Silence is Your Consent!"
Current mood: angry
Category: Life

" A nation without borders is not really a nation." ~ President Ronald Reagan

Did you know?

* For the first time in history Canadian Border Partol agents are carrying weapons for safety!

* In March 2005 the Pew Hispanic Center estimated that the illegal invader population in CA was
2.4 million !

*Medicaid costs for illegal invaders and their U.S. born children are $2.8 billion annually,
according to a study by the Center for Immigration Studies.

*California is spending close to $600 million a year on jailing illegal aliens, according to state

*Illegals account for less than 5% of the U.S. Population, but were 17% of the federal prison
population in 2004, costing $1.8 billion in court and incarceration expenses.

*"The National Research Council has estimated that the net fiscal cost of immigration ranges
from $11 billion to $22 billion per year, with most government expenditures on immigrants
coming from state and local coffers. "~ Center for Immigration Studies

*If the I.N.S. had done it's job 15 of the 19 September 11th terrorists would have been denied
Visas! ~ National Review 10/2/02

*"The crisis we face on our border is not a racial issue, or even one of politics. The is a red, white
and blue national security crisis." - Sheriff D'Wayne Jernigan , Texas Sheriff's Coalition at
House Immigration Hearings in Houston

*"The truth is that the southern border is the weak link in our national security"..." intelligence
indicates that terrorist organizations are increasingly probing the U.S./ Mexico Border."
- Sheriff Leo Samaniego, at 8 / 17 / 06 Judiciary Committee field hearing in El Paso, Tx.

*A U.S. G.A.O. Forensic team completed an under-cover experiment, successfully smuggling
radioactive materials through both the borders. This was done by using a fake company name
and fraudulent identification documents. Gregory Kutz, Mng. Director ~ San Diego
Congressional Immigration Field Hearing, July 5, 2006


6:11 AM - 6 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Baboon Rising

Wow! Thanks for sharing this info, Samantha.

Mexico has tougher laws on immigration than here in the US. Illegals cuaght in Mexico could spend time (I belive it's 6 months in jail) and then deported. Repeat offendoers can get over 10 years in jail. And businesses that hire illegals in Mexico are penalized severily.

I used to work at a music store that had a lot of hispanic clientel. I spoke with some of them and the majority sedn money back to their families in Mexico and Guatamala. It;'s no wonder why the Mexican govt. encourages illegal border crossings. All the money goes back to them.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 11:22 AM
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Nevada Lights

You're absolutely right! Mexico wants a double, even triple standard.

We should stop being prissy spoiled little babies and put up a fight!


Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 11:29 AM
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Baboon Rising

And you know what? It would be VERY easy to do. Anyone without a Green Card or the proper paperwork to prove they are in this country legally can be deported. If the governmnet wanted to, it could EASILY enforce the existing immigration laws and put pressure on business to do the same.

I can't blame some people for wanting a better life here in America. But, respect our laws. We are an open nation. But cross our borders legally. I wish Congress and the President would respect our laws. lol.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 11:46 AM
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Nevada Lights

I can't balme anyone for wanting a better life either but what about Americans lifestyles??

What about what Americans need?

This immigration issue is WAY out of hand! Our children literally go to school with terrorists. This isn't the way we do it in America, bitches!! Thats what we NEED to say!

Yeah, the Government is trying to say it would be so costly to deport them. BULLSHIT!!! Take our school buses, we'll drive our kids to school! Ask our allies for help - start rounding up people regardless of skin color!!

What the Government is REALLY saying is that theres so much fake paperwork out there, that we don't know shit! We don't really know who's valid and who isn't!!

Its rediculous that they say we cant do anything. If they sent them all home they would better their own countries, they would envoke change there, and Americans might actually be able to buy homes again and get decent paying jobs!!

Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 12:06 PM
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Baboon Rising

Exactly, well it's sad to say but I think the issue lies with more than just a paperwork problem. It's a political problem. It didn't help that mexico had Vicente Fox as president there. That guy is terrorist sympathizing idiot who was no more an ally to America than Hugo Chavez, and yet reaped the benefits of illegal alien money pouring in from ALL over the US. Here in Virginia we have A LOT more illegals than most people think.

And, with organizations like ACORN, many of these illegals are out voting. And you know who they are voting for don't you? Yeah. Exactly.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 12:17 PM
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Nevada Lights

Oh I know! Its the great Democrat Sellout of America!!!

I can disagree with another party but when you hate my Country and do whatever you can to destroy Her, than I hate you, no matter what your party title is or where you come from!

Amen, Samantha!! LOL!

Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, February 21, 2007 at 12:22 PM
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