Monday, May 28, 2007

Samantha Has Two Very Bad Traits

Samantha Has Two Very Bad Traits
Current mood: surprised
Category: Life

If you thought insanity and persistent B.O. - you were close!

If you thought reclusive and quirky - you almost hit it the nail square!

If you thought too political and too much of an instigator - even closer yet!

But all of those are not the main two problems for Samantha!

You see, I spend a lot of time alone but all of these years I thought it was my choosing. I'm reclusive. But a few things have been brought to my attention lately. Apparently, I chase a lot of men away. ( I know - who would'a thought right??) HAHAHAH!!!!!!

Although a lot of men like me and all that - few ask me out or when we do go out it seems awkward. They either don't know what to do with me or they want to go cuddle ASAP!

I have been single for years and years -since early 1999 !!

I, Samantha - who has big boobies, who laughes way too much, who doesn't do any drugs, who doesn't smoke (but loves the smell of cigars), who doesn't take any medications (although I probably should! LOL) and who pretty much enjoys everything about life and being alive stays home all the time, rarely going out......

I'm an easy-going clean freak.

.....who is way too political, who loves the laughter of children (but one 16 year old is enough!!!), who has a half-way decent (strike that!) great ass, who can be trusted, who is well balanced but loves being her silly self, who loves sex, who loves to challenge fate and reality, who isn't prissy and weak, who loves leather, lace and travel, who would rather stay home and plant flowers in the garden than attend a social event, who has been with and without and therefor appreciates what she does have, who loves a challenge even if it means creating one..... SINGLE!

Well, I am a recluse. Hard to meet someone when you like being home all the time.

But lately - cottonpickin, dag nab it, shucks!!!! Guys are opening up and telling me how they really feel and its been the same out of most of them. Here's a few immediate examples:

"I'm sure you've got tons of messages from everyone. I find it amazing that a lady so attractive can have such an incredible mind. You blow me away!!!! "

"anywhere youd like/but you seem super intimidating, promise not to yell @ me ;) i bruise easy like a peach!! "

"ohh my god,,i dont know where to start.your page has to be the most interesting page i have seen.2nd to none yes your a beautiful woman,,but id be scared at 1st to ask you for a kidding.a strong minded woman is sexy,,get back in touch"

"i like a little roughness. i want my punishment Samantha."

Apparently, I'm too independent and too smart....... That sucks!!

So why do chicks like me end up not married for years and years and these trashy skanks who cheat, get married for the wrong reasons, couldn't give a rats ass about their husbands OR their kids and act like the sun rises and sets in their backsides end up married to good men who can't get enough of them?? (I'm on an Arianna Huffington rant - LOL!!!!)

No, no - I'm nothing like her.....

It's my own fault because I usually say no when asked out - but just never realized I was so scary to men.

I did go out recently with a really nice guy. We had a good date.
Again, I'm just reclusive. Although my last date was very respectful and kind and has asked me out again several times - I guess I'm just quirky.

When I meet the man that intrigues me, I will be with him until one of us dies - faithful and true. If he acts like an ass, his head would soon be introduced to the cast iron frying pan or the roller. Maybe both - at the SAME time!!
Don't think I don't own several of each, because I do!!!

Anyway, you guys should not be afraid of a woman unless she has a flogger in her hand. And very high, leather boots on. LOL!

And I expect a man to make the first move because that's his job! After that - I let him know when I want it! And how I want it! And where! And how he's doing it!.......


Yet More Examples:

"Damn, the girl is human. Here I thought you were just a bustier Ann Coulter."

10:58 PM - 5 Comments - 4 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Nevada Lights

Hehehe...I wrote a long ass blog about myself! And then commented on it! HAHAHAH!

How fucking lame is that!?!?!?

Posted by Nevada Lights on Monday, March 19, 2007 at 10:43 PM
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Nevada Lights

If I go out with a guy and I find out he has a bunch of other women he's going out with - I won't go out with him again because I think he's contaminated.

I know that doesn't make any sense because he would have dated others before me, why wouldn't he after me....but I tend to think the guy is a player and I won't have anything more to do with him. No matter how much I liked him.

Also, I have a germ phobia and rarely kiss. Only after I am in some sort of relationship do I agree to any kissing.

See how completly screwed up I am? I need a man who fits me like a glove!

Hope this answers your question Steve.


Posted by Nevada Lights on Monday, March 19, 2007 at 10:54 PM
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Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 3:29 AM
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Posted by DRAGON RIDER on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 5:26 AM
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Nevada Lights

Ok, how about a yummy head doctor so we can just go ahead and do both at once.

Sounds good to me......

Posted by Nevada Lights on Tuesday, March 20, 2007 at 6:02 AM
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