Monday, May 28, 2007

Interesting How Liberals Are Sympathetic to Everything

Interesting How Liberals Are Sympathetic to Everything
Current mood: busy
Category: Life

How can you be firm about a threat to this Country if you are pussyfooting around about the facts?

The fact is, Obama studied at radical Muslim schools, his step-dad was a radical and he chose to segregate himself from the values of this Country by swearing his dedication to the content of the Qu'ran and not the Bible. The same Bible that has led to the value foundation in this Country - to being the greatest place on Earth for any Human Beings to live. If you think America isn't the best place - ask yourself why everyone is risking everything to come here.

Anyone who wants to say that Christian values are not the foundation of this Country is a liar or an idiot!! Just in the past 15 years have these radicals demanded the removal of the 10 Commandments from Government facilities, crosses removed, no praying in schools. If Americans didn't embrace the values of the Bible - all of these things would not have been placed within our society. In any town you will find old churches - at any cemetery you will see crosses or reference to Jesus from hundreds of years ago!

These values have led America to being the best place on Earth for Human Beings to live, thrive and produce.

Muslims would LOVE for Americans to forget that we are only judged by God and that our God grants all Human Beings rights that are not afforded by other Human Beings - it's called FREEDOM! The same Rights that born the Civil Rights thinking that the rest of the world has come to embrace - the same Civil Rights that Muslims cry are violated when they are captured.

(Read my blog called "Why They Want God Gone" - click the link "Life" at the top of this page to view a list of all blogs)

Americans have no need to embrace Muslims or anyone else for that matter! America is about everyone being themselves - not what everyone else wants them to be. Correct??

Americans do not need to embrace anyone or anything but themselves. If you worship dog shit you can come to America and worship dog shit if you like - however don't expect America to establish dog shit worship within its society! You will recognize the values that America holds true - especially if you are running for public office! If you don't like the values of America you are free to return to your traditional environment. You cannot come here and expect to benefit from America and enjoy the lifestyle she provides while challenging her values.

And I completely agree with Al Sharpton on this Obama thing too!

Why should Obama come in and ride on the backs of America's black citizens??? He's not African American!! The fucked up MEDIA - (the biggest collective of fucking idiots EVER!) are out bragging about Obama being some great black role model.
(More white guilt from the media too! People who ass-kiss person(s) just because OF their race are actually racists trying desperately to show how "not-racist" they are!!)

Obama hasn't done shit for this Country or black people!!! African Americans deserve better support out of their fellow Americans than to have this muslim fuck come in and take over!! For those of you who listen to Rush Limbaugh, you know that Al Sharpton camped out on Obama's lawn and demanded answers for why Obama is ALLOWING the media to represent him as an African American - when in fact he isn't!

Al Sharpton is a smart man! He's untraditional, he's loud, he says what he thinks and I respect that about the man! Unlike Reverend Jackson - Al Sharpton truly believes in his people and he has a lot of potential! I hope blacks support his efforts because he is absolutely right about this!!!


1:14 PM - 5 Comments - 6 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove
Baboon Rising

A better role model for REAL civil rights is the Reverend Jesse Lee Peterson of B.O.N.D. He would rip Al Sharpton a new one. Al Sharpton is a very smart man, but make no mistake, he is just as much of a race monger as Jesse Jackson and the NAACP. Race should NEVER be an issue in any campaign. I know very few true "African Americans". In fact, I know of only two: one of them works with me and is an ethnic Arab, who has duel citizenship (Egypt/USA), the other is a girl I went to school with who was born in South Africa and has citizenship here in the US. She is white. The point is that we are all equal under the constitution. Liberals like to be divisive, so they create the politically correct hyphenated American terms. And liberal churches like the one Obama goes to talk about caring only for the black community. So, I guess for him, they would only care for half of his being, seeing as he's only half black.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Friday, March 16, 2007 at 2:08 PM
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Nevada Lights

Wow, you have made some excellent points Baboon. Well said!!!

You are right about Al Sharpton being a race monger but I think he has learned his lesson on who Americans are and what the important issues are. I've heard him talking lately and he's far more truthful about things and he seems a lot more aware of the facts.

People will divide themselves - like look at Bill Cosby - he's an excellent example for black success but some blacks consider him a sell out. Same thing for many others, like Colon Powell because these blacks appear "too white".

I think about any young child who lives in any family which speaks a certain way, has certain beliefs, dresses a certain way, partakes in certain activities - regardless of what that child identifies with - there is little chance the child could reflect it due to peer pressure. That is until the child becomes an adult. So you may have a person who identifies with certain things but are not willing to reflect that for fear of losing the family support.

Al has the potential to be greater than he has been. He isn't going to change his outside but he is changing on the inside. I say give him a chance. As far as I see, black Americans are being sold out by the media over this Barrak Obama and they need someone they can relate to that will bring their issues to attention.

I support my fellow black Americans. I think Obama has a lot of nerve and will do whatever it takes to win - even pretend he is a black American.


Posted by Nevada Lights on Friday, March 16, 2007 at 4:28 PM
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Baboon Rising

Thank you. I'll pay closer attention to what Al Sharpton says, especially if you think he may be changing some of his attitude. I know he has great influence and is a brilliant man. We'll see how this all plays out. Thank you for exposing Barak Obama and his radical Muslim upbringing.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Friday, March 16, 2007 at 4:55 PM
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One thing that I can say is, he better not get elected! We'll all be dead if that happens! No to all Muslims!

Posted by "THE DEMON SLAYER" on Friday, March 16, 2007 at 3:42 PM
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Hardcore Conservative© (Conservative-Mo.)

great blog!

Posted by Hardcore Conservative© (Conservative-Mo.) on Friday, March 16, 2007 at 2:16 PM
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