Monday, May 28, 2007

Ok, here's something for you people ~

Ok, here's something for you people ~
Current mood: accomplished
Category: Life

Again - I'm not Christian, obviously I cuss (a LOT!), I don't attend church and I am probably a little too quirky to be considered "really good" - but I DO believe in Faith. My Faith is in Life - the energy of Life, the very existence of everything is amazing to me.

I realize that I am no better than anything if I don't respect myself (who is everything). The same energy that makes me makes a rock, a plant, an animal, another human being. We are all the same. That's the quantum side of me talking.

Religion doesn't matter - unless you have Faith in yourself. Lack of Faith in yourself brings sadness no matter how much you try to love another - whether it be God, another person, your job, your life. If you don't love yourself, you will always be sad and you will always struggle.

Often times I will pick up a random book at the library - one I know nothing about and read it (although I rarely read novels, the books are always fact-based). I learn so many new things this way that ordinarily would not cross my path.

One particular book I picked up has some lines in it that I think are very powerful - regardless of your religion, because these are words about "the person" and that person is you. If you already have Faith in yourself, Faith in your God, Faith in your fellow Human Beings then these words are likely to re-affirm what you already know.

If you are feeling lost these days, then allow these words to help you realize that YOU are in control and can have anything you want if you discover that Faith in yourself will bring every change.
Let's see what you think:

"All down the ages, the religionists have admonished struggling humanity to "have faith" in this or that and the other dogma or creed, but they failed to to tell people HOW to have faith. They have not stated that "faith is a state of mind that may be induced by self-suggestion".

Have Faith in yourself; Faith in the Infinite
Before we begin, you should be reminded again that:
Faith is the "eternal elixir" which gives life, power, and action to the impulse of thought!

The foregoing sentence is worth reading (as many times as it takes for you to understand that YOU are the creator of YOUR life! All you have to do is choose to believe it!)

Faith is the starting point to accumulation of all riches!
Faith is the basis of all miracles and all mysteries which cannot be analyzed by the rules of science!
Faith is the only known antidote for failure!
Faith is the element, the "chemical" which when mixed with prayer, gives one direct communication with Infinite Intelligence.
Faith is the element which transforms the ordinary vibration of thought, created by the finite mind of Man, into the spiritual equivalent.
Faith is the only agency through which cosmic force of Infinite Intelligence can be harnessed and used by man.

And then the book goes on into "The Magic of Self-Suggestion"

So basically - and I subscribe to this concept because I'm into quantum physics so deep it's not even funny - the basic message is that we all create our own realities through self-suggestion - which leads to ideas - which leads to physical action - which leads to the results we wanted in the first place!

This is a fact! It's proven again and again by those around us. This is not saying that you must believe in God to be successful (although it suggests that religion and prayer helps you achieve your faith) it's simply saying that YOU MUST HAVE FAITH IN YOURSELF ABOVE ALL ELSE THAT YOU DO!!

How do you gain Faith in yourself? Do something you have never done before and realize you can do it! Challenge yourself!

Look at pictures that make you happy - look at the pictures EVERYDAY for as long as it takes for you to know that you "can do" - and when you look at the pictures, think good things, like what you want to achieve or what you see yourself doing with today.

Look at pictures of things you want, go places that make you happy like a local park and think good things while you are there! When you are work, think about what you would like to own, where you want to live, anything!

I suggest looking at pictures because colors, light, new visions all have a profound effect on the mind. Also pictures help lure us out of our own thoughts. Our minds can become polluted just like anything. Seeing natural things, things that are alive and active provoke better feelings and better ideas, better Faith.

The ONLY thing you have to do is KNOW that you can have anything you want if you just have Faith in yourself!! You truly CAN have anything you want - you just have to know that you can have it and ask for it. The Universe provides for us because we ARE the Universe! Make sense?

I'll leave you with one last statement from the book:

"Thoughts which are mixed with any of the feelings of emotions constitute a "magnetic" force which attracts other similar or related thoughts"
(which lead us to ACTION!)


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