Monday, May 28, 2007

I just want to float around in a world of giddy all day....

I just want to float around in a world of giddy all day....
Current mood: blah
Category: Life the libs do......

1. LIbs don't care that their kids get screwed up at school and they don't care that the kid might be getting an abortion without them knowing - but they will be suspicious of the firing of some Government employees.

2. Libs don't care that muslims are killing people all over the world and have attacked this Country several times - but they will still accuse 9/11 of being an inside job.

3. They don't want religion in schools but they don't mind if THEIR agendas are taught in schools at the expense of tax payers.

Liberal thinkers are just inconsistent in thought and mentality. I screw around online and play social games but when it comes down to it, I know whats up!

Sometimes I just want a reaction to see what the feedback is but teaching kids about homosexuality in school is just as offensive as teaching a kid another religion or political stance.

If some households disapprove of homosexuality - they have that right! Just as some who do approve of it have that right! What we do in our houses is PRIVATE!

There are far more important things that our children should be taught and honestly, this school doing this, having big sex education classes without allowing parents to attend is just creepy!! It reminds me of an episode of X-Files.

If my child was attending this school and the school said "sorry but you can't attend this sex ed class" I would be absolutely PISSED!!!!
That kid came from MY womb and I pay your salary - who the fuck do you think you are to say that I can't know, attend or be a part of ANYTHING involving my child's life???

I would be a crazy tyrant American woman!

1:42 AM - 3 Comments - 2 Kudos - Add Comment - Edit - Remove

Baboon Rising

No way. You wouldn't be a "crazy tyrant American woman". You would be an American citizen and parent demanding much needed accountability in our school system. I'd pull my kid out of that school so quick, they wouldn't know what hit them, only after I raised holy hell in the next school board meeting.

Posted by Baboon Rising on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at 3:54 AM
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Nevada Lights

No I mean that I would be the biggest bitch this school system ever saw!!!!!!!

How dare ANY facility try tell me that I, as a parent have no right to know EXACTLY what's going on with my child. When my daughter was young, I put her in Kindergarten a year early, I walked to school with her. I ate breakfast or lunch with her almost everyday at the school in the cafeteria, I attended school board meetings. Yeah, I was extremely involved! Not for any other reason but to show her support, to do my part, to get familiar with what she deals with everyday and to spend time with her.

Every school in this Country that's paid for by tax payers is at the command of tax payers.

And these Judges who make decisions based on clear biases should be terminated or suspended. It's obvious there is a double standard here. Why don't the media give this guy the media cavety search? What's going on in the Judges life??

It's bullshit and has to stop!!!

Our children are everything and as parents, we have every right to protect them!!!

Posted by Nevada Lights on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at 6:51 AM
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Baboon Rising

You are a great mom!

Posted by Baboon Rising on Wednesday, March 21, 2007 at 7:29 AM
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