Monday, May 28, 2007

RE: Morning Rush Limbaugh Updates

RE: Morning Updates
Current mood: accomplished
Category: Life

----------------- Bulletin Message -----------------
From: Rush Limbaugh Fans United
Date: Mar 30, 2007 8:09 PM

No need to fret can still get my updates except they'll be after the show instead of before. All you have to do is go to my web site and sign up!!

Rush in a Hurry... Free EIB Daily Show Notes
New from the EIB Network... "Rush in a Hurry" Daily Show Notes... a free email with a quick daily read of highlights from each and every excursion into broadcast excellence.

Just an hour or less after each day's broadcast concludes, we'll speed the "Rush in a Hurry" Show Notes email right to your inbox. It's a fast read, summarizing key points of that day's excursion, links to articles on the website and elsewhere, and even a surprise or two available nowhere else.

It's free, it's easy to register, and you know you really want it. So fill out the form below, and watch for it in your email starting March 26th.
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That's right, your free registration to the "Rush in a Hurry" Show Notes email is also your weekly entry in Rush's own Video iPod extravaganza. Every Friday, for 8 weeks, we're giving away a Video iPod with 80 gigabytes of storage. Each of these beauties is customized with a reproduction of Rush's own signature on the case. Official Rules and Conditions here.

Remember... just by signing up, you're automatically entered. You're in. The Video iPod is perfect to store months of Rush's podcasts, plus watch his daily Video Morning Update podcast. Will Rush's largesse never end?

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On Today's Show:

Rush attended the Media Research Center gala "DisHonors Awards" skewering the Drive-Bys. Rush won the 1st annual "William F. Buckley Award for Media Excellence." Rush pays homage to Mr. Buckley, and full coverage of the award presentation is at Audio of Rush's acceptance speech is on the free side for everyone, and Rush 24/7 subscribers get the video. Watch Video.

Rush corrects a story we did yesterday regarding Tony Dungy. The blogger who trashed Dungy was Emil Steiner, not Ben Domenech.

Algore is in Olso lobbying to get the Nobel Peace Prize. Rush's lawyers consider filing an objection to Gore's tampering with judges.

Open Line Friday calls start with a 14 year-old girl from Iowa who was forced to watch Gore's "Inconvenient Truth" in school.

Rush plays a great Madam Albright sound bite on how to pressure Iran and de-escalate the situation at the same time.

Democrats on TV are trying to analyze why Hillary isn't walking away with the nomination, while the Drive-Bys go after Rudy.

Rudy on his wife Judith sitting in on cabinet meetings. Rush's take is pained and priceless.

Another "letter" from the Iranian-held British soldiers. The Iranians are using Teddy Kennedy talking points!

The NY Times admits nobody is really riled up over rising gas prices. What gives? Could it be you really weren't that riled up when gas prices spiked last time, or maybe that it's not an election year?

Rush reports on NYC's program to pay the poor for doing what normal, responsible people would do anyway.

Homeless Update: Rush explores along with the SF Chronicle why San Francisco is a mecca for homelessness. Is it the cuisine?

A liberal caller asks Rush about the Iraq. At what point would Rush give up and go home.

The LA Times' Ron Brownstein heaps further fuel on the fire that Democrat victories in '08 are less than a slam-dunk, which dovetails with what Rush detailed from a Time Magazine poll he covered yesterday.

More investigations than legislative accomplishments have Congressional approval in decline. And Rush also shares that the Iraq Surrender Bill may not make it out of the conference committee because of disagreements among Democrats in the House and Senate.

In the prosecutor dismissal flap, Rush plays a sound bite of Senator DiFi lauding fired US Attorney Carol Lam on immigration, and then reads a DiFi letter she sent in '06 expressing concern about Carol Lam's LACK of immigration prosecution.

A conservative lesbian calls in to rail against Rosie and also volunteer for the Rush Limbaugh All-American 1st Cavalry Amazon Battalion.

Rev. Al Sharpton says he's not going to support Mrs. Bill Clinton...yet. All candidates have to address his National Action Convention, and "kiss Al's butt."

Rush plays clips from Drive-By types discussing the "Edwards bounce" resulting from their cancer press conference. Rush was right on the money when he said it was designed to jumpstart the campaign.

You'll find all this and more at tonight when we update the site.

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