Monday, May 28, 2007

Senate Democrats preparing push for illegal alien amnesty

Senate Democrats preparing push for illegal alien amnesty
Current mood: annoyed
Category: Life

Senate Democrats preparing push for illegal alien amnesty
Jim Brown
March 5, 2007

Sen. Jeff Sessions R-AL<>

A Republican senator fears his Democratic colleagues are getting set to push through legislation that would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens.
Hear This Report

Last year the Senate voted 62-36 in favor of a bill to allow millions of illegal immigrants to take American jobs and become U.S. citizens. Alabama Senator Jeff Sessions warns that a group of Democrats led by Senator Ted Kennedy has been meeting to craft similar legislation under the guise of "comprehensive immigration reform."

Sessions claims no outside input is being allowed on the bill before it is introduced. According to the Alabama lawmaker, one of his Republican colleagues -- Arlen Specter of Pennsylvania, who supported last year's bill -- has complained that his staff was being shut out of the process.

"So it looks ... quite clear [to me] that they plan to introduce a bill and try to force it through without any real input [from] across the aisle or from other people," says Sessions, who adds that that is what happened last time -- and the result, he says, "was a very, very bad piece of legislation" about which he is concerned.

Sessions says the only thing he will agree on with what he calls "extreme" advocates of illegal immigration is that the entire U.S. immigration system needs review. As part of that, he says he is willing to consider legislation that would prevent the children of illegal aliens from automatically becoming U.S. citizens -- something he says is a "real problem" because of a dubious U.S. Supreme Court ruling.

According to Session, many pregnant women are entering the U.S. illegally "just to have the child here" and then use the child as a shield to keep from being deported. "[A]nd that's why we need better border enforcement," he says -- or in lieu of that, legislation that might have to be upheld by the Supreme Court reversing one of its earlier decisions, "which they do periodically," he notes.

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