Monday, May 28, 2007

Non-Citizens may get rights to vote in Minnesota

Non-Citizens may get rights to vote in Minnesota
Current mood: irate
Category: Life

Posted on Tue, Mar. 13, 2007

Legal but not citizens: Should they get to vote?
Pioneer Press

THE ISSUE: Should legal immigrants who are not citizens be allowed to vote in local elections?

THE NEWS: Monday, Minnesota House members introduced a proposal for a constitutional amendment to let cities allow noncitizen permanent residents to vote.

THE QUESTION: If lawmakers approve the measure, 2008 voters would be asked: "Shall the Minnesota Constitution be amended to allow local units of government to authorize permanent resident noncitizens to vote in local government elections?" If a majority vote yes, it becomes part of the state constitution.

THE LIKELIHOOD: The same proposal was introduced four years ago and went nowhere. Its fate likely will be the same this year.

TO SOUND OFF: Add your thoughts to our discussion board. Contact your lawmakers. Click on the "Who Represents Me?'' link from or call House Information at 651-296-2146 or Senate Information at 651-296-0504.

WHOSE IDEA?: Dumbass bitch Rep. Phyllis Kahn, DEMOCRAP FL-Minneapolis, sponsored the measure. She also sponsored a constitutional amendment to let 16-year-olds vote in school board elections.

This bitch, Phyllis Kahn makes women everywhere look stupid! No wonder we cant get jobs in the real world. Maybe she should propose that TeliTubbies and My Little Pony get to vote too!

Pooh could run for President. Now that would be cool!!!


11:20 PM - 6 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Hardcore Conservative© (Conservative-Mo.)

Thank Bushie for all this

Posted by Hardcore Conservative© (Conservative-Mo.) on Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 11:31 PM
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Nevada Lights

It's not his fault but he's afraid to step up like everyone before him. He's basically alone!

Americans really haven't done anything to stand up for themselves!!

The best things we can do is call, get pissed off, talk about these things, educate others, demand for ourselves and most of all SHOW SUPPORT! Our politicians are essentially OUR Military - the Military for the People- and we have to support them or they lose their way.

We have to show support!

Posted by Nevada Lights on Tuesday, March 13, 2007 at 11:42 PM
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Hardcore Conservative© (Conservative-Mo.)

I disagree he's kissing everyone's but from mexico to south america

Posted by Hardcore Conservative© (Conservative-Mo.) on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 1:55 AM
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Nevada Lights

Yes but it's our fault for not putting a stop to illegal immigration years ago.

Yes, he's sold the American People out and I'm sickened by it!

No one likes an ass kisser........

Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 2:06 AM
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Posted by DRAGON RIDER on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 5:58 AM
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Nevada Lights

Thats why we have to make sure we are each individually active! We have to make sure to do our part. It's actually getting better lately. These dumbasses are just trying to assert their agenda, but they even said themselves they know it won't go anywhere.

Just another waste of American tax dollars.

Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 at 9:01 AM
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