Monday, May 28, 2007

Signs of Decline and Fall of America Have Begun to Appear

Are we going to sit back and take this from these fuckers??
Thank the stupid Democrats for dividing America and distracting from a unified effort against our natural born enemies!!!


This isn't a fucking joke people! There are animals out there plotting against us while we sleep, eat, work and play!

Don't forget that Obama is a muslim and attended extremist muslim school as a young boy!! Don't forget that!!

Now be a smart American and pass this information on to everyone you know!!



We live in a very complex age don't we? I think Americans forgot just why we are in this fight. There are as you put it animals plotting against us. There always have been through our entire history. The difference is now these people ( I use the term lightly) actually act on there threats. Usama bin Laden is not the only threat. We have threats from all accross the globe. The difference between them is some actually are just talk with no mussle to back themself up ( N. Korea etc) Still others AND GET THIS LIST PEOPLE ( Hamas , Al-Qaeda, Hezbollah , Jaish Ansar al-Sunna, Jaish-e-Mohammed, Egyptian Islamic Jihad, Islamic Movement of Central Asia, Jama'at al-Tawhid wa'al-Jihad/Al-Qaeda in Iraq - Abu Musab al-Zarqawi's Sunni ) I could go on. I hope you all get the point. These enemies of America do not wear uniforms. They fight among them selves worse than we do here Liberal Vs Republican, But there overall cause is the same. That is if you forgot the total distruction of America. Colon Powel said it well when he said, " What lies before them is a long, tough campaign. We should have no illusions that a few missile strikes will take care of this problem. They are well entrenched, they are well dispersed. It is not an enemy sitting out in the middle of a battlefield waiting to be attacked. They are clever. They are resourceful and they are thinking. They are always trying to think what we might do to them. So we have to see this as a long campaign plan, using all of the weapons and tools at our disposal." Liberals will destroy this country. They have no plan,( unless you think Run from a problem is a plan). They think money and social programs will solve it? Do they really think apeasement will make the problem go away? I know if there is a lion eating a mans sheep he does not feed the lion to make it go away. He hunts down the threat and kills it. That is what the enemies of this country truly fear. That is what this country must get together and do. Use all our resources and testroy this enemy. Then when they are on there knees bring in the politics. Let our military do for us now what they have done throught our fine history. Destroy our enemy and then open the door to talk. I want peace as much as anyone. At what price. I am not willing to sell our security and dignity for it.

Posted by USA RANGER B1 on Saturday, March 17, 2007 at 10:16 AM

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