Monday, May 28, 2007

America in "In Mortal Danger" by Tom Tancredo

America in "In Mortal Danger" by Tom Tancredo
Current mood: sad
Category: Life

New Release! This latest addition to the WND Books collection is already a best seller! "In Mortal Danger" is authored by outspoken Congressman Tom Tancredo, famous for his efforts to reform our immigration policies and secure our borders. He lives up to his reputation of never being afraid to speak his mind in this sure-to-be controversial book.

Could there be a time in the not-too-distant future when schoolchildren around the world will study about the rise and fall of the United States?

Barring major cultural and societal shifts, at least one American lawmaker believes so. "In Mortal Danger" lays out the case that the hub of Western civilization, the United States, is on course to the dustbin of history. Like the great and mighty empires of the past—superpowers that once stretched from horizon to horizon—America is heading down the road to ruin.

English historian Edward Gibbon, in penning his classic "The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire" (ironically published in the year America's Founding Fathers declared independence from Great Britain), theorized that Rome fell because it rotted from within. It succumbed to barbarian invasions because of a loss of civic virtue, its citizens became lazy and soft, hiring barbarian mercenaries to defend the empire because they were unwilling to defend it themselves. Congressman Tancredo thinks America is following in the tragic footsteps of Rome.
"Tom Tancredo is a rare breed in Washington who puts principle above ego and country above party. 'In Mortal Danger' is a clarion call for all good citizens to come to the aid of this great nation. Our borders, culture, history, and institutions are at risk. Tancredo's lucid, passionate book shows the way to protect them." ---Michelle Malkin, best selling author of "Invasion" and WorldNetDaily columnist

Congressman Tancredo explains in cogent, rational detail how America is on a similar path. He believes that the incredible economic success and historical military prowess of the United States has transformed a nation founded on Judeo-Christian principles of right and wrong into an overindulgent, self-deprecating, immoral cesspool of depravity.

Without strong, moral leadership, without a renewed sense of purpose, without a rededication to family and community, without shunning the race hustlers and pop-culture sham artists, without protecting our borders, language, and culture, the nation that once was the land of the free and home of the brave" and the "one last hope of mankind will repeat the catastrophic mistakes of the past. "In Mortal Danger" is his prescription for repairing the damage.

Tancredo's motto of "I'm not going to Washington just to take up space. I'm going to make a difference" rings loud and clear in this book. This book will make a difference. Americans can't afford NOT to read this book!

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