The Liberal Boss
Some things have come to my attention about the Liberal view on things that had not occurred to me before. You see, I have worked for a liberal-run company for the last 6 years and its been the most disorganized, hate-filled, anal, confusing, counter-productive 6 years of my life! I have cried, hated, become uncontrollably angry and finally depressed out of my wits until I gave up! Needless to say, after years of wanting to quit I have finally done it!
It seemed that every time my boss found out that I made a purchase or achieved something in my personal life, he made a negative comment about it. "Oh! Nice VCR!" or "You have a new vehicle, you are living above your means". Even to the point of criticizing me for having a "fancy satellite dish" when everyone else has "regular cable". Ridiculous right??
(forgot to add that he had a problem with my "expensive" cordless phone,too)
My work-related achievements I made while at that company far exceeded what most have done - sans the most dedicated few. Some of my colleagues far exceed the call of duty, but most are worthless shit bags. Some (the owners, primarily) are too hung up on stroking their egos to allow anyone to make real progress or get any recognition for their achievements (whatever achievements can be made, considering the political BS that one has to swim against to achieve ANYTHING!) .
Aside from all of that, I had the most difficult time trying to figure out WHY my boss was so caught up in my personal life and whatever I was spending my money on. Why is the vehicle I drive such a huge concern to him?? Why was it the topic of EVERY conversation we had?? "They are charging you more than its worth", "You need an $800.00 car!". Why is he worried about my electronics or my satellite dish?? Why does he feel its any of his fucking business what I spend my money on???
After 5 years of handling certain aspects of my job, why did he suddenly take it away just as I made progress and claim that I NEVER held that responsibility?? Even after sending me across the Globe to do it?? Why - after all that I had done - did he steal assignments from me and give them to others all while claiming that he wasnt taking from me but rather "finding out the truth"? I was never dishonest nor did I give him any reason to behave in such a way.
Here ~ this is why liberals do not make good bosses or good leaders in politics - this is why there are two basic levels of society. Enter the liberal; They have a mentality that does not comprehend certain aspects of life!!
During the final conversations I had with my boss, I discovered (via his stupid mouth and senseless words), that I did not EARN my pay. It seems that for 6 years (count them, SIX YEARS!!) I was merely a "charity case". Yes, Ladies and Gentlemen ~~ my boss felt sorry for me and paid me for 6 years for doing absolutely NOTHING!. I feel like nominating him for some award.
Then it all made sense!!! ~~ REVOLUTION! ~~ Hello!!!!!!
Of COURSE he would be upset that I might buy something or have some personal achievement! How ~ DARE ~ I experience growth when hes giving me a welfare check! How dare I buy a new car or a satellite dish or a new VCR!
I should just be eeking along, barely surviving! Perhaps he was paying me too much!?!?!?!
It was after that conversation that I realized that no matter how hard I worked, no matter what decisions I made or what the outcome of my work was ~~ he would never see that I made progress or did anything good for that company! And why wouldnt he take things from me and give others permission to dump on my work ~~~ I never REALLY did anything! ~~ Hello! ~~ Duh!!!
I just thought that my mistake was that I was trying to get respect out of someone who had no self-respect ~~ but now its all crystal clear. No matter what, I would never be smart enough, honest enough, dedicated enough.
I was trying to please someone who thinks so little of others that he feels they are incapable of earning or achieving anything. Sadly, everyone is such pathetic, uneducated losers that he must take care of them.
Aside from that, I gave him an outstanding idea (a multi-million dollar idea!!) and a new application for a certain technology and of course I couldnt get credit for that EITHER! It turns out HE thought of it two years prior "but just didnt do anything with it" (even though he called the idea stupid in the beginning). Then he decided that his deceased Father gave me the idea to give to him.
Anyone but me I guess ~~~~I am just an uneducated charity case ~~~ what the fuck do I know???
Post Script: By the way, I forgot to add that everytime my pathetic, charity case ass tried to quit, my boss asked me to stay! And as I look back, I wasn't wrong about any of my predictions or evaluations. Nothing I have done failed and I made one major mistake in 6 years. Not too shabby!
So let them eat cake!!!
Sing it Sara and whoever that guy is ~~~
Time to Say Goodbye!
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