Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Great Business Strategies Denied the United States

Great Business Strategies Denied the United States
Current mood: predatory
Category: Life

Today is May 21, 2007 and I wake up in a fog over what's taking place in my Homeland. It's so baffling that I can't even comprehend how such large sections of populations have been duped by the President, by Congress, the Senate and local Governments. How did they fool so many of us on both sides of the fence? And WHY are they making such shitty, self-centered decisions for the such a great Nation?

What happened to the exclusivity of the United States? When did we stop being the utopia of Freedom and Human Expression and instead - open our land up to the ungrateful, uneducated, manner-lacking, twisted idea culture??

It seems that the U.S.A. has no business plan. We're trying to be everything to everybody because that MEANS Freedom - doesn't it??

I'm afraid it doesn't!

Freedom is not defined by the definition of NO definitions. Freedoms are the Rights granted by OUR God - to Live, Vote, Share Equality, Make Gains Through Insights and Intelligence, Nurture Family and Be Responsible of One's Own Accord.

Freedom is not a tool by which others can come to this Country and start defining OUR laws and preferences.

Let's put the concept into play;

Do you go into any country club and start telling THEM how you're going to utilize your membership??

Do you go to work and tell THEM how you're going to do your job??

How do you think the company would do if your employer said "Bob, we're letting you and your co-workers run the company!" What do you think would happen?? Would you have the companies best interest at heart?? Of course you wouldn't! You'd give yourself a pay raise and you'd fuck off all day!

Well.......what do you think has been happening in the United States for the last 30+ years?? Between politicians (employees) and illegal immigrants (employees) - they have done JUST that!! We the People (company owners) have let the employees run the show and they have driven us into bankruptcy in every sense of the word!! They have given themselves pay raises and they fuck off all day!

The United States has allowed itself to lose it's exclusive status - and no one of any value wants to be in a "club" that any freeloader off the streets can join. You don't PAY $50,000 a year to see hobos come in and shit on the putting greens.....but thats what happens in the U.S.A every day!

Did you know that you work from January to about July JUST to pay your taxes?? Thats how much money the Government takes from you every year!! Think that's Freedom?? It's a very high-priced Membership fee - thats what it is!

And for your high-priced Membership to the U.S.A, you are surrounded by people who can't afford to join so they hop over your white picket fence and come in to watch your TV. They help themselves to your food, pee in the corner and maybe molest your kids. Kick your pets.

They are not held to the regulations of the club because they are not paying members - but they expect to enjoy the amenities. (Meanwhile your HOA tells you what colors you can paint your house, when to put your trash out and what kinds of plants to plant in your yard!)

These freeloaders might take your favorite vehicle out for a spin with their friends or worst yet - INVITE THEIR FRIENDS OVER!

They decide to connect with other freeloaders, so they spray paint huge signs all over your house, your business and your life.

They couldn't care any less about how you feel or what you might think because they have a right to join this club too, even though they can't afford it - because some employee (politicians) said they could go ahead and attach themselves to YOUR membership - without your consent!

And because the club has let so many undesirables in and has tripled members but not memberships..... the place has fallen into disrepair, it's become dirty and broken. And this bad atmosphere drives away any new PAYING members who might have wanted to join. No one is privy to making bad investments!! Newcomers will go on and look for a nicer, cleaner, more exclusive place - someplace that doesn't let hobos in the clubhouse!

You complain but the club employees tell you that it's not fair that everyone can't join.....it's not fair that you get to enjoy the club all by yourself.

You reply "But I pay for the Membership! It's MY Membership!"

The employee tells you to stop being a racist, homophobe, greedy bigot.

You say "But you let these other people come in on MY Membership and now they've caused damage, they have violated other Members, they have stolen and they don't care!!"

The employee tells you - "Yes, we know and I'm sorry to inform you but you are going to have to pay for that!"


Now tell me........what do you think would be the long term result of this club? Would you continue to do business there? You're super rich, you can join ANY club you want so what would be your incentive to stay a paying member? You have no rights, you can't enjoy anything because it's all broken, you can't use the club facilities because you don't feel safe anymore, your memberships fees aren't going to better anything...which is why you paid them in the first place!.

Do you think the club would flourish because it's quadrupled the people using the facilities but not people paying to be Members?

Do you think the freeloaders would WANT a Membership if they were offered one? Do you think they would suddenly WANT to start paying their own Membership fees??

I'm trying to see why people aren't understanding how devastating this tree-hugging, feel-good idea of how to run this Country is going!

This Nation is a BUSINESS - whether you like it or not!!

And this Country has been so successful for so many different kinds of people in so many ways, so many backgrounds, so many dreams and goals.

My comments to the politicians = Stop Fucking Up My ClubHouse!!! You're ALL fired!!!


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